These are strange days for New York City’s finest. Over the weekend, they deployed in force to find the terrorist who tried to bomb Times Square. Yesterday, they deployed in force to protect the terrorist who is president of Iran. One of these guys works in propane, fireworks and gasoline; the other guy […]  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should get out more. We mean that without irony. The Iranian President spoke yesterday in New York at the start of the U.N. conference reviewing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and nothing could have done more to expose the folly of relying on arms control to maintain global security. The Iranian couldn’t […]  New York Times Square bomb: three passengers removed from Dubai flight Three passengers were removed from a New York to Dubai flight after a Pakistani-American was arrested in connection with a failed car bombing in New York’s Times Square while trying to board a plane to the Emirate state.  Faisal Shahzad was accused […]
WHY WOULD BRAVE CUBAN DISSIDENTS TRUST ANYTHING COMING FROM THE US? THEY REMEMBER THE ELIAN GONZALEZ TRAVESTY IN APRIL 2000 WHEN UNDER ORDERS FROM US ATTORNEY GE. JANET RENO FEDERAL AGENTS IN COMBAT GEAR SEIZED THE SIX YEAR OLD CHILD AND DEPORTED HIM TO CUBA…..WHERE WAS THE SENATE THEN?  RSK Senate: U.S. broadcasts to […] WHAT HAPPENED TO THE UBIQUITOUS NEWS REPORTS THT THE SUSPECT WAS A FORTY YEAR OLD “WHITE” MAN?…..RSK  By Colleen Long and Tom Hays ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — A Pakistani man believed to be the driver of an SUV used as a car bomb in a failed terror attack on Times Square was […]  “Cuba Si!—Arizona No! “ Says Mexican President Felipe Calderon (Among Many Others) Humberto Fontova Tuesday, May 04, 2010 Mexican President Felipe Calderon can hardly contain his revulsion and rage against Arizona’s SB 1070. He’s “deeply troubled” reports the Associated Press over a law he denounces as “discriminatory and racist,” not to mention “a […]  In Pursuit of Prey, Carrying Philosophy By DWIGHT GARNER THE FLIGHT OF THE INTELLECTUALS By Paul Berman 299 pages. Melville House. $26. Paul Berman’s new book, “The Flight of the Intellectuals,†plural, might as easily have been titled “The Flight of the Intellectual,†singular. It is essentially a booklong polemic against one magazine […] Israel Resource Review OIL, CELL PHONES AND MOUNTAIN JEWS:WHAT FUELS AZERBAIJAN’S GOOD RELATIONS WITH ISRAEL? By Rhonda Spivak, attorney, writer, and member of Canadian & Israel Bar Associations, now edits Winnipeg Jewish Review at Rhonda Spivak Azerbaijan, a country made up mostly of Shiite Muslims, with only 25,000 Jews, has some rather […]  The Worst of the West By JOSEF JOFFE ILL FARES THE LAND By Tony Judt This little book is a cri de coeur — an outburst of rage and sorrow in equal parts. The language of “Ill Fares the Land†is felicitous and polished, as befits such an intelligent and erudite author. […]
Palestine Betrayed by Efraim Karsh Yale, 336 pp., $32.50 Reviewed by Daniel Pipes National Review May 17, 2010 Nakba, the Arabic word for “catastrophe,” has entered the English language in reference to the Arab–Israeli conflict. As defined by the anti-Israel website The Electronic Intifada, Nakba means “the expulsion and dispossession of hundreds of thousands […]