Support swells for 3 accused SEALs Rowan Scarborough When a small team of Navy SEALs set out to capture one of Iraq’s most-wanted terrorists in September, they never dreamed it would go so smoothly. After all, Ahmed Hashim Abed, the suspected mastermind of a 2004 atrocity against U.S. contractors in Fallujah, was holed up […] EDITORIAL: Thank Allah it’s Friday THE WASHINGTON TIMES Using the word Allah can be hazardous to your health. Catholic churches in Malaysia are being firebombed after a court ruling in that country permitted the use of the word Allah as a generic term for God. Some adherents of the religion of peace are pushing […] PRUDEN: Is Obama the physician, or the embalmer? Wesley Pruden ANALYSIS/OPINION: The gentlemen of the press (and the ladies, too) are mostly a decent sort, often a bit prideful and sometimes with not very much to be prideful about. They’re comfortable only by running in a herd. Trying to think alone gives them a […] A Statement from From Norman Podhoretz, Author of “Why Are Jews Liberals?” January 21, 2010 In my new book, “Why Are Jews Liberals?”, I argue that it no longer makes any sense for so many of my fellow Jews to go on aligning themselves with the forces of the Left. I also try to […]
Our First Endorsements of 2010 JStreetPAC announced today its first congressional endorsements of the 2010 cycle, backing 41 pro-Israel, pro-peace candidates from around the country. Today’s announcement is the first round of endorsements the PAC plans to make this cycle, and kicks off a sizeable expansion of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement’s political and financial […] Fitzgerald: What the Mufti of Syria hopes you don’t know “According to the Mufti, the conflict between Israel and its Arabs neighbors has nothing to do with an Islamic war against Judaism.” – from this story about the Mufti of Syria Of course he would say that. Muslims are deeply worried that as people […] “Maybe we should hold back their salaries for a decade or so and see whether the laws they pass work out,” Bloomberg said. ” Bloomberg Hammers Obama, Congress Over Bank Plan Mayor Says President’s Idea To Limit Size And Investments Will Lead To Big Problems For NYC, Including Layoffs Hizzoner Suggests Salaries Of D.C. […]
National Review Online – THIS WAR HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE THE ADVENT OF MOHAMMED, AND WITH ALL DUE RESPECT TO CLIFF MAY WHOM I LIKE VERY MUCH….THERE IS NOTHING NEW HERE. AMERICAN JOURNOS AND ACADEMICS ARE WAKING UP NOW WHEN IT’S A TAD LATE….RSK The War Against the Infidels Terrorism is only one […] You Know You Are Living in an Islamic Country When … Jan 21 Written by: Diana West Thursday, January 21, 2010 5:53 AMÂ Quote of the day (yesterday) comes from Gates of Vienna, which, hands down, features the most extensive English-language coverage of the Geert Wilders trial. There, translated from the Dutch, is an […]
Dangerous accommodations Center for Security Policy | Jan 21, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Scott Brown can’t get to Washington soon enough. In his victory speech on Tuesday night, the newly elected Senator from Massachusetts underscored a central plank in his campaign platform: “Let me say this: with respect to the people who wish to […]