,1518,682734,00.html Nuclear Disarmament The Missile Shield Deadlock between the US and Russia By Christian Neef REUTERS US President Barack Obama has a vision of a world without nuclear weapons. But disarmament talks with Russian President Dimitry Medvedev are proving difficult. The US and Russia are currently negotiating a successor to the START nuclear disarmament treaty. […] No wonder he’s smiling… Wednesday, 10th March 2010 Israel is in the doghouse with America because it revealed during the visit by US Vice-President Joe Biden that it was building more houses for Israelis in east Jerusalem. According to Biden and outraged western received opinion, this ‘undermines peace efforts’. Why? To be more precise, […] Building Homes March 11, 2010 – by P. David Hornik Here we go again. What has Israel done now? With Vice President Joe Biden here for a visit, the Israeli Interior Ministry “announced that approval had been granted to build new housing units in Ramat Shlomo, an ultra-Orthodox community of 20,000 north of downtown […]
READ MORE ABOUT THESE WONDERFUL WOMEN AND THEIR FLYING MACHINES….RSK  WWII female pilots win belated recognition  Kimberly Hefling ASSOCIATED PRESS They flew planes during World War II but weren’t considered “real” military pilots. No flags were draped over their coffins when they died on duty. And when their service ended, they had to […]
FOR THE SAKE OF BREVITY LET’S CALL THEM “FATAHAMAS” SINCE THEY HAVE IDENTICAL GOALS? RSK Bold new Gaza play skewers Fatah and Hamas A new play has shocked audiences in the Gaza strip by shouting out what many in the Hamas-ruled territory mutter behind closed doors – that Palestinian politicians are a bunch of […]
All the News Unfit to Print Posted By Andrea Levin What the New York Times chooses to cover in the Arab-Israeli conflict – and what it excludes – is a story in itself. The paper’s silence, as of this writing, about an event that has rocked the Israeli media and public and triggered calls for […]
Remembering a Dissident  Posted by Jamie Glazov on Mar 11th, 2010 and filed under FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. […]
WILDERS IS A CHURCHILL FOR TODAY….AND K&K WOULD HAVE CALLED HIM A “DEMAGOGUE” FOR WARNING ABOUT THE HUN…..RSK Krauthammer on Wilders: ignorant, naive, and wrong Geert Wilders, said Charles Krauthammer, is “extreme, radical, and wrong.” In reality, Charles Krauthammer is ignorant, naive, and wrong. From “Krauthammer’s Take” at National Review, March 9: …What he […] Dhimmitude at the State Department: Official apologizes for remarks about Libya’s declaration of jihad against Switzerland Instead, he should be calling on Gaddafi to apologize for the double standard of his call for Muslims to undertake economic jihad against Switzerland for banning minarets when non-Muslim religious practice is restricted far more severely than cosmetic […] Jihad Jane arrest raises fears of “homegrown terrorists,” but no one really wants to do anything about it The one thing that can and should be done would be to call American Muslim groups to account, and demand that they institute in mosques and Islamic schools comprehensive, honest, inspectable programs teaching against the jihad […]