Penn State opens probe into climate-change researcher’s work By Mike Cronin PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW Thursday, February 4, 2010 Fearing erosion of public confidence in research climate-change scientist Michael Mann conducted, Penn State University officials said Wednesday they will formally investigate the co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. School officials dismissed three allegations against Mann […]
Islamic Nazis Posted By Robert Spencer [1] No one told the Islamic Nazis that they lost World War II. The former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, recently asserted that Jews in Europe had “always been a problem.†He claimed that “they had to be confined to ghettos and periodically massacred. But still they remained, […]
Palestinian Prime Minister to Israeli Audience: You Make Concessions, We Don’tBy Barry Rubin* February 4, 2010 Imagine this. You’re prime minister of a regime that isn’t yet a state. You are praised in the Western media as a great moderate man of peace. You represent a people who the U.S. president says is in […]
It’s now official: In 2009 the number of unionized workers who work for the government surpassed those in the private economy for the first time. This milestone explains a lot about modern American politics, in particular the paradox that union clout with Democrats has increased even as fewer workers belong to unions overall. The Bureau […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy February 4, 2010 4:00 A.M. ‘Merely Organized to Convict’ Sage advice for Holder from his professed role model. Attorney General Eric Holder keeps on the wall of his office a portrait of Justice Robert Jackson, who was attorney general under FDR. Holder explains that Jackson is one of […] Â Cost Cutting Travel Tips from the White House Once again Obama has spoken out against the wastefulness of taking planes to Las Vegas and spending money there. And while some Nevada lawmakers are criticizing his remarks, I for one fully support and endorse them. It is wasteful to take a plane trip to […],1518,675738,00.html SPIEGEL ONLINE 02/03/2010 03:05 PM The World from Berlin Obama’s No-Show Disappoints Europe US President Barack Obama’s decision not to attend an EU-US summit in Madrid in May has left many on this side of the Atlantic worrying that the European Union has lost clout in Washington. When Washington announced this week that US […]
SPIEGEL ONLINE 02/02/2010 06:04 PM Kremlin in the Crosshairs Environmentalists Seethe Over Russian Luxury Dachas By Benjamin Bidder and Wladimir Pyljow Is environmental protection being abandoned for the sake of a colony of luxury dachas near Russia’s Sochi resort, where the 2014 Winter Olympics are slated to take place? A resort has been planned for […] Professor of Contempt The legacy of Howard Zinn. With Howard Zinn, contemporary American academia found its court historian. Zinn, who died January 27 at 87, was like a gigantic echo chamber, accurately reproducing — and actively reinforcing — every left-wing cliché with which the academy has abetted its sense of election these past several […] February 3, 2010 Exclusive: Chris Matthews Compares GOP to Khmer Rouge – Where’s The Sense of Proportion? Pam Meister Appearing as a guest on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show on January 29th, “Hardball†host Chris Matthews compared what is going on in the Republican Party to the re-education camps in Cambodia during the reign of […]