By: Amil Imani America: Break the Silence on Islam Tuesday, 16 March 2010 The American people must hear the truth about Islam continually until they are completely aware of its dangers. Sadly, our Churches dare not speak up for fear of being accused of intolerance toward another religion. Our academia, the university professors, left […]
Current Events The Sickness of the West Paul Johnson, 03.15.10, 6:00 PM ET The world is groaning beneath a mountain of debt, but that’s not the real problem. History shows repeatedly that debt can quickly be paid off once confidence is restored and men and women set to work with a will. But for that […]
March 17, 2010 Is Fox News tilting toward the Arabs? Jed Gladstein I wondered how long it would take after Saudi money was insinuated into Rupert Murdoch’s empire before anti-Semitism hit the Fox News airwaves in the form of tug-at-your-heart, pro-Arab, mini-hit pieces against the State of Israel. It didn’t take long. Did anyone notice […]
by Jonathan Rosenblum Yated Ne’eman March 17, 2010 Vice-President Joseph Biden’s visit to Israel last week was touted in advance as an effort by the Obama administration to reassure Israelis of its warm feelings for Israel. Things did not quite work out that way. Indeed Israel’s ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told […] Ukraine’s “No” to NATO: An Example for Serbia By Srdja Trifkovic Wednesday, 17 Mar 2010 Ukraine’s decision to pass a law that will prevent the country from joining NATO should be a model for Serbia to follow. The government in Belgrade is still intent on seeking NATO membership, and it is still encouraged to […] Ibrahimi Mosque “Is Turned Into a Synagogue and an Archeological Site – And the Jews Come to Defile It” ‘Alloush: “Uncle Hassan! Uncle Hassan!” Uncle Hassan: “My God, why are you so happy, ‘Alloush?” ‘Alloush: “I am like the grown-ups, watching the news.” Uncle Hassan: “Good, I hope it will be a good day […]
At Play In The Fields Of Allah – Or Our Pathetic Inability To Say The I-Word GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary By Don Feder 03-17-10 The Religion of Peace had a swinging time in Nigeria, with what it swings best — machetes. On March 7, Muslim mobs, thus armed, massacred more than 500 Christians in three villages […]
MARCH 17, 2010, 6:41 P.M. ET How About an Arab ‘Settlement’ Freeze? Why are 21 countries with 800 times more land so obsessed with Israel? By RUTH R. WISSE When she is surrounded by a swirl of conversation she cannot understand, my two-year-old granddaughter turns to me expectantly: “What they talking about, Bubbe?” Right now, […]
It is time to speak out for all who believe that Jews have the same political freedom, national, civil and religious liberties as every other people to live anywhere in the world, including the right to live anywhere in Jerusalem, Judaism’s eternal capital. To suggest, demand, or even submit to anything less is to support overt […]
KNOWING HIS PROCLIVITIES HE WAS PROBABLY LOOKING FOR CALL GIRLS .EVE…WHY DO ISRAELIS INSIST THAT THESE THUGS VISIT YAD VASHEM? I WOULD MAKE IT A SHRINE TO BE SEEN BY ONLY BY FRIENDS….RSK Lula visits Arafat tomb, officials fume By HERB KEINON 18/03/2010 Brazil’s president ignores new Israeli protocol marking Herzl’s 150th birthday. Foreign Ministry […]