Professor of Contempt The legacy of Howard Zinn. With Howard Zinn, contemporary American academia found its court historian. Zinn, who died January 27 at 87, was like a gigantic echo chamber, accurately reproducing — and actively reinforcing — every left-wing cliché with which the academy has abetted its sense of election these past several […] February 3, 2010 Exclusive: Chris Matthews Compares GOP to Khmer Rouge – Where’s The Sense of Proportion? Pam Meister Appearing as a guest on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show on January 29th, “Hardball†host Chris Matthews compared what is going on in the Republican Party to the re-education camps in Cambodia during the reign of […]
The Lure of Radical Islam, or ‘Boys Will Be Boys’ Posted By Raymond Ibrahim According to a recent ABC report [1], “As many as three dozen criminals who converted to Islam in American prisons have moved to Yemen where they could pose a ‘significant threat’ to attack the U.S., according to a report on al-Qaeda […]
THEIR ABIDING GRIEVANCE IS LIVE JEWS IN THEIR ANCIENT AND LEGITIMATE HOMELAND…..THE REST IS JUST POSING FOR THE CAMERAS…..RSK February 03, 2010 What Is a ‘Legitimate’ Palestinian Grievance? By Joel B. Pollak The day after President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union address, he was ambushed by a question from an anti-Israel student […] Nile Gardiner Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. He appears frequently on American and British television and radio, including Fox News Channel, CNN, BBC, Sky News, and NPR. The Top 10 Apologies Barack Obama should make to the world By Nile Gardiner World The first year of Barack Obama’s […]
It’s Groundhog Day in the Terror War  By Robert Spencer On February 3, 2010 It’s Groundhog Day! If you haven’t seen the movie, watch the trailer first [1]. And now here is today’s Jihad Watch [2]news: 1. Some jihadis somewhere will blow something up and kill some people. 2. In their public statements they will […]
Sharia’s Dominion  By Leslie S. Lebl [The article below is reprinted from City Journal [1]] A God Who Hates: The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed the Muslim World Speaks Out Against the Evils of Islam [2], by Wafa Sultan (St. Martin’s, 256 pp., $24.99) Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law [3], […]
E-mail leak roils race in California GOP target rips rival’s strategist By Juliet Williams ASSOCIATED PRESS SACRAMENTO, Calif. | An e-mail in which an adviser to candidate Meg Whitman threatened to spend $40 million or more to ruin her fellow Republican Steve Poizner’s reputation provided a rare glimpse this week at the tough tactics […] Filmmaker: You Know Who’s A Lot Like YOU KNOW WHO IS JUST LIKE AVATAR’S N’AVI? THE PALARABS…. Filmmaker: You Know Who’s A Lot Like Avat? The Palestinians.The Palestinians also – apparently – need to attack and expel Jews like the Na’vi attacked and expelled humans. Which is probably the first time an antisemite has […]
HERE IS A LOST OPPORTUNITY TO TELL AN INTERNATIONAL LEADER THAT THERE CAN BE NO TWO STATE DISSOLUTION OF ISRAEL..NIENTE, NADA, GURNISHT….FROM BIBI ET AL….RSK Berlusconi at Knesset: Goldstone tried to incriminate Israel AP AND JPOST.COM STAFF 03/02/2010 Italian leader tells lawmakers world “cannot accept” nuclear-armed Iran, defends Israel’s much-criticized Operation Cast Lead; Netanyahu: “We […]