Fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. And now Old Joe Biden’s handlers have opened up a new way for terrorists to get into the United States: Iran International English reported late Friday that “the Biden admin has decided to lift a controversial ban on the entry into US of Iranian men who’d been conscripted into IRGC, a Foreign Terrorist Organization, as part of their compulsory military service, as they don’t ‘pose a national security or public safety risk.’” The IRGC is Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which the Trump administration designated a terrorist organization in 2019. In their avidity to roll back every last thing that Trump did, Biden’s handlers are once again actively endangering Americans.
This decision to allow certain IRGC members into the country is a compromise move designed to get the Iran nuclear deal negotiations moving again. Those negotiations were galloping forward, with the Biden team bent on appeasement and the Iranians getting all they wanted and then some. But then the Iranians, dizzy with success, got a little greedy and demanded that as a condition of the deal, the United States remove the Foreign Terrorist Organization designation from the IRGC. In a stunning and inexplicable development after an unbroken record of appeasement, the Biden team balked, and the negotiations stalled. Now, the United States is trying to get them going by allowing low-level IRGC members into the country while maintaining the terrorist designation.