Tikkun Magazine, which I have long criticized for spewing hatred against Israel, is now trying to silence me by employing old fashioned McCarthyism tactics. They are blaming me for inciting a group of protesters who apparently glued some political signs to the house of Michael Lerner’s, who runs Tikkun. Of course I don’t know […]
 Setting the stage for the administration’s next act. Israel’s stance on nuclear arms complicates efforts against Iran By WALTER PINCUS Tuesday, May 4, 2010; A21 It’s buried as Point 31 in a working paper being circulated by Egypt and other nonaligned parties at the Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference in New York: a pledge by countries […]
SOMETHING IS REALLY ROTTEN AT THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO It is not about political correctness. It is not about gender. It is not only about cronyism at the expense of academics. Now that the Ivies and other prestige colleges are driving parents to the poorhouse and students to inculcated ignorance we should push good […]
SEE WHO ENDORSES RUBIO….AN IMPRESSIVE LIST Â Â ON ISRAEL:, Florida Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio was asked if he would support a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities by Israel. Rubio responded:Â Israel has to do whatever Israel needs to do for their own national security. You would hope the United States, […] Â The War on Freedom How do you take away the freedom of a free people without putting tanks on every street? You do it by transforming their culture. By turning the very idea of freedom into something ugly and shameful. A foul thing to be associated with extremists and other bad folk that […]  HOME > PUBLICATIONS > Exclusive: Protecting the Home Front is Job #1 IN THIS SECTION Congressional Financial Hearings  How do you think the congressional financial hearings will go this week?  Not worried at all – Wall Street is out of control and they must be regulated. Very worried – Congress is […]
Our World: Convenient moral blindness By CAROLINE GLICK 03/05/2010  The fact of the matter is that defending Israel against its enemies – on campuses, in the media – isn’t a freedom of speech issue. Moral blindness in the face of evil is depravity. But in the upside-down moral universe of our world, moral blindness has […] Times Square: It’s the jihad, stupid Posted By Roger L Simon If you were listening to Geraldo on Sunday night (okay, I apologize), you would have thought the would-be Times Square bomber was either the illegitimate son of Timothy McVeigh or an evangelical minister overdosed on steroids looking for an abortion clinic. Geraldo was […]
Ahmadinejad Swaggers at the UN Posted By Robert Spencer Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was back in New York Monday, continuing his effort to intimidate and shame Barack Obama into dropping his policy of retaining first-strike capability against rogue states such as Iran. For 35 minutes at the UN, Ahmadinejad did his best impression of an […]  These are strange days for New York City’s finest. Over the weekend, they deployed in force to find the terrorist who tried to bomb Times Square. Yesterday, they deployed in force to protect the terrorist who is president of Iran. One of these guys works in propane, fireworks and gasoline; the other guy […]