A POX ON THOSE ISRAELI “FILMAKERS” AND WRITERS WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS ANTI-SEMITIC TSUNAMI WITH THEIR OWN TREASONOUS CRITICISM OF ISRAEL…..RSK http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100116/wl_mideast_afp/mideastturkeyisraeldiplomacyentertainment Turkish movie sparks Israeli fury ANKARA (AFP) – The scriptwriter of a Turkish television series that sparked a diplomatic row with Israel said his team is working on a movie to show more […]
THIS ARTICLE BY ROBINS SHEPARD IS FOLLOWED BY THE COLUMN IN THE WALL ST. JOUNRAL …..PLEASE READ BOTH…..RSK The Italian job: How one of Israel’s closest friends in Europe is helping arm Iran http://www.robinshepherdonline.com/the-italian-job-how-one-of-israels-closest-friends-in-europe-is-helping-arm-iran/#more-1983 A depressing and extraordinary piece of writing in today’s Wall Street Journal details how Italy has for years been involved in […]
http://article.nationalreview.com/print/?q=NTVjMTk2MjIzMjY4YTk2N2Q2MDg5MmI5MjRhMDIyY2E= The Obama Agenda on the Precipice We’ll soon find out whether even Massachusetts is willing to follow him off the cliff. By Mark Steyn I’ve been out of the country for a couple of days, so let me see if I’ve got this right: America is preparing to celebrate the first anniversary of Good […]
Truth in Taxes — Don’t Call It a ‘Medicare’ Tax Posted By Rick Richman Politico reported [1] earlier this week on the “unusual day-long negotiating session†at the White House between President Obama and top Democratic congressional leaders — an eight-hour “de facto conference committee†held in private. Those involved in the talks “sought to […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jan/15/pelosi-sees-haiti-boom-quake/?source=newsletter_must-read-stories-today_more_news_carousel Pelosi sees Haiti ‘boom’ from quake Jennifer Haberkorn House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that the earthquake in Haiti and the resulting aid may lead to a “real boom economy” there. Lawmakers say they plan to encourage more charitable donations by making them tax-deductible. “I think that this can be an opportunity for a […]
http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/1223/A-Vietnam-Vets-Ideas-for-McChrystal.aspx From the mailbag — a letter to the general. Hey, McChrystal, It’s Tom Stone again, that pesky old Vietnam vet. Remember me? I wrote you some time ago with the suggestion that perhaps it would be more fitting to rename some of our armed forces to more accurately reflect the strategy that you espouse […]
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/01/post-911-institutionalized-islamic-propaganda-as-dictated-by-society-of-professional-journalists.html  POST 911 SUBVERSION: Institutionalized Islamic Propaganda as Dictated by “Society of Professional Journalists”Absolute intellectual/informational dominance is the strategic goal. In case you ever wondered why you never got the straight story on Islam directly after 911, and why the media seemed to be in the tank for jihad, here’s a clue. The Society […]
NYC: Muslim Woman Demands NO JEWS ON HER JURY in Jihad Trial There is no American in Islam. This country is only dar-al harb, remember that — until they complete their strategic objective of turning it into dar al-islam. I reported on this fiercely religious Muslim woman here, when the neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui was captured […]
http://www.newcriterion.com/articleprint.cfm/Live-free-or-die-4357 January 2010 Live free or die by Mark Steyn On the loss of liberty in the West (from “The New Statism”). Almost everyone who’s been in a movie theater over the last half-century is familiar with the great iconic image that closes the film Planet of the Apes: a loinclothed Charlton Heston falling to […]
January 15th, 2010 8:52 am http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerkimball/ “Massive profits and obscene bonuses”: more populist nonsense from Obama I was so busy making plans to celebrate Scott Brown’s victory over what’s-her-name – you know the lady who likes to jail innocent people – in the Massachusetts Senatorial race next Tuesday that I neglected to catch news of […]