Antarctica and the Myth of Deadly Rising Seas By Marc Sheppard On Monday, scientists from the Norwegian Polar Institute reported that they’d measured sea temperatures beneath an East Antarctic ice shelf and found no signs of warming whatsoever. And while the discovery’s corollaries remain mostly blurred by the few rogue mainstream media outlets […]
The Blind Leading The Blind – With Their Eyes Closed Here is what passes for an example of the intelligence of a British Member of Parliament: Martin Linton (Battersea) (Lab): …Members as I consider this to be a vital debate on the Goldstone report and the Government’s attitude to it before the vote in the […]
AT A CONFERENCE YESTERDAY MARK STEYN AND JOHN BOLTON COMPARED THIS TRIAL TO THE BLASPHEMYÂ LAWS THAT DOOMED “ALLEGED” FREE THINKERS IN EUROPE….RSK The Iconoclast Thursday, 14 January 2010 Free Geert Wilders: Charges Against him widened as trial proceeds on January 20th by Jerry Gordon Hon. Geert Wilders, MPÂ and popular leader of the Freedom Party […] Secular tolerance for Arab and Muslim intolerance. By Matthew M. Hausman Former Israeli Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef recently took a public flogging for allegedly describing Islam as “ugly,†specifically with respect to its laws concerning marriage and divorce. The liberal blogosphere had a field day, calling the Rabbi a bigot and labeling his comments […]
The absolute gall here is that the “dwindling Christian presence” is due to systematic harassment by the Moslems….the Christians of Nazareth live undisturbed…something not seen in any Arab/Moslem land…..rsk Catholic bishops criticize Israel on Palestinians JERUSALEM – A high-level delegation of Roman Catholic bishops from North America and Europe has criticized Israeli polices in […]
IDF team will spend two weeks in Haiti Jan. 14, 2010 Yaakov Katz , THE JERUSALEM POST IDF medical teams are preparing to spend two weeks in Haiti and to see an average of 500 patients a day, Chief IDF Medical Corps Officer Brig.-Gen. Nahman Ash said Thursday. The delegation will consist of 121 members, […] Clueless Hillary Clinton Plays Dr. Phil Between Abbas and Netanyahu 2010 January 13 by John L. Work Given that we are in a War for our survival, one could reasonably expect that our Secretary of State would have a rudimentary understanding of the machinations of Islam. If Hillary Clinton’s ignorance and know-nothingness of Islam […] Muslim Child Brides in Britain – by Hege Storhaug Posted By Hege Storhaug On January 14, 2010 It is heartbreaking, even as it is unsurprising. In Britain, the authorities are now reporting the forced marriage of girls as young as nine years old on British soil. We are not talking about one case, but […]
Thursday, January 14, 2010 House panel rejects Panther resolution Jerry Seper The Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday rejected by a 15-14 vote a resolution of inquiry that would have forced the Justice Department to tell Congress why it dismissed a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party who disrupted a Philadelphia […]
Thursday, January 14, 2010 EDITORIAL: Google jihad THE WASHINGTON TIMES Google isn’t carrying water for jihad. That’s what the company says, and they’re sticking to it. Still, many Internet surfers wonder: Is there something bad about Islam the Google search engine doesn’t want you to know? Google has been accused of pandering to Muslims by […]