White House defends Obama envoy to OIC: “This is an individual that has written extensively on why some have used religious devices like the Qur’an to justify this [terrorism] and why that is absolutely wrong” It’s all right that he defended a jihad terror leader and then tried to cover up that fact, because […] Fitzgerald: Joe Stack, Nihad Awad, Andrew Sullivan, and Terrorism Last week a 53-year-old software engineer, Joseph Stack, became enraged about his business failures, and tax problems he had had all during the 1980s and 1990s, and, in particular, with a provision in the Code called “Treatment of Certain Technical Personnel.” In his suicide-note-and-farewell, Stack […] Cuba’s Free and Fabulous Healthcare Humberto Fontova Tuesday, February 23, 2010 Back in August 2009 BB (Before Scott Brown) CNN was frantically producing infomercials for Obama’s healthcare plan. Lucky for them Michael Moore had a handy supply of valuable footage from his infomercials for Castro’s healthcare plan. So on the August 6 edition of […] Just What Kind Of Crazy Is Ahmadinejad? By RICHARD COHENPosted 02/22/2010 06:53 PM ET View Enlarged Image A question relating to Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons program: Is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad crazy like Adolf Hitler, or is he crazy like, of all people, Richard Nixon? Nixon had a term for his own sort of […]
Jerusalem city wall from 10th century B.C.E. uncovered 22 Feb 2010 Hebrew Unviersity excavations have revealed a section of an ancient city wall of Jerusalem from the tenth century B.C.E. – possibly built by King Solomon. Dr. Eilat Mazar next to an 8 meter section of the corner tower that was excavated (Communicated by the […]
Illinois Senate Race: Familiar Radical, Anti-Israel Ties                                                                                                   Until he raised lots of money for the Obama campaign, Alexi Giannoulias, an unknown in political circles, had never voted in an election. Today he is running for the hotly contested Illinois Senate seat once held by Obama, and a familiar cast of radical and anti-Israel ties […]’s-three-part-prescription-for-financial-recovery/ ” An immediate moratorium on federal hiring. Total. Across the board. Senate staffer leaves, he is not replaced. Under-under-secretary for coddling dictators retires, she is not replaced. All those bloated, inefficient government bureaucracies go on an immediate diet: they slim the easy way, via attrition. We start this tomorrow, maybe today, and we keep […]
UK officer defends Israeli forces By John McManus BBC News A former senior British army officer has said international media including the BBC are being exploited by “dark forces” who want to harm Israel. Col Richard Kemp, who was a commander in Afghanistan, said some international criticism of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) was motivated […]
Hugo Chávez left in the dark as El Niño plays power politics Weather is causing all kinds of havoc in Venezuela Hugo Chávez may be wondering, as Venezuela’s taps run dry and its cities fall into darkness, whether God is on the side of the Yankees. The El Niño weather phenomenon appears to be taking […] Â The Appeal of Islam – Islamism is a Reaction to Multiculturalism To understand the danger posed by Islam, one must first understand its Islam. And I don’t mean its spiritual appeal, because Islam is not a particularly spiritual belief system. It is not really much of a belief system at all, so much […]