Taliban Wants to Exchange U.S. Soldier for ‘Lady Al-Qaeda’ Posted By Annie Jacobsen Last week, a jury in a New York federal court convicted Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui [1] on two counts of attempted murder. In 2008, while detained in Afghanistan, Siddiqui grabbed a rifle and fired at Army officers and FBI agents. Now, in […]
Abbas aide sex tape scandal shakes Palestinians By KARIN LAUB and MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH, Associated Press Writers Karin Laub And Mohammed Daraghmeh, Associated Press Writers 4 mins ago RAMALLAH, West Bank – Palestinian officials on Friday rallied around a top aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after a video surfaced showing him in the nude in […]
http://article.nationalreview.com/424653/obamas-very-weak-hand/james-c-capretta Obama’s Very Weak Hand When all else fails, try bipartisanship. Suddenly, bipartisanship is all the rage at the Obama White House. The president has announced that he will hold a bipartisan gathering on February 25 at Blair House, across the street from the White House, in an effort to get the health-care legislative effort […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703382904575059573079680544.html?mod=wsjdn_portal OBAMA’S ATTACK MACHINE… ‘Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it,” wrote Saul Alinksy in his “Rules for Radicals.” The White House would appear to have a copy. His agenda stymied and his approval numbers sinking, President Obama has realized this year’s midterm election is shaping up as a referendum on failed […]
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/11/AR2010021103331_pf.html Where the U.S. went wrong on the Christmas Day bomber By Michael B. Mukasey Friday, February 12, 2010; A27 It seems to me unlikely that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab will be known to future generations of lawyers for generating any groundbreaking legal principle or issue. But when it comes to illuminating our public discourse about […]
http://townhall.com/Common/PrintPage.aspx?g=1bdaf89f-bbf2-4cb0-a176-327f2cb9b1a3&t=c Outpost Decision an Insane Strategy Diana West Sorry, but this Washington Post headline — “U.S. commanders in Afghanistan face tougher discipline for battlefield failures” — misses the point. The story concerns “failures” all right, but the three recently investigated incidents in question are not “battlefield” failures. No, these failures, whose names are Wanat, Ganjgal […]
http://townhall.com/Common/PrintPage.aspx?g=7f0126e5-cdf3-41ac-b6a8-8bd3c74f80d0&t=c No, Senator Grassley. Just Say No Hugh Hewitt Friday, February 12, 2010 Just when you think beltway Republicans have finally begun to understand the depth and breadth of the voter revolt against the size and reach of the federal government, and thus against the President Obama-led Congressional Democrats, along comes Senator Grassley to throw […]
FROM YORAM ETTINGER, ISRAEL’S FINEST DIPLOMAT AND ZIONIST Theodore Herzl (in 1900) and David Ben Gurion (in 1947) did not subordinate their vision and long-term strategy to tenuous demographic constraints: A Jewish minority of 8% and 33% respectively between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean. Their defiance of odds was responsible for the 1948 establishment […]
http://politicalmavens.com/index.php/2010/02/11/a-picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words/ In the NYTimes of Feb 11th, an article concerning an Arab petition to the UN to halt construction of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s new museum is headlined “Museum Creates New Jerusalem Divide;†it features a large photograph of the Mamilla Cemetery, an ancient burial site which Arabs claim will be wiped out if the […]
NRO — The Corner Padilla Proves the WEAKNESSES of the Civilian Justice System [Andy McCarthy] The Left’s latest effort to attempt to defend the Obama administration’s mishandling of Christmas bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is the “Bush did it” canard. Obama apologists are highlighting cases the Bush administration sent to the criminal justice system in order […]