DEAR E-PALS: DO YOU NOTE THAT THE WORDS “ISLAM” AND “JIHAD” ARE NOW “CERTAIN PERSONS FROM CERTAIN COUNTRIES”…..HOFFMAN IS NO BETTER THAT NAPOLITANO…AND HE’S AN EXPERT?….YIKES ARE WE IN TROUBLE….RSK,1518,druck-670588,00.html US Expert ‘The Fight Against Terrorism Will Define Obama’s Presidency’ With a near strike on a flight to Detroit and a suicide attack in […]  The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable (or the other way round) Which is more objectionable – George Galloway’s behaviour in Gaza, or the way the Guardian chose to report it? It appears that clashes took place in Gaza today between Egyptian forces and a Viva Palestina ‘aid’ convoy, including George Galloway, which […]
The Islamic Roots of Abdulmutallab’s Suicidal Odyssey Posted By Jamie Glazov The liberal milieu and mainstream media are baffled: What could have possibly led the 23-year-old Nigerian boy Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab [1] to attempt jihadi suicide on a passenger plane? How could such a nice, educated Islamic boy, who grew up in a rich and […]
THE DEMS ARE NOT DONE YET….WE NEED A MAJOR GRASSROOTS DRIVE TO VOTE THE SCOUNDRELS OUT….RSK With Democratic Retirements, GOP 2010 Senate Prospects Brighten Posted By Rich Baehr On January 7, 2010 In the space of a few hours, two incumbent Democratic senators facing reelection battles in 2010 announced their retirement [1] — Byron Dorgan […]
Bush Did It! And, Really, Bush Did It! And Bush Really Did It! Posted By Victor Davis Hanson That Damn Guantanamo! Obama gave a rather incredible press conference about his review of security lapses. When he evoked Guantanamo, the president all at once (“make no mistake about itâ€) (a) promised to close it, (b) promised […] One ‘Allegedly’ Too Many In her raw and disastrous way, Janet Napolitano is revealing. By DOROTHY RABINOWITZ Shocking though it was, the Christmas Day terror attempt by a 23-year-old Nigerian has only hardened Americans’ awareness that they confront an implacable enemy in a war whose end is nowhere in sight. It is a hard-won […]
I recently posted an A.P. story by Amy Teibel calling Jerusalem “disputed territory”…an e-pal responded…rsk  FROM STEVE STEIN….  My argument is Israel has a legal basis to settle its population in East Jerusalem as well as other places in the so-called “West Bank. In short, I believe Israel’s claim to the area is stronger than […] Why Drug ‘Reimportation’ Won’t Die The drug industry made a foolish bet in supporting health reform. By GILBERT ROSS As a threat to our nation’s security, allowing imported drugs into our pharmacies ranks just below terrorism. Yet this idea refuses to die. Why is drug importation (and its twin the reimportation of American drugs […] By MICHAEL B. MUKASEY There was much to celebrate in the providential combination of an incompetent terrorist and surpassingly brave passengers and crew who saved 288 people aboard Northwest Airlines flight 253 on Christmas Day. There is a lot less to applaud in the official reaction. Well-deserved mockery has already been heaped on the […]
In sub-Saharan Africa, radical Islam takes hold Helen Vesperini NAIROBI, Kenya | Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Shebab fighting for the control of Somalia, or Nigeria’s homegrown sects — radical Islam is taking hold in sub-Saharan Africa, albeit in many varied forms. The groups in question all claim to be inspired by […]