Lech Walesa On Obama Peace Prize: “Who, What? So Fast?†– New Europe – WSJ http://blogs.wsj.com/new-europe/2009/10/09/lech-walesa-on-obama-peace-prize-who-what-so-fast/ Lech Walesa On Obama Peace Prize: “Who, What? So Fast?†Marcin Sobczyk, New Europe WSJ.com Poland is stunned to see the Nobel Peace Prize given to U.S. President Barack Obama. You can always count on Poland’s outspoken ex-president and […]
Adventures in Obama Land – The Nobel Prize Committee Honors ‘The One’Pam Meister Friday’s news that Barack Obama won this year’s Nobel Peace Prize was a surprise to pretty much everyone. It’s proof that not all surprises pleasant ones. Rush Limbaugh opened his show Friday by saying, “There aren’t words for this. Well, there are, […]
Print E-Mail Feedback 10/09/2009 Opinion Obama’s Nobel Prize Is More of a Burden than an Honor By Claus Christian Malzahn The Nobel Peace Prize has come too early for Barack Obama. The US president cannot point to any real diplomatic successes to date and there are few prospects of any to come. It used to […]
http://www.hurryupharry.org/ Nora Clean’s guide to boycotting Zionist entities Your View, October 10th 2009, 10:00 am http://www.hurryupharry.org/ This is a guest post by Nora Clean (with Brian Henry) Now that the stars have gone back to Hollywood, I can say that our boycott of the Toronto International Film Festival was a success. True, we got tons […]
– Roger’s Rules – http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerkimball – Obama Wins Yasser Arafat “Peace†Prize: World Amazed Posted By Roger Kimball On October 9, 2009 @ 4:54 am In Uncategorized | 177 Comments So Barack Obama just picked up the imprimatur and nihil obstat from Oslo’s Nobel Prize Committee for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and […]
The Weekend Roundup – The Nobel Peace Prize Jumps the Shark Part of the fun of living under the Obama Administration is having your news headlines keep turning into April Fool’s Day. This belated April Fool’s Day, a bunch of aging left wing Norwegians decided to give away the Nobel Peace Prize to one Barack […]
AMERICAN THINKER….SEE UNDERLINED PLEASE QUOTES ME…..RSK….. October 09, 2009 President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize (Updated) Rick Moran Sorry – not a joke or a misprint. Well, not a joke in the sense that writing something so ridiculous must obviously be untrue and I’m just going for laughs. It is not a misprint either. The […]
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2009/10/fitzgerald-pakistan-a-brief-and-true-relation.html HUGH FITGERALD Pakistan: A Brief And True Relation The misplaced faith in Pakistan exhibited by many in Washington is not new; it has been going on for fifty years, ever since the first early infatuation, by various Dulles brothers and American generals, with fly-whisking ramrod-straight terry-thomas-moustachioed generals who kept assuring the Americans that “Islam […]
IN THE SPIRIT OF BREVITY LET US NOW ABBREVIATE AND CALL IT THE “ROP”…RELIGION OF PEACE….RSK http://www.jihadwatch.org/ German jihadist threatens to behead British soldiers with 2-foot-long knife inscribed with Koran verse But…but…it’s a book of peace! “Picture of evil: Bloodthirsty German Al Qaeda fanatic poses with 2ft-long knife for beheading British soldiers in Afghanistan,” from […]
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/energy/6657947.html Saudis ask for aid if world cuts dependence on oil Associated Press Oct. 8, 2009, 5:42AM BANGKOK — There are plenty of needy countries at the U.N. climate talks in Bangkok that make the case they need financial assistance to adapt to the impacts of global warming. Then there are the Saudis. Saudi Arabia […]