Humberto Fontova : Leftwingers Outraged by Being Associated with Leftwingers – Leftwingers Outraged by Being Associated with Leftwingers! Humberto Fontova, Nazis (and by implication all “right- wingers,†past and present) were inherently wicked. Their agenda was evil from A to Z, their methods along with their goals. Communists (and by implication left-wingers) […] Is Sharia Banking Safe for Canada? By: DAN VERBIN Published: January 29th 2010 With the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation releasing a report this week that may pave the way for widespread availability of Islamic financial instruments in Canada – including Sharia-compliant mortgages – an expert on Islamic banking is cautioning that Canadians should […]
The Buffalo Beheading Case and Other Odd Legal Defenses by David J. Rusin • Jan 29, 2010 at 12:08 pm “She made me do it.” That pretty much summarizes Muzzammil Hassan’s planned legal strategy to explain how his wife Aasiya ended up headless last February in the Buffalo-area studios of Bridges TV, the channel […]
HELLO, RECEIVED THIS FROM MY GOOD FRIEND JOE CURLEY, US AIR FORCE, COLONEL RET., WHO RECEIVED IT FROM ONE OF HIS FRIENDS WHO IS STILL IN THE AIR FORCE.. IT IS SHOCKING!!!!! JOHN Louise & John —–Original Message—– From: To: ruthsking@aol.Subject: Haiti Update Friends: This email was forwarded to me by two Active Duty Air […] It’s El Alamein revisited as climate war heats up by John Mikkelsen 30 Jan 05:45am Our American friends remember The Alamo, we see Gallipoli and North Africa among defining moments in national pride and self-sacrifice against seemingly insurmountable odds. These initial bloody defeats led state and nations on to ultimate victory against powerful foes. […]
The London conference on Afghanistan set in motion a set of events whose outcome is not yet clear. It’s driven by Afghan president Hamid Karzai, who has been pushing the reconciliation drive. India’s unenthusiastic acceptance is largely in support of Karzai. But much more than that is the hard fact that on Afghanistan, despite India’s […]
 OUTPOST FEBRUARY 2010  Save Roi Klein’s Home  by Herbert Zweibon  From the Editor          by Rael Jean Isaac  The True Imperialism    by Daniel Greenfield  Stop This”Solution” Nonsense  by Hugh Fitzgerald  BBC Jerusalem Documentary  by Robin Shepherd  A Blasphemy Trial In Holland  by Rael Jean Isaac  Outsourcing Security    by […]
Exclusive: False ID Document Mill Shut Down in VirginiaMichael Cutler As you may remember, the findings of the 9/11 Commission determined that the 19 terrorists on 9/11 used dozens of false identities and variations of their true identities in furtherance of their terrorist objectives, paving the way for the Real ID Act. The Virginian-Pilot article […]
HOW ABOUT TARGET PRACTICE IN A CIRCLE?…..RSK,1518,druck- Table Tennis for the Taliban Do Exit Programs for Islamists Actually Work? By Peter Neumann It sounds like a promising idea: Instead of confronting the Taliban on the battlefield, why not pay them to give up violence? But such programs have been tried before, and they have […]
A Citizen’s Guide to the Constitution By Rick Richman An important book for two groups: those who are conversant with the Constitution and those who are not. Seth Lipsky’s new book, The Citizen’s Constitution: An Annotated Guide, is an essential volume for an educated citizenry. Equally erudite and entertaining, it annotates each provision of the […]