Kick racism out of sport…unless the victim’s a Jew. Is this the new mantra of international sports and athletics bodies? Consider the following: A soccer star living in an Arab dictatorship doesn’t much care for black people. He therefore refuses a transfer to a Premier League club in England because it has two blacks on […]
Exclusive: The More We Dither, The More Emboldened Our Opponents Become James Carafano, PhD, Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade? Part of the reason that the president’s popularity fell below fifty-percent for the first time could be that he had another troubled week on the foreign policy and national security fronts. Obama spent much […]
Global Warming Meltdown: Climategate! Alan Caruba For those of us “skeptics†and “deniers†who have been jumping up and down, pointing at the Sun, and saying, “See, it’s the Sun that determines how warm or cool the Earth is. See it? Up there in the sky?†The truth about some of the scientists behind the […]
By Wesley Pruden OPINION/ANALYSIS: Willing student or not, reality continues to give Barack Obama a late education in how the world — including the United States — actually works. The president and his attorney general are giving the rest of us an Ivy League tutorial in constitutional law. When Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. […]
Top Republican lawmakers not invited to State Dinner Joseph Curl and Matthew Mosk While the White House is mum about who will be among the 300 or so lucky invitees to President Obama’s first state dinner Tuesday night, word is already leaking out about who’s not on the A-list. Chief among the non-attendees: top Republican […]
NEITHER JHIMMI NOR OBAMA HAVE “PURE INTENTIONS”….RSK Jimmy Carter’s presidency offers a lesson in how the purest intentions can lead to the most disastrous results. By BRET STEPHENS An idealistic president takes office promising an era of American moral renewal at home and abroad. The effort includes a focus on diplomacy and peace-making, an aversion […]
Citizens vs. ObamaCare: ‘Million Med March’ Draws Hundreds in St. Louis By Bob McCarty “I just want to tell the government to slow down, get it right or don’t do it at all,†said Dr. Dan Windsor, the St. Louis-area addiction specialist who led the Million Med March [1] rally on Saturday afternoon outside the […]
Abusing Israel: The Fashionable Thing to Do By P. David Hornik French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner told [1] France Inter radio recently: What really hurts me, and this shocks us, is that before there used to be a great peace movement in Israel. There was a left that made itself heard and a real desire […]
Viscount Monckton on Climategate:Pajamas Media -  ‘They Are Criminals’ (PJM Exclusive) This is what they did — these climate “scientists†on whose unsupported word the world’s classe politique proposes to set up an unelected global government this December in Copenhagen, with vast and unprecedented powers to control all formerly free markets, to tax wealthy nations and all […] Not all revolutions begin in the streets with tanks and guns. Some advance slowly, almost imperceptibly, until a nation is transformed and the public realizes too late that their freedoms are gone. Such is the revolution now taking place in America. The ’60s crowd has emerged from the ideological grave and is about to […]