Napolitano: Border could be ‘more safe’ Stephen Dinan Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Tuesday the U.S.-Mexico border is not as secure as it could be, though she contended that the Obama administration has shown an “absolute laserlike focus on that border.” The border’s status has become a critical issue as Democrats push for […] The Jihadists’ Deadly Path to Citizenship Michelle Malkin Wednesday, May 05, 2010 America’s homeland security amnesia never ceases to amaze. In the aftermath of the botched Times Square terror attack over the weekend, Pakistani-born bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad’s U.S. citizenship status caused a bit of shock and awe. The Atlantic magazine writer Jeffrey Goldberg’s […]
——————————————————————————– The Arizona Immigration Law, the Oil Spill and Government Failure The controversies over the Arizona immigration plan and the Obama Administration’s response to the oil spill in the Gulf may not seem related, but they have a key common characteristic: both originate in the failure of Washington. In both cases, President Obama faces a […]
THE MEDIA IS SO CLUELESS…IT’S LIKE ASKING WHAT THE SHOE BOMBER HAD AGAINST HIS SNEAKER….RSK Â What Could Have Possessed Him? May 5 Written by: Diana West Above is a photo from Fitna, Geert Wilders’ remarkable short film about what we know but won’t admit:Â Islam is waging jihad on the West to bring sharia […]
SCHOENFELD’S BOOK IS COMING OUT LATER THIS MONTH!!…..Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and the Rule of Law…..Norton Washington Post, May 5, 2010 Counterterrorism and the Press By Gabriel Schoenfeld A terrible disaster in Times Square was averted thanks to the quick action of New York residents and police and also, perhaps, the incompetence of […]
DURING WORLD WAR 11 SOME JEWS, UNDER THREAT OF LIFE COOPERATED….I DO NOT SIT IN JUDGEMENT….THESE JEWS ARE UNDER NO THREAT FROM ANYONE….THEY ARE TRAITORS AND WHEN THE RISING TIDE OF EURO/MOSLEM ANTI-SEMITISM COMES LAPPING AT THEIR ANKLES…..I WOULD NOT LIFT A PINKIE TO HELP THEM….RSK Â Â Monday, 3 May 2010 JCall : The […] Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Lucky in New York, again Police work can’t fight poisonous ideology by Joel Mowbray Because of smoke and “pop, pop, pop” noises coming from the Nissan Pathfinder parked in the heart of Times Square, alert street vendors knew to flag down a police officer, averting catastrophe. While the celebration that […]
 Click here: California = the Venezuela of North America! – Maggie’s Farm!.html California = the Venezuela of North America! The June issue of Chief Executive magazine confirms that while my residence in California has wonderful climate and well-educated people, otherwise I live in a state ranked by 651 chief executives across the country […] In the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, respondents were asked their views of Israel. The numbers should remind American Jews that their loyalty to the Democratic Party is not repaid with fond feelings toward the Jewish state. Among those polled, 15 percent have a very favorable view of Israel, and 40 percent a […]
Former US Ambassador John Bolton: Obama Damages Israeli Security by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu John Bolton, former United States ambassador to the United Nations, told Bar Shem-Ur on IDF Army Radio Tuesday morning that â€[U.S. President Barack] Obama is harming Israeli security and is playing into the hands of [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad†by agreeing to […]