PRUDEN: Obama’s two-step to the right Wesley Pruden A deathbed conversion is better than no conversion at all, unless the convert survives and retreats from his new convictions. Barack Obama is hale, healthy and very much alive, for which we can be thankful. His agenda is not so slowly assuming room temperature. When the […] Biden seeks test ban and end to all U.S. nukes Bill Gertz The Obama administration will move ahead with Senate ratification of a treaty banning nuclear tests that was voted down by Republicans more than a decade ago, Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. said Thursday. In a speech setting out the administration’s arms-control […]  Colonel Mike Osborn Colonel Mike Osborn, who has died aged 92, had an adventurous career in which he was awarded a DSO and an MC, and played a leading part in the arrest of Heinrich Himmler.   In May 1945, Osborn was serving with Tactical HQ 2nd Army in the closing phase […] Fatah members linked with assassination of Hamas commander in Dubai Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader, is facing accusations of collusion with Israel after two former members of his Fatah faction were linked to the assassination of a Hamas commander in Dubai last month. By Adrian Blomfield in Tel Aviv Published: 6:00AM GMT 19 Feb […] A Green Tea Party States’ Rights: A revolt against economic hardship imposed by unelected bureaucrats based on junk science is brewing. This Tea Party movement wants the faulty finding on carbon dioxide to be reviewed and dumped. They say you shouldn’t mess with Texas, and on Tuesday the state filed suit to overturn the […]  Capt. Roger Hill Tonight on CNN’s “AC 360” Feb 18 Written by: Diana West Left to right: Capt Roger Hill, Officer in Charge of the Honor Guard at Ronald Reagan’s funeral, and in Afghanistan. Remember Capt. Roger Hill? Almost exactly one year ago to the day, I wrote: After four years at West […]
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Speaks At Saudi College Founded By U.S. Designated Terrorist HUMA ABEDIN IS ENGAGED TO REP. ANTHONY WEINER OF NEW YORK….AIN’T LOVE GRAND? Global media are reporting that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has addressed students at the Dar El-Hekma women’s college in Saudi Arabia, known to have been co-founded and patronized by […]
J Street’s Wheels Coming Off The Bus in Israel  The centuries old Islamic doctrine of “Al Taqiyya” or sacralized lying in order to further the interests of the ummah or community of believers has been remarkably taken up by the hard left group, J Street. Raymond Ibrahim (The Al Qaeda Reader) recently published […]
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Matt. 7:15 by Lori Lowenthal Marcus Several news stories recently covered what was cast as a diplomatic faux pas by Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon. The implication was that Ayalon should apologize for not meeting with visiting members of congress for what, it was suggested, was an […] Five Muslim soldiers arrested at Fort Jackson for trying to poison the food supply They were arrested just before Christmas, but we are only learning about it now, almost two months later. Why the long delay? Was this yet another coverup? Who ordered it, and why? “CBN Exclusive: Five Muslim Soldiers Arrested at Fort […]