PRUDEN: How to lose friends for little gain Wesley Pruden Rarely has a cowboy castrated himself in public like Ben Nelson, the senator from Nebraska, who becomes an object lesson in how a United States senator easily trades his “convictions” and “principles” for perfectly legal bribes from cynical party leaders. When the inevitable howling erupted […] Bombs not away By NOAH SHACHTMAN December 22, 2009 As part of his push to win over the people of Afghanistan, top US Gen. Stanley McChrystal in July abolished air attacks in all but the most dire of circumstances. But that ban is having all kinds of ugly and unexpected consequences. US troops are […]
Updated: Tue., Dec. 22, 2009, 5:11 AM A cipher in the Senate Last Updated: 5:11 AM, December 22, 2009 Posted: 1:05 AM, December 22, 2009 Where were New York’s two US senators over the weekend, while Majority Leader Harry Reid was buying votes for his health-care bill? Standing by while New York taxpayers’ pockets were […]
Who’s responsible for the Senate’s middle-of-the-night vote? By: Byron York Chief Political Correspondent 12/21/09 1:19 AM EST Why did the Senate gather at 1 a.m. Monday for a vote to move ahead on the Reid Amendment to the Democrats’ national health care bill? Democrats blame Republicans. “Everyone knows we’re here at one in the morning […]
Getting the Finger from a Moderate Muslim – by Robert Spencer Posted By Robert Spencer Ali Eteraz is a liberal Muslim writer who, like Barack Obama, has not waited until he was old to write his memoirs: his book Children of Dust, according to the book website [1], is a “coming-of-age story†in which Eteraz […]
Islamic Radicalization U.S.A. – by Ryan Mauro Posted By Ryan Mauro If a major homegrown terrorist attack happens on U.S. soil in the coming years, 2009 will be looked at as the year when the warning signs were missed. According to the Rand Corporation, the U.S. has experienced [1] 30 homegrown terrorism plots since 9/11. […] Miss Palestine Pageant canceled All the swimsuits and suicide belts might have been interesting to see, but it ain’t happening. There is, after all, no fun in Islam (the Ayatollah Khomeini said that). Sharia Alert: “Mideast: West Bank; Miss Palestine Pageant Cancelled,” from ANSAmed, December 21 (thanks to C. Cantoni): (ANSAmed) – RAMALLAH, DECEMBER […] Woman sold in public auction in Pakistan — for $3,200 Here is the apotheosis of the Islamic tendency to treat women as commodities — a tendency with deep roots in the Qur’an and Sunnah. “Girl sold in open auction,” by Sikander Khoso for The Nation, December 13 (thanks to Silvester): JACOBABAD – A 20-year-old […] The Copencabana Small Dead Animals has a translation of a German article which purports to describe how Barack Obama stormed into a meeting of heads of state, acting like it was a scene from a Hollywood movie. Although the Welt article has the most detail, there are collateral reports from other papers which suggest […] Christmas Spirit and Islam Saturday, 19 December 2009 This is the time of the year that the air is filled with everything Christmas. There is something for everyone: gifts for family and friends, prayers at churches, and Christmas music everywhere. It puts me in a contemplative mood, particularly when I hear the delightful Christian […]