“Commander on the Ground” vs. Reality on the Ground Apr 23 Written by: Diana West Friday, April 23, 2010 7:15 AM John Bernard, a 26-year veteran of the US Marine Corps who blogs at Let Them Fight or Bring Them Home, has posted an extremely important report from Afghanistan, which […]
NO URL…..APRIL 28TH MILITARY NEWS NICOSIA — Iran’s Defense Ministry has overseen the development and production of both reconnaissance and combat UAVs over the last year. Officials said the UAVs also include rotary-wing vehicles that could be deployed in urban warfare missions.  “These aircraft would be used for operations as well as surveillance, which means […]  On “dual loyalty” Posted By Stephen M. Walt Friday, April 2, 2010 – 1:05 PM Share Last week, the online journal Politico published a story by reporter Laura Rozen on certain divisions within the Obama administration on Middle East policy. What made the story especially explosive was a quotation from an unnamed administration […]  Articles & Commentary  How America Became a “Secular-Socialist Machine”  By Newt Gingrich  Washington Post Friday, April 23, 2010  An April 14 op-ed by Norman J. Ornstein, “The great ‘socialist’ smear,” argued that to those “outside the partisan and ideological wars,” it is “bizarre” to accuse the Obama administration of […]
“Part of the difficulty in imposing marriage age restrictions in this strictly religious society is attributable to the fact that Islam’s most revered figure, the Prophet Muhammad, himself wed a 9-year-old girl.” 12-Year-Old Saudi Girl Wins Divorce From Husband, 80 Â David Knowles Writer AOL News (April 22) — In a case that could spur […] Talking From The Wall By Marilyn Penn (bio) The exhibition on Henri Cartier-Bresson currently at MOMA is a vast retrospective of the photographer’s work as he traveled around the world documenting pivotal and marginal events with equal attention and artistry. As most people are aware by now, Cartier-Bresson formulated the concept of seizing the […]  What’s Comes after Death of Mideast Peace? Youssef M. Ibrahim It is not easy to belittle Aaron David Miller’s renunciation of what he described as ‘’False Religion of the Mideast Peace’’ in his essay published in Foreign Policy. Framed in impeccable logic with unchallenged knowledge from a man who more than any other […] Wilsonian Internationalism Reborn Posted By Herbert London There is a toxin coruscating through the international body politic that resembles Woodrow Wilson’s commitment to a world order based on global government. Among contemporary Wilsonians like Anne Marie Slaughter [1] and Harold Koh [2] of the State Department, there is a belief that international law and […]
REVIEW & OUTLOOK APRIL 23, 2010 The New Master of Wall Street Obama surveys the financial kingdom that may soon be his. President Obama is a gifted man, but until yesterday we hadn’t known that his achievements include having predicted the financial panic of 2008. It was a “failure of responsibility that I spoke about […]  Finding Dr. Schatz” – The Discovery of Streptomycin and A Life It Saved As part of his doctoral research, Albert Schatz, a twenty-three year-old graduate student at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, diligently worked alone in a basement laboratory to find an antibiotic against tuberculosis. In October of 1943, Schatz discovered […]