Not all revolutions begin in the streets with tanks and guns. Some advance slowly, almost imperceptibly, until a nation is transformed and the public realizes too late that their freedoms are gone. Such is the revolution now taking place in America. The ’60s crowd has emerged from the ideological grave and is about to […] By Ted Belman When PM Salam Fayyad released his plan to “establish Palestine as an independent, democratic, progressive, and modern Arab state, with full sovereignty over its territory in the West Bank and Gaza, on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital” within two years, Israel took little notice of it. When […]
Free Speech Silenced at Columbia and Princeton By Pamela Geller Nonie Darwish, the executive director of Former Muslims United and author of Cruel And Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law, was scheduled to speak at Columbia and Princeton University last week, but both events were canceled under pressure from Muslim groups on […]
DID YOU KNOW? (I DID NOT) THAT HEBERT HOOVER WROTE SUCH GOOD BOOKS? RSK The Patriot Post The Foundation “All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.” –James Madison Political Futures “Here’s a new maxim: Nothing good ever happens when the Congress is in session on a Saturday night. As you […] Obama is on the run. He has spent the past year in many separate, long trips all over the place. In Great Britain, he gave Gordon Brown some DVDs and Michele Obama in chummy fashion — nobody here but us queens — put her arm on the Queen’s shoulder. In Russia, Obama decided to […]
SPEAKING OF DOMESTIC SQUABBLE IN THE UK…A MAN WHO CLAIMED HE STRANGLED HIS WIFE IN BED BECAUSE HE HAD A “NIGHTMARE THAT A BURGLAR WAS IN THE HOUSE” WAS JUST ACQUITTED IN LONDON……RSK SPEAKING OF DOMESTIC SQUABBLE IN THE UK…A MAN WHO CLAIMED HE STRANGLED HIS WIFE IN BED BECAUSE HE HAD A “NIGHTMARE […] Fort Benning receives package containing shells and threat to reenact Fort Hood jihad Jihad or copycat — in any case, an enemy of diversity. “Suspicious Note and Package at Fort Benning,” by Ashley Ball for, November 23 (thanks to Matt): Fort Benning investigators are launching an investigation into a suspicious note and package […]
Enemy Combatants on American Soil – by Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing [1]. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) […],1518,druck-662822,00.html   Obama’s Nice Guy Act Gets Him Nowhere on the World Stage By Gabor Steingart When he entered office, US President Barack Obama promised to inject US foreign policy with a new tone of respect and diplomacy. His recent trip to Asia, however, showed that it’s not working. A shift to Bush-style bluntness […]
POLITICAL MAVENS How many of the parents paying the full tuition of $51,000/year at Wesleyan University know that part of that sum indirectly goes for educating prisoners who are double murderers? In the best of all Woebegone worlds, where money is infinite and there is no need to prioritize, an argument could be made for […]