Terrorism Doesn’t Go Away When You Ignore It Terrorism doesn’t go away when you ignore it. Much like a massive oil spill, it doesn’t go away just because you want to play golf or bask in the attention of a worshipful press at a Correspondents Dinner that seems to have more celebrities, both Hollywood and […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/  http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.6119/pub_detail.asp  Exclusive: How the Convention on the Rights of the Child Will Destroy Family Sanctity: Adam Raezler  http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.6122/pub_detail.asp Exclusive: Even If It Were a Joke, It Wouldn’t Be Funny: Gadi EdelmanThe United Nations elects misogynist Iran to The Commission on the Status of Women, which is “dedicated exclusively to gender equality […]
http://www.robinshepherdonline.com/bbc-reveals-half-hearted-stance-on-bigotry-as-top-uk-comedian-remains-unrepentant-at-angry-jew-slur/#more-2617  ROBIN SHEPHERD  I have written many times about the BBC’s softball approach to the rampant anti-Semitism in the Arab and Muslim world. But what happens when it gushes forth from a source closer to home? The saga surrounding top British comedian Frankie Boyle, who on a BBC radio show said Palestine was […]
http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,druck-692295,00.ht‘Syria Is Today a Vassal State of Tehran’ Ribal al-Assad, the cousin of Syrian President Bashar Assad, is an advocate of greater democracy in Syria. He talks to SPIEGEL ONLINE about Iran’s influence on the country, allegations that Damascus supplied Hezbollah with weapons and the conditions for a peace deal with Israel. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Syria […]
http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/05/the_crux_of_islams_hatred_agai.html The crux of Islam’s hatred against the Jews  Jerry Philipson The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the United States and Egypt are discussing an agreement which would see the Middle East, including Israel and Iran, become a nuclear free zone. The Daily Telegraph newspaper in England reports that President Obama is threatening […]
The Vaccine “War†or Potential Vaccine-gate? http://www.newsrealblog.com/2010/05/02/the-vaccine-%e2%80%9cwar%e2%80%9d-or-potential-vaccine-gate/ 2010 May 2 by Rhonda Robinson  The vaccine-autism controversy is, and should be, an issue of concern to all parents. When you consider that most vaccines are compulsory, the current autism rate, and our uncertain future in hands of ObamaCare, how this controversy plays out should be […]
http://frontpagemag.com/2010/05/03/times-square-car-bomb-a-jihad/print/ Times Square Car Bomb: A Jihad? Posted By Robert Spencer On May 3, 2010 Like the Fort Hood jihad massacre and virtually all such attacks and attempted attacks these days, the car bomb discovered in Times Square Saturday was initially dismissed as having nothing to do with terrorism. The New York Times reported: “A […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703630404575053510187558820.html?mod=WSJ_newsreel_opinion   With the headlines full of oil spills and immigration, the Obama Administration’s regulatory agenda is getting little attention. That’s a mistake. Consider the Environmental Protection Agency’s effort to revive an assault on atrazine, one of the oldest, most well-established agricultural chemicals on the market. Just this past week, the EPA held its […]
Free Speech for Some Unions get a pass from new campaign finance disclosure rules. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703871904575216080056585558.html?mod=WSJ_newsreel_opinion Democrats in Congress last week introduced White House-backed legislation that would indirectly reinstate free-speech restrictions that the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional in January. Backers say the measure will force disclosure of corporate money in politics, but the real goal is […]
Get Ready for a Nuclear Iran Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and others will surely follow suit. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703871904575216260958684670.html Get Ready for a Nuclear Iran Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and others will surely follow suit. By JOHN BOLTON Negotiations grind on toward a fourth U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution against Iran’s nuclear weapons program, even as President […]