Spying On Icebergs? Climate Change: We can’t stop terrorists from boarding planes with explosive undies, but the CIA has assets sufficient to monitor Arctic ice and look for signs of global warming? Is al-Qaida recruiting polar bears? One wouldn’t think that the increasing polar bear population and the increasing rate of recidivism of former […] Poverty Canard Terrorism: Hillary Clinton, in extolling the role of development aid, repeats the old saw about poverty breeding terrorism. Nonsense. The new attacks haven’t been about living standards.We suspect Clinton was just trying to pump up the U.S. Agency for International Development mission and make the bureaucrats — like newly sworn-in USAID administrator […] Closing Gitmo: The President’s Naive Fixation By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMERPosted 01/07/2010 06:29 PM ET View Enlarged Image On Wednesday, Nigerian would-be bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was indicted by a Michigan grand jury for attempted murder and sundry other criminal charges. The previous day, the State Department announced that his visa had been revoked. The system […]
Connecting The Dots Claudia Rosett, 01.07.10, Forbes President Barack Obama has just denounced the “screw up” in which his own intelligence team had the information to nab the Christmas Day underwear bomber but “failed to connect those dots.” But what about Obama himself? He is president of a country against which jihadis desiring an Islamic […] Why Liberalism is a Reactionary Ideology The narrative that liberal pundits have constructed and continually replayed over the last year is one in which progress minded and enlightened liberals are working to reform America into a modern society, while being stymied by a bunch of knuckle dragging reactionary conservatives who are anti-Science and want […] JOHN WORK President Obama and U.S. Army General David Petraeus are continuing the exasperating game of chasing the Taliban through Afghanistan and Pakistan, while al Qaida dashes around the Middle East and elsewhere about the Muslim World. The latest indication that we’re about to swing the Whac-a-mole mallet at a brand new, freshly-dug hole […]
Exclusive: In Wake of Christmas Day Bomb Attempt, DHS Predicts Dismal Success Rate in Traveler Screening Michael Cutler The idea that DHS predicts that it will only catch one in four travelers entering our country while committing criminal violations should stop all of us in our tracks. I am a realist and I understand that […]
Exclusive: Media Bias? What Media Bias? Tom McLaughlin As a history teacher, I must strive for objectivity. However, I know it’s not possible for a thoughtful person to study history, politics, or economics and not develop biases. Best practice would be to disclose those biases to students because it’s inevitable that I’ll teach concepts I […]
Founders in the Crossfire By SETH LIPSKY | January 5, 2010 Host: Good evening to our television audience, and welcome to this special edition of “Crossfire.†What makes it special is that we have with us tonight two Founders of America, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. Gentlemen, it’s nice to have you with us. […]
 Somali Islamists in Sweden,1518,670447,00.html Cartoonist Attacker Linked to Mogadishu Suicide Bomber REUTERS A Somali journalist wounded in the explosion at Hotel Shamo in Mogadishu Dec. 3, 2009. The man accused of trying to kill Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard and December’s Mogadishu suicide bomber were in Sweden together, according to a Swedish newspaper. The 28-year-old […]