“Muhammad Abu Tahir, 46, of Virginia, was being held at the El Paso County jail, the FBI said……” This appeasing Islam strategy is really working. Every day another jihad … but not to worry, it’s just a couple of fanatics, aka Muslims, who have actually read the koran. So we are ok. The bottom […]
Click here: Hero Finally Officially Recognized – Maggie’s Farm Hero Finally Officially Recognized Almost four decades after being released in March 1973 from 5-years of captivity by the North Vietnamese, Lewis Meyer was finally honored yesterday with two Purple Hearts and the Prisoner of War medal. I’ve been honored to become friends with several […]
From an e-pal “If we could get more people in the US, especially in our government, Congress and State to understand the Five Principles of Islam – Trilogy (Koran, Sira and Hadith), Islamic politics, kafirs, dualism and submission – and understand what the ultimate aim of Islam is all about, they would be making entirely […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – A New Year, a New Terror Barely has 2010 begun and we’ve already had multiple terror arrests, one after another. And then we’ve had multiple arrests that aren’t even being described as terror related. Just today, we’ve had two more arrests out of New York of friendly religion of peace […]
Budget Director Gone Wild By Lisa Schiffren Well no wonder the U.S. budget is out of control. Peter Orszag, the Obama White House Budget Director — a very senior job on anyone’s economic team — does not appear to have been focused like a laser on his job this year. Mr. Orszag, 41, widely hailed […] Holder’s Haste Makes Waste of Intel Abdulmutallab indictment is a bill of lost intelligence opportunities. By Andrew C. McCarthy Eric Holder’s Justice Department rushed to file an indictment Wednesday against Flight 253 terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The telling document is a monument to lost opportunity. Come hell or high water, the Obama administration will […] CAIRO (AFP) – Aid convoys bound for the Gaza Strip will now be banned from travelling across Egypt after activists this week clashed with police, the foreign minister said in remarks published on Saturday. Ahmed Abul Gheit told government newspaper Al-Ahram that members of one convoy led by British MP George Galloway committed “criminal” […]  ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: Obama’s National Security Betrayal: Declassifies Treasure Trove of Intel to our Enemies  We have suffered another devastating attack on American security by the most secretive and opaque President we have ever had the misfortune to elect. While Obama and his gang of thieves hide behind closed doors to pass secret, […]
THEY’RE MOSLEMS? GEEZ WHO WOULDATHUNK?RSK Two more Muslims, of all people, arrested in New York jihad plot After the President went out of his way to make sure that no one got the impression that the jihad against the United States had anything to do with Islam, it is rather surprising that two Muslims […] Soldiers fire on apartheid wall protesters, injure 20 Palestinians! Those Zionists! Will they never tire of oppressing the Palestinians? What’s that? It wasn’t the Israelis? It was the Egyptians? Well, then, the United Nations will surely condemn Egypt’s building of this “apartheid wall,” and denounce the soldiers’ firing upon the innocent and oppressed Palestinians. […]