PETREAUSOLOGY? IT’S THE “CONFLICT” THAT FUELS EVERYTHING….RSK « Obama Wrecking US Diplomatic Credibility, Squandering Diplomatic Capital In The Middle East | Main | Omri Ceren Show – 6:30pm PST – Mainstreaming Libels And Canards, Dan Diker On The Regional Reality, Etc. »  AP: Arab States Bowing To Iran Because Of Israeli Settlement ConstructionJews building […] On the wrong side of history Thursday, 1st April 2010 If any of those who continue to believe that Barack Obama is anything other than a disaster for the defence of civilisation retain any functioning grey matter at all, this interview with Harvard clinical instructor in psychiatry and commentator on Israel Kenneth Levin […]
“One is reminded of the question, how can you tell when a politician is lying? Easy, his lips are moving.” Â The Full Measure of Joe Biden’s Hypocrisy on Jerusalem Not that long ago, Joseph Robinette Biden was supposedly gravely insulted by Israel announcing that potential housing to be built in Jerusalem had passed one stage […] HOW VERY APPROPRIATE THAT THIS IS APPEARING AT THE “TOYNBEE HALL’….THE LATE AND VERY UNLAMENTED ARNOLD TOYNBEE WAS A NASTY ANTI-SEMITE AND ENEMY OF ISRAEL…..RSK UK conference on Islam in Italy boasts of coming Islamic conquest Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is said to have predicted the Islamic conquest first of Constantinople (“the […]
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Mexico City this month as part of a delegation to underscore concern over Mexico’s drug violence. “These appalling assaults on members of our own State Department family are, sadly, part of a growing tragedy besetting many communities in Mexico,” Mrs. Clinton said
Fatal Thinking By Pamela Geller The conventional thinking around the Beltway and its perimeter is that we still have time to address Iran’s nukes. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, however, said Wednesday that “the Zionist regime and its backers” (that means the U.S. — apparently he hasn’t been keeping up with Obama’s harassment of Israel) “cannot do a […]
When Media Become Obama PR Agents By Richard Baehr The media’s tongue bath for President Obama knows no bounds. We all know that President Obama likes to play basketball. We also know his picks in the NCAA brackets and his percentile ranking among four million-plus entries after each round of the tournament on CBS’s website. […] Details of British Muslim students could be given to CIA Personal details of almost 1,000 British Muslim students could be placed on US terror watch lists because of the police investigation into the Detroit bomb. By Alastair Jamieson Names, email and home addresses of members of the Islamic Society at the University College London […]
Stall, Baby, Stall [Sarah Palin] Many Americans fear that President Obama’s new energy proposal is once again “all talk and no real action,†this time in an effort to shore up fading support for the Democrats’ job-killing cap-and-trade (a.k.a. cap-and-tax) proposals. Behind the rhetoric lie new drilling bans and leasing delays; soon to follow are […]
Target Israel Posted By Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Kenneth Levin, a clinical instructor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, a Princeton-trained historian, and a commentator on Israeli politics. He is the author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege. [1] FP: Kenneth Levin, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I would […]