Middle East Quarterly Winter 2010, pp. 69-74 http://www.meforum.org/2593/pervez-amirali-hoodbhoy-islam-science Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy (b. 1950) is one of South Asia’s leading nuclear physicists and perhaps Pakistan’s preeminent intellectual. Bearer of a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , he is chairman of the department of physics at Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad where, as a high-energy physicist, […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor February 18, 2010 4:00 A.M. http://article.nationalreview.com/425301/kill-or-capture/andrew-c-mccarthy Kill or Capture? A tricky question of life, death, and incentives. A few years ago, I got into an argument with an expert on military operations. I had written a white paper proposing the creation of a national-security court for […]
Islamic Indoctrination vs. Education Posted By Nonie Darwish On February 18, 2010 Remember the Muslim Television executive, Muzzammil Hassan, who decapitated his wife near Buffalo, New York? His TV station, Bridges TV, was created to promote the idea that Islam is a religion of peace and friendship. This station’s goals perfectly fit with the intense […]
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/02/dhimmitude-in-space-obama-asks-nasa-to-reach-out-to-muslim-countries.html Dhimmitude in space: Obama asks NASA to reach out to Muslim countries “We really like Indonesia…” Check out the latest Jihad Watch news from modern, moderate Indonesia here. And why is it incumbent upon the U.S. to help Muslim countries with space technology? Will this end the jihad? Does Obama think it will? Or […]
This is such a tidy scenario that could fool someone, but the Saudis are perfectly happy to use Israel for the time being….since they can’t count on Obama and Clinton’s feeble finger wagging. The House of Saud is an Islamothugocracy….whose “hudna” with Israel and Jews is a very temporary accommodation to save them so that […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Â The War on Terror is Not Optional America faces two major policy challenges today, Government Reform and the War on Terror. And neither of them are optional. We have to reform government to create a leaner and meaner America, that offers more personal freedoms and much less spending. And we have to fight […]
http://www.mererhetoric.com/archives/11276028.html#more Muslim Groups Outrageously Outraged That FBI Used Dog In Raid On Puppy-Shooting Imam Muslim Groups Outrageously Outraged That FBI Used Dog In Raid On It’s probably unfair to call this sharia-advocating radical cleric a puppy shooter. The animal he tried to put three bullets into – this in the course of an FBI raid […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.5529/pub_detail.asp Exclusive: The Airhead Liberal Political Disorder Robert Weissberg On Wednesday, February 10th, the American Psychiatric Association proposed its latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the Association’s official, encyclopedia-like catalogue of psychiatric disorders. The DSM’s certification has enormous consequences for dispensing therapy, insurance payments, future research and peoples’ self-definition. This latest DSM […]
http://badrachel.blogspot.com/ Hillary and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Foreign Policy Day(s) In a way, you can’t blame her for her haplessness, secretarially speaking. Her own experience with matters foreign—being “shot at†by Bosnian “snipers,†for one, or, for another, kissing Suha Arafat while Mrs. Arafat’s blood-soaked husband was shoveling the untold millions he’d […]
http://www.nationalterroralert.com/updates/2010/02/16/arlington-pair-ordered-held-without-bail-bomb-incident/ A federal judge in Fort Worth has ordered two people to remain in custody without bail who were arrested last weekend in an incident that brought the bomb squad to east Fort Worth. We first reported the story here. Arlington residents Kimberly Al-Homsi, 45, and Yasinul Ansari, 18, made their first appearance before Judge […]