AFSI HAS BEEN DOING THIS SINCE THE US DRAFT ENDED AND THE ANTI-WAR LEFTIES TURNED THEIR ATTENTIONS TO HURTING ISRAEL….. WE EXPOSED THE AGENDA OF “BREIRA” ONE OF THE FIRST OF THOSE SEDITIOUS GROUPS, MERIP, THE NEW ISRAEL FUND AND DOZENS MORE….AND BTW WE WERE ALSO FIRST TO CRITICIZE THE ROAD “MAP” TAKEN BY HADDASSAH […] Palestinian TV promotes suicide attacks When watching this video and reading about the glories due to the shahids (martyrs), remember that in the Qur’an a martyr is not simply one who dies for Allah, but one who kills for Allah and is killed in the process (9:111). So this whole sermon is essentially a […]
AN INTERVIEW WITH REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR BOB McDONNELL OF VIRGINIA BY NEWT GINGRICH You did very well with younger voters, much better than Republicans have done in recent years. Beyond new technology, were there other things you thought were helpful? BM: And again, not writing a group off was key. We spent time on college campuses. […]
Blinded by Hate Posted By P. David Hornik For anyone wishing to understand the lack of progress in the Israeli-Palestinian “peace process,†as well as the persistence of extremist and anti-Semitic views in that part of the world, the latest Pew Research Center report on attitudes in the Arab and Muslim world makes for must-reading. […] Obama ratchets up Iran sanctions threat Nicholas Kralev President Obama vowed on Tuesday to slap “significant” new sanctions on Iran “fairly quickly” for stepping up its nuclear activities, as Russia expressed growing frustration with Tehran and signaled support for more penalties. Mr. Obama’s comments, along with similar remarks by other Western leaders, came hours […] Russian military: ‘Nyet’ to missile defense Vladimir Isachenkov ASSOCIATED PRESS MOSCOW | U.S. missile-defense plans are a threat to Russian national security and have slowed down progress on a new arms-control treaty with Washington, Russia’s top military officer said Tuesday. Gen. Nikolai Makarov said that a revised U.S. plan to place missiles in Europe […] Sen. Sherrod Brown, Ohio Democrat, called the debate over Mr. Becker’s nomination “warfare.” Sen. Scott Brown, Massachusetts Republican, voting to sustain the filibuster, Labor nominee blocked in Senate Jennifer Haberkorn In a vivid display of President Obama’s diminished clout, the Senate’s newest Republican and two veteran Democrats Tuesday helped block Mr. Obama’s bid to […] Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret) On 9/11, Americans were attacked and the World Trade Center’s destroyed along with the deaths of almost 3,000 innocents in New York, Washington D.C. and over the fields of Western Pennsylvania. It was pre-emptive attack and a horrific unthinkable act that arose from great and thorough […]
SEE LAST PARAGRAPH ABOUT CLINTON AND EX QUEEN MANOOR OF JORDAN….RSK Chronologically-challenged Professor Walt February 9, 2010 In the past, I’ve demolished Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer’s claim that Israel and its friends drove the United States to war with Iraq. I did it when they published their article, and did […] BERES: Concluding the sanctions comedy:Louis Rene Beres The comedy is finished!- Pagliacci (Clowns) Now, years after the international community has been deluding itself about Iranian nuclear intentions, Tehran openly and arrogantly confirms the worst. The Islamic republic is destined to become a fully nuclear power – international law and diplomacy be damned. Not surprisingly, […]