Candidly Speaking: Growing Norwegian hostility Isi Leibler , THE JERUSALEM POST Norwegian Foreign Minister Johan Gahr Støre, who is visiting Israel today, represents a government that all too often seizes the opportunity to besmirch the Jewish state and is renowned as one of the principal Israel-bashers in Europe. Jews have mixed feelings about Norway. They […] Fitzgerald: Jihad of the Pen and Tongue from Within the West An Islamist radical whose teaching role at a leading university was exposed yesterday by The Times led a secretive “Brothers’ Circle” at which he espoused his hardline views. Reza Pankhurst, a senior figure in the hardline group Hizb ut-Tahrir, gathered a group of […] Fitzgerald: When it comes to Islam, please stop this “problem” and “solution” nonsense Many continue to believe that if we argue that Islam itself is the problem, this will leave the West with no solutions. The word “solution” leapt out at me. I have written about it many times before, in regards to those […] Pat Buchanan asks why they hate us, gets the wrong answer In “Why Are They at War With Us?” in Human Events, January 12, Pat Buchanan agrees with Barack Obama (although they are working, of course, from vastly different premises) that the global jihad is all the result of American actions, and that therefore […]  The Pentagon Review of Fort Hood Jihad or Why The War is Lost Major Hasan’s Power Point Presentation made on Grand Rounds (The page turns every 12 seconds. Read it all) Mr. West, at a second Pentagon news conference with Admiral Clark, said the problem with “self-radicalization†in the military was not rooted […] Will Obama Repudiate Smear Campaign? By William Kristol Weekly Standard January 16, 2010 9:31 PM So the Massachusetts Democratic Party is alleging, in a mailer, that “1,736 women were raped in Massachusetts in 2008. Scott Brown wants hospitals to turn them all away.” This is as ridiculous as it is offensive. And it is, […]
Our Sorta, Kinda War on Terror President Obama has not signed up for a serious effort against radical Islam. By Victor Davis Hanson After Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, Great Britain and France sorta, kinda declared war on Germany. The formal declaration of war was real enough, but the allies’ initial responses were […]
Hood massacre report gutless and shameful – Hood massacre report gutless and shameful Ralph Peters, NY Posted: 12:25 AM, January 16, 2010 There are two basic problems with the grotesque non-report on the Islamist- terror massacre at Fort Hood (released by the Defense Department yesterday): * It’s not about what happened at […]
UNDERSTANDING THE “CORRELATION OF FORCES†IN THE MIDDLE EAST ISRAEL’S URGENT STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE As published in The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, IV:1 (2010) Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Professor of International Law Department of Political Science Purdue University West Lafayette IN 47907 USA ——————- The more things change, the more they remain […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – Death by Hypocrisy The media has reluctantly broken away from its latest celebrity tabloid feeding frenzy, to shamelessly exploit the disaster in Haiti, and everyone from credit card companies to aid groups to the news media to the corrupt government of Haiti are looking to profit from the disaster. Accompanying […]