Taliban Gaining Strength in Afghanistan, Pentagon Says Posted: 04/29/10Filed Under:Afghanistan, Military 92 Comments + Join the discussion »TEXT SIZE:AAAPRINT SHARE Despite major recent offensives by coalition forces against the insurgency in Afghanistan, the Taliban is gaining strength and expanding its reach and influence, according to a new Pentagon report. The assessment says the Taliban’s […]
The U.S.-Israel Crisis May Be Over and We Can “Celebrate” the Achievement of Nothing By Barry Rubin* April 30, 2010 We depend on your tax-deductible contributions. To make one, please send a check to: American Friends of IDC, 116 East 16th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10003. The check should be made out […]
Republicans, Democrats and Israel By Caroline B. Glick | Bipartisan support for Israel has been one of the greatest casualties of US President Barack Obama’s assault on the Jewish state. Today, as Republican support for Israel reaches new heights, support for Israel has become a minority position among Democrats. Consider the numbers. During Operation […]
 Judith Apter Klinghoffer AMERICANS, IF NOT OBAMA, KNOW ISRAEL’S STRATEGIC VALUE  In a recent interview New York Senator Chuck Schumer noted that there is there is a battle going on inside the Obama administration about Israel and added correctly that such a battle is not unusual. The State Department tends to be Arabistwhile the Defense Department […]  MAY 2010 OUTPOST Full Story » HOW COULD IT HAPPEN? HERBERT ZWEIBON How Could It Happen? Herbert Zweibon  American Jews are now in a collective state of handwringing, asking “How could all this have happened? Who could have foreseen this terrible downturn of events?†            With all due respect, we at AFSI […]  READ ABOUT BILL McCOLLUM  ON HANNUKAH  ON HEALTHCARE  13 Attorneys General Sue Over Healthcare Overhaul13 Attorneys General Sue Over Healthcare Overhaul Â The Opening Round on Immigration When Arizona passed a law enforcing a Federal statute, Liberals across America reacted with their usual calm and rational approach of invoking the Nazis, boycotting anything with Arizona in its name including products that are not actually made in Arizona, and threatening a barrage of civil suits and […]
The long march to destroy Israel Posted: April 29, 2010 1:00 am Eastern By Chuck Morse © 2010 In the 1930s, Italian communist Antonio Gramsci advocated the “long march through the institutions” as the most effective means for communism to prevail in the Western democracies. He sought to overthrow capitalism and enthrone an authoritarian ideology […] April 29, 2010 Jimmy Carter and Sudan’s Genocidal Regime Dr. Walid Phares, Khairi Abaza Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is often lauded by the Arab world for championing the Palestinian cause. However, after stumbling into the world of Sudanese politics, Carter has lost all credibility. Inexplicably, Carter gave his blessing (with perfunctory caveats) to […]  Exclusive: Gen. Casey Strikes Out G. Murphy Donovan As Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME) threaten to subpoena the Justice Department and the Department of Defense for information on a domestic terrorist, we might want to review the bidding on Maj. Hasan and the brass at the Pentagon to date. Army Gen. George […]