Who Is Behind the Persecution of Geert Wilders? Posted By Carel Brendel Freedom of speech in the West is threatened by the trial of Dutch politician Geert Wilders. But both within and beyond the Netherlands, few people have noticed the political origins of the most enthusiastic supporters of this political witch hunt. On the website […]
Climategate: Obama’s National Climate Disservice Posted By Steve Milloy Under the pretext that “Americans are witnessing the impacts of climate change in their own backyards,†and that they “increasingly are asking the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for information about climate change in order to make the best choices for their families, communities and […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/claudiarosett/climate-deranged-and-how-to-cope/ Climate Deranged – and How to Cope Posted By Claudia Rosett I’m writing this from Washington, D.C., looking out at cars buried in snowdrifts and hemmed in by snowbanks, along a snow-covered street — where the occasional pedestrian toils past, like those lone stragglers in an apocalypse movie. I’ve lost track of whether Washington […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/feb/10/rotten-to-the-americorps/ WOULD THE PREZ PRONOUNCE THIS AS AMERICORPSE?….WHEN INSPECTOR GENERAL WALPIN INVESTIGATED THIS SCAM…HE WAS SUMMARILY FIRED….IN SPITE OF LAWS VOTED FOR BY THEN SEN. OBAMA WHICH KEPT THE IG’S OFFICE IMMUNE TO POLITICKING AND FIRING WITHOUT CAUSE AND TIME…..RSK Among the most wasteful of the spending in- creases hidden in President Obama’s 2011 budget […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/feb/11/global-warming-snow-job//print/ EDITORIAL: Global warming snow job THE WASHINGTON TIMES Record snowfall illustrates the obvious: The global warming fraud is without equal in modern science. The fundamental problems exposed about climate-change theory undermine the very basis of scientific inquiry. Huge numbers of researchers refuse to provide their data to other scientists. Some referenced data is found […]
Jew-Hatred on Canadian Campuses… By Richard L. Cravatts On some Canadian campuses, radical students have taken it upon themselves to target Jewish students with a hatred that is nominally forbidden for any others. In a country where multiculturalism has a reverent following and criticism of protected minorities has essentially been criminalized as “hate speech,” this […]
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/7212008/Iranian-opposition-leaders-and-protesters-attacked-on-anniversary-of-revolution.html  Iranian opposition leaders and protesters attacked on anniversary of revolution Iranian opposition leaders and anti-government protesters were attacked as crowds gathered to mark the anniversary of the 1979 revolution today, according to reports from inside the country. By Heidi Blake Published: 9:32AM GMT 11 Feb 2010 Thousands march down a street in Tehran […]
http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NDE1YzlkYjk5OWQ3NWEwZGIwNjJjMTVhZTk1NmE3ZTg= Celebrate Conformity [Mark Steyn] In The Australian, Janet Albrechtsen has a fine column on Western democracies’ accelerating retreat from core liberties. She touches on the Wilders trial in the Netherlands and your humble correspondent’s recent travails up north, in both of which cases the state is happy to sacrifice freedom of expression in the […]
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1149056.html The New Israel Fund for Deepening the Jewish-Arab Rift By Israel Harel, Haaretz Correspondent The Im Tirtzu organization accuses the New Israel Fund of financing Israeli organizations which Judge Richard Goldstone used for information to accuse the Israel Defense Forces of “war crimes.” The fund’s response, as is the wont of radical leftist organizations […]
History as Propaganda Posted By Brendan Goldman [1] “This is not an Israeli-Palestinian debate,†Stanley Cohen, the director of the Scone Foundation, said. “It is [a conference] to honor the archivist profession.†Cohen’s statement was half true: the event was not a “debate,†but only because there were no dissenting opinions to challenge keynote speaker […]