We Interrupt this Socialization of Medicine to Bring You an Abdication of Our National Defense . . . By Andy McCarthy Quite intentionally, the Obama administration is making so many radical moves on so many different fronts simultaneously that it’s difficult to stay on top of them all, much less give them the attention they […]
We Interrupt this Socialization of Medicine to Bring You an Abdication of Our National Defense . . .
The world Bash-Israel media are having a field day about reports that supposedly Israel has admitted that the pathologist who headed Israel’s Forensics Institute had taken corneas and skin grafts without permission from bodies of dead people during the 1990s, echoing the charges made in that Swedish anti-Semitic newspaper. Most of the organs were taken […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Monday, December 21, 2009 Tax Cuts not Tax Hikes; How Israel Beat the Recession While most of the news narrative about Israel focuses on its daily struggles against terrorism, a more subtler international controversy is brewing as Prime Minister Netanyahu and Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz continue to insist on enacting corporate tax reform, cutting […]
SENATOR INHOFE IS A HERO FOR DEBUNKING THE JUNK SCIENCE OF THE “WARM MONGERS” http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,668408,00.html ‘The Inhofe Supremacy’ The extent of that addiction was apparent in many actors at Copenhagen, but especially in one. He only came for a few hours, but he was also decisively responsible for the chaos that marked the negotiations: James […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704304504574610120356499810.html#printMode States should be able to directly propose constitutional amendments. By DAVID B. RIVKIN JR. AND LEE A. CASEY For nearly a hundred years, federal power has expanded at the expense of the states—to a point where the even the wages and hours of state employees are subject to federal control. Basic health and safety […]
The Rabbi and Frank Lloyd Wright By JULIA M. KLEIN Elkins Park, Pa. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704779704574555643633936228.html#printMode Rabbi Mortimer J. Cohen was a visionary with chutzpah. In November 1953, on the advice of a mutual acquaintance, he wrote the most famous architect of his day to ask if he would consider designing a suburban Philadelphia synagogue. What was […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.5079/pub_detail.asp The Case of the Missing Muslims: Why Is Islamberg Now a Ghost Town? Paul Williams, PhD The Wall Street Journal reports this week that U.S. investigators are discovering that more and more young Muslims are vanishing from mosques, madrassas, and Islamic centers. The disappearances, the Journal notes, are raising grave concerns among FBI and […]
Exclusive: Ignoring the National Security Crisis at Our DoorstepPresidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD The biggest national security news last week barely made the news at all. It is troubling to watch Congress continue to play politics with the reauthorization of key counterterrorism tools in the Patriot Act (like the ability […]
Exclusive: America’s Inexorable March toward a Monetary and Inflationary AbyssC. Austin Burrell On a quiet weekend when I expected little external stimulation other than another historical lesson from the pen of the now legendary former Librarian of Congress Daniel Boorstin from his book The Americans, I was presented a lesson in the gross monetary economics […]
http://newsrealblog.com/2009/12/21/european-media-blame-arrogant-obama-for-copenhagen-fiasco/ European Media Blame Arrogant Obama for Copenhagen Fiasco 2009 December 21  by Michael van der Galien It might be hard to believe for Americans who are used to Obama-worshipping from their MSM, but European media have blamed President Barack Obama for the fiasco at Copenhagen. This even though they celebrated his victory against Sen. […]