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Ruth King

Iran: Systematic Persecution of Baha’is by Mohshin Habib


Samin Ehsani had been running educational courses for Afghan children living in Iran, but who did not have access to education in the country. During the trial, her activities were presented as an example of the charges against her.

In Iran, an estimated 300,000 followers of the Baha’i faith are being denied many fundamental rights such as access to education, employment, political office, and practice of their religious rituals. Iran’s clerical regime evidently considers the Baha’is to be heretics and as having no religion.

Baha’is consider Baha’ullah as a messenger in succession to Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed. For that, no other religion or state suppress them except Iran.

On June 15, 2022, Samin Ehsani, a follower of the Baha’i faith and an activist for children’s rights in Iran was arrested and transferred to the infamous Evin Prison in Tehran. Earlier, on July 2, 2011, Ehsani had also been sentenced by Branch 28 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran to five years in prison on charges of “propaganda against the regime, acting against national security, and being a member of the heretical Baha’i faith.”

Invasive Feds Pawed Through Melania’s Clothes, Spent Hours in Former President’s Private Office By Athena Thorne


As more details emerge about the shocking federal raid on the Trump family’s private home at Mar-a-Lago, we’re getting a fuller sense of how invasive and offensive the action truly was.

The family had decamped to Trump’s Bedminster, N.J., estate for the summer, leaving Mar-a-Lago closed for the season with only a skeleton staff looking after the 20-acre private golf resort. At 9 a.m. Monday morning, over 30 plainclothes FBI agents arrived at the residence, accompanied by three DOJ attorneys. The DOJ is believed to have coordinated the raid with the U.S. Secret Service, meaning USSS agents would have granted them access to the property.

The DOJ lawyers, whom an eyewitness described as “arrogant,” repeatedly told Trump representatives, “We have full access to everything. We can go everywhere.” Trump’s own lawyers, who hadn’t been advised of the raid, arrived an hour after the FBI.

Political Principle or Class Prejudice? How the progressive elite insulate themselves from accountability. Bruce Thornton


As important as the invention of representative government in ancient Greece was, the creation of democracy was even more revolutionary. Allowing the non-elite masses––those lacking an aristocratic lineage or great wealth––to become citizens and participate in governing the state has characterized most constitutional free governments since then. Even totalitarian states pay the homage of hypocrisy to that ideal by including “democratic” or “republic” in their countries’ names.

A byproduct, however, of that innovation has been endemic class warfare, the struggle for political preeminence that challenges the ideal of political equality, the corollary of political freedom. This conflict was present at the birth of the United States in the convention to write the Constitution, and in the subsequent public debates over its ratification. Particularly over the last century, the growth of federal power and its technocratic administrative apparatus has intensified this traditional conflict between what Woodrow Wilson deemed the “wise few” and the “foolish many.”

Yet today’s technocratic, credentialed managerial elite must still pay lip-service to notions of citizen equality and sovereignty, even as the they lessens the freedom and autonomy of the people, states, and civil society. The rise and presidency of Donald Trump sparked such intense, irrational bipartisan animus in part because he highlighted and crudely mocked those elite pretensions and specious rhetoric of equality, and still today has the support and loyalty and almost half the voters.

Persecuting a Pro-Israel Scholar DePaul University’s show trial of Prof. Jason Hill. Matthew Vadum


A white DePaul University professor mocked her black Jamaican-born colleague Jason D. Hill, claiming he came from a “shit-hole” country after Hill wrote an op-ed expressing support for the state of Israel.

The smear may be shocking to some but it’s just another day on an American university campus nowadays. To the academic Left, supporting Israel is arguably the worst thing anyone can do. Backing the Jewish state is an unforgivable sin in their eyes.

To these people, saying anything good about Israel is a crime against humanity. They believe that perpetrators of such thought crimes need to be made examples of and punished with the utmost severity.

So that’s what they did to Hill, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and author of several books, including What Do White Americans Owe Black People? Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression (Emancipation Books, 2021) and We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People (Bombardier Books, 2018). Hill is currently writing another book, Man Haters: the Left’s Vicious Campaign to Emasculate Men and Boys, which will be published next year.

The attacks on Hill were launched even though leftist thinking dictates he should enjoy triple-protected status because he checks three boxes on the all-important intersectional checklist: he’s black, gay, and an immigrant. But he is not beyond scrutiny in the woke world because he holds the wrong views on Israel and its right to exist, an issue that is at the apex of the leftist hierarchy of hatred.

The “shit-hole country” slander came as leftists at DePaul University in Chicago launched a vicious vendetta against tenured philosophy professor Hill after he wrote a column, “The Moral Case For Israel Annexing The West Bank—And Beyond,” that was published in The Federalist on April 16, 2019.

FBI, R.I.P.? The agency has become dangerous to Americans and an existential threat to their democracy and rule of law.  By Victor Davis Hanson


The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.  

Take the FBI’s deliberately asymmetrical application of the law. This week the bureau surprise-raided the home of former President Donald Trump—an historical first. 

A massive phalanx of FBI agents swooped into the Trump residence while he was not home, to confiscate his personal property, safe, and records. All of this was over an archival dispute of presidential papers common to many former presidents. Agents swarmed the entire house, including the wardrobe closet of the former first lady. 

Note we are less than 90 days out from a midterm election, and this was not just a raid, but a political act. 

The Democratic Party is anticipated to suffer historical losses. Donald Trump was on the verge of announcing his 2024 presidential candidacy. In many polls, he remains the Republican front-runner for the nomination—and well ahead of incumbent Joe Biden in a putative 2024 rematch.  

In 2016 then FBI Director James Comey announced that candidate Hillary Clinton was guilty of destroying subpoenaed emails—a likely felony pertaining to her tenure as secretary of state. Yet he all but pledged that she would not be prosecuted given her status as a presidential candidate. 

As far as targeting presidential candidates, Donald Trump was impeached in 2020 ostensibly for delaying military aid to Ukraine by asking Ukrainian officials to investigate more fully the clearly corrupt Biden family—given Joe Biden at the time was a likely possible presidential opponent in 2020. 

America’s Totalitarian Tendencies By Jim Fitzgerald


America has been on the road to totalitarianism for some time now. Totalitarianism has two schools. Old school totalitarian governments wield power openly. They use the apparatus of the state against their own citizens, arrest and hold political prisoners without due process, and violate people’s right to privacy in their own homes. In short, as Vaclav Havel observed from Communist Czechoslovakia in 1978, old school totalitarianism grants itself legitimacy “from the numbers… of armed… soldiers and police.” 

In addition to all the above, new school totalitarianism, what Havel called post-totalitarianism, farms out power to subsidiaries who do their dirty work for them, and who through shame or threat of violence force the commercial and corporate class to play nice or pay the price. This, of course, is just an earlier version of cancel culture which has a rather long and grimy history.

Havel’s example of the greengrocer is an example of how new school totalitarianism works. Havel’s grocer simply places a sign in the window of his shop which says, “Workers of the world unite!”

“Why does the grocer put the sign in the window?” Is he a truly concerned about the unity of workers around the world? Is he enthusiastically trying to educate the public? Is he trying to alter public opinion? No, probably not. He’s probably never even really thought about it very much, and it’s unlikely that the sign even represents his real opinion.

It’s much more probable, Havel argues, “That the poster was delivered to our greengrocer from the enterprise headquarters along with the onions and carrots. He put them all into the window simply because it has been done that way for years, because everyone does it, and because that is the way it has to be. If he were to refuse, there could be trouble. He could be reproached for not having the proper decoration in his window; someone might even accuse him of disloyalty. He does it because these things must be done if one is to get along in life.”

Climate Alarmism Descending upon the Lower Levels of Government By Irene Heron


Everyone knows about the disastrous Green New Deal that is being foisted upon us by our federal rulers in D.C. However, few New Yorkers realize that our state is way ahead of the game when it comes to destroying modern life as part of the climate change hoax. We have our own version of the GND known as the Climate Leadership and Communities Protection Act (CLCPA).

Since the Dems have held the legislature and governor’s seat, some of the most destructive programs and regulations have been imposed to stop the use of fossil fuels in our homes, cars and every facet of our lives without regard for the consequences.

In 2019, New York lawmakers approved one of the most aggressive climate policies in the world, requiring net zero emissions for all sectors of the state’s economy by mid-century. The CLCPA  requires New York to acquire all of its electricity from carbon-free energy sources by 2040 and then reach net zero emissions by 2050. In fact, we are one of the few states in the U.S. (if not the only one) with legally binding emissions reduction targets that meet goals set by the Paris climate agreement.

As the Empire Center think tank explained, New York can increase its use of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it cannot do so cheaply while maintaining grid reliability.

Vladimir Putin, Meet Joe Biden Bob Maistros


Any remaining doubt that America is over was laid to rest Aug. 8, 2022 – 6 feet under.

With the not just “unannounced,” but unprovoked, unprecedented, unprincipled and unpardonable violation of the home and property of a former head of state and potential future presidential candidate, this nation is no longer the United States. It is die Deutsche Demokratische Republik, and the Justice Department and FBI are the Stasi, KGB and Chinese Ministry of State Security rolled into one.

And any question whether the Biden-Harris-Schumer-Pelosi occupation regime in Washington is illegitimate was equally dispatched by its latest outrage.

Legitimate governments, operating with the consent of the governed, do not (per Julie Kelly of American Greatness) feel the need to awaken “hundreds of Americans … before dawn” deploying “dozens of armed FBI agents and military-style vehicles to capture even nonviolent protesters.”

Nor hold these non-violent protesters – many escorted into the Capitol by the Capitol Police – in solitary confinement for 18 months or more.

Nor force these “broken men and women” to “plead guilty to low-level misdemeanors such as ‘parading’ in the Capitol in an attempt to end their legal torture, only to be sentenced to prison time by judges … who then berate them from the bench as if they had committed the most heinous of crimes.”

Do The Political Elites Intend To Starve People To Death?


Sri Lanka is the case study. Cruel and pointless green agricultural policy has caused a crisis of hunger, shortages, rising prices, a crippled economy, and violence. The country’s president and its prime minister were chased from the country, and have been replaced. It should be a lesson to the rest of the world. Instead, it’s more likely a preview of the future.

What happened in Sri Lanka – “the systematic destruction of Sri Lankan agriculture by a regime so focused on appearing environmentally conscious that it blinded itself to the humanitarian disaster it was creating” – is also taking place in the Netherlands, one of the world’s top producers of farm products. There, policymakers have placed limits on agricultural waste emissions, which the eco-zealots are now at war with. The “tractor-riding rebels” understandably rose “up against their government.” What else should be expected when the rules could force as many as 30% of producers out of business?

Farmers in Spain, Ireland, and New Zealand are also rising up. It’s more than enough for any open-minded lawmaker anywhere on Earth to look at these events and rethink the policies that have caused such turmoil. But not Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Boy Prime Minister, who like the rest of the immature left is fixated on making points with the “right” people, as if he never left high school. Despite the clear warning signs, he’s moving “ahead on fertilizer reduction as provinces and farmers cry foul,” the Toronto Sun has reported. There are factions that must be impressed.

Gary Baise, an Illinois farmer and trial lawyer, recently wondered in Farm Futures if the U.S. will be the next country to adopt hunger and higher food prices as public policy.

CT Port Authority Project Costs $255M, Corrupted by Unethical Gifts By Adam Andrzejewski


The Connecticut Port Authority’s remaking of New London’s State Pier is costing $255.5 million and is the subject of a wide-ranging federal probe of several construction projects that were overseen by Gov. Ned Lamont’s administration.

Connecticut newspaper The Day reported that Attorney General William Tong is investigating a controversial grant in 2020 — a $523,000 success fee given to a marine consulting firm, Seabury PFRA, “for its role in choosing the politically connected operators of the port of New Haven to run the competing New London port,” the newspaper said.

An employee of the consulting firm had served on the port authority board of directors until right before his firm got the large contract.

The Seabury firm agreed to pay $10,000 in fines for violating ethics codes by giving gifts to two port authority employees and a board member, the Office of State Ethics said.

The gifts came during 2017 and 2019, a time when agency spending was out of control, not properly recorded, with lavish expense accounts and payments made to insiders without competitive bidding, The Day reported.

Former board chairpersons, Old Lyme First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder and Scott Bates, deputy secretary of the state, both resigned at the request of the governor.

While the Ethics Office fined Seabury for the unethical payments, it won’t say who got the bribes and neither will the Port Authority.