Gates Says U.S. Lacks Policy to Curb Iran’s Nuclear Drive By DAVID E. SANGER and THOM SHANKER WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has warned in a secret three-page memorandum to top White House officials that the United States does not have an effective long-range policy for dealing with Iran’s steady progress toward nuclear […] By Ted Belman (written in Nov 07) I attended a lecture tonight by Jacques Gauthier, a Canadian Lawyer who just received his PhD after twenty years of research on the legal status of Jerusalem and the writing of a dissertation of some 1300 pages with 3000 footnotes. He had to present his thesis to […]
Is Obama Using Israel as a Scapegoat for His Foreign Policy Failures? Posted By Moshe Dann Though needing to handle dozens of difficult issues around the world, President Obama seems obsessed with one: the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Obama’s administration has been on the warpath with Israel from the beginning, picking fights over issues that have been […]
DEAR E-PALS: Forgive me if I bow out of all those e-mails and columns detailing Israel’s admittedly impressive scientific, cultural, environmental, economic and social institutions. Well it’s nice to know but frankly my dears, I don’t give a damn. The Israel at 62 that I celebrate the Israel Defense Force whose navy’s vessels part the […]  April 17, 2010 Republican Officials Attacked and Injured in New Orleans By Humberto Fontova Friday night a week ago in New Orleans a petite female political operative and her boyfriend were attacked and seriously injured by a vicious group of crazed cowards who shrieked political insults while pouncing.  After the pummeling, the petite […]  The War of Ideas: Jihadism Against Democracy By Raymond Ibrahim After the strikes of 9/11, a plethora of books dealing with the threat of radical Islam appeared in the West. In The War of Ideas: Jihad Against Democracy, Dr.Walid Phares-who has been studying Islamism and its impact on international relations decades before 9/11 […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor April 17, 2010 7:00 A.M.  The Kids Are Alright Holder cows Republican senators into silence on the Gitmo Bar and the CIA. So now we know why the self-proclaimed “most transparent administration in American history†continues to stonewall rather than reveal the official responsibilities […]
Putin wins again By RALPH PETERS Jeez, this guy is good. A few years back, I wrote that Russia’s Prime Minis ter Vladimir Putin was the most impressive major leader on today’s world stage. Since then, he’s gotten better. Back then, he was eating President George W. Bush for breakfast. Now he’s snacking on […] We knew, it was only a matter of time… 16 04 2010 From “Scientific†American via Reuters, proof positive that global warming is omnipotent and is intertwined into anything you choose it to be. Why, even the inner Earth bends to its will. And we all know that once the inner Earth gets out, we’re […]  …HERE IS MY E-PAL JOEL B. POLLAK NOMINEE FOR CONGRESS R-IL NINTH DSTRICT…. AND PLEASE SEE THIS VIDEO OF HIM AT THE TEA PARTY….YOU’LL LOVE IT!!!…..RSK  Max Blumenthal Trashes Roth Report On Antisemitism Posted by Joel B. Pollak Max Blumenthal, a blogger who has frequently accused prominent conservative activists of racism, has trashed […]