No Time for the Dalai Lama Obama is willing to anger China on tire tariffs but not on Tibet. In nearly nine months in office, President Obama has found time to meet with Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega and Vladimir Putin. But this week he won’t see the Dalai Lama, a peaceful religious leader who has […]
OPINION: GLOBAL VIEW OCTOBER 5, 2009, 11:33 P.M. ET How Israel Was Disarmed News analysis from the near-future. By BRET STEPHENS Jan. 20, 2010 NEW YORK—When American diplomats sat down for the first in a series of face-to-face talks with their Iranian counterparts last October in Geneva, few would have predicted that what began as […]
Sultan Knish Monday, October 05, 2009 Gilad Shalit – Human Weakness in the Face of Terrorism Muslim terrorists pride themselves on their amorality. On having no individual sense of right or wrong, only the abstract codes of Islamic law that can be modified at will to allow terrorists to do virtually anything to anyone, so […]
Why this man is laughing fit to explode Monday, 5th October 2009 Melanie Phillips There are clearly no lengths to which the world will not go to facilitate Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. Consider. A couple of weeks ago, the world was stunned to discover that Iran had a second uranium processing plant at Qom, thus proving beyond […]
 October 06, 2009 J Street is selling snake oil By Lori Lowenthal Marcus It is appropriate that at the end of October, right before Halloween, a large gathering of anti-Israel organizations dressed up in costumes labeled “pro-Israel” and “pro-peace” will convene in Washington. The disguises are new and from a distance they look so good […]
 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 PRUDEN: Obama dithers and dithers   Wesley Pruden ANALYSIS/OPINION: Only a wreck on the highway is more exciting than watching a president argue with himself. Not even the gruesome sight of presidential gore can overcome the instinct to stare at the gloomy and ponder the morbid. Barack Obama, like […]
 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 Scowcroft lauds Obama’s foreign diplomacy   Eli Lake NEWSMAKER INTERVIEW: Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to two Republican presidents, gave President Obama high marks for his foreign policy of engagement but warned that a retreat from Afghanistan would have consequences for neighboring Pakistan that could be “catastrophic for the […] Al-Arabiya network hopes Israel will fall within five years Oct 06, 2009 03:15 am | Robert Al-Arabiya broadcasts from modern, moderate Dubai, and is partly Saudi-owned. Yet for some odd reason it has never been a bastion of moderation — a fact for which the prevailing paradigm has absolutely no explanation. “Will Israel fall […]
The Real ElBaradei Unleashed Posted 10/05/2009 07:20 PM ET Nuclear Proliferation: Watchdogs often bark loudest at those who pose no threat at all, such as the mailman. Mohamed ElBaradei, self-styled “nuclear watchdog,” is now barking at Israel. The world will soon be seeing and hearing less from International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei. […]
  Dr. Dennis Cuddy — Ministers of Euthanasia, Part 1  Ministers of Euthanasia Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.  Responding to the charge that President Obama’s national health care proposals would include “death panels,†John Meachem of Newsweek wrote, “I Was A Teenage Death Panelist†(Sept. 12, 2009) in which he remarked that […]