Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King


China anniversary: Why the Communist party still enjoys the support of its people The Chinese Communist Party is reviled around the world for its human rights abuses, but it still enjoys unswerving support from those Chinese old enough to remember life beforehand. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/6256434/China-anniversary-Why-the-Communist-party-still-enjoys-the-support-of-its-people.html By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai Published: 6:16PM BST 03 Oct 2009 This […]


NOBODY SAYS IT BETTER THAN JOHN BOLTON Iran Outlook: Grim The failed policies of Presidents Bush and Obama have brought us to a difficult pass JOHN R. BOLTON The week of September 21 was supposed to be multilateralism on parade for President Obama: attending the Climate Summit, addressing the U.N. General Assembly, chairing the Security […]


happy warrior MARK STEYN Bridge to Nowhere Good Single-payer . . . public option . . . cap-and-trade . . . No, wait, is that health care or something else? It’s all so complicated, isn’t it? Which is the point. It’s so hard to follow we have to leave it to our betters — i.e., […]


China vows to stand by isolated North Korea Print Back to story China vows to stand by isolated North Korea By Chris Buckley Chris Buckley 2 hrs 42 mins ago BEIJING (Reuters) – China pledged to strengthen bonds with isolated North Korea on Monday, calling their relationship a boon to peace, while reports of swoops on North Korean ships […]

Nation-Building in Afghanistan: It Didn’t Work the First Time

http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/1053/Nation-Building-in-Afghanistan-It-Didnt-Work-the-First-Time.aspx   Nation-Building in Afghanistan: It Didn’t Work the First Time Written by:Diana West 10/4/2009 11:25:00 AM   Gen. McChrystal in London last week: “We don’t win by destroying the Taliban,” he said. “We don’t win by body count. We don’t win by the number of successful military raids or attacks, we win when the […]

Why I drew the cartoon: The ‘Muhammad Affair’ in retrospect

  The Daily Princetonian Guest Contributor Published: Thursday, October 1st, 2009   When — in early September 2005 — I got a brief request from my editor at the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten to draw my impression of the prophet Muhammad, I had little idea of what I was getting myself into. To me it was […]

Wafa Sultan speech at the Denmark Free Press Society Conference

Last June Dr. Wafa Sultan – the author of the upcoming book; A God Who Hates was a guest speaker along with Geert Wilders, Diana West and others at the Free Press Society Conference in Denmark. Please read the speech she gave at that conference relating to the publication of the Danish cartoons. The speech […]

An Enemy Within: The Making of Najibullah Zazi

Thursday, Oct. 01, 2009 An Enemy Within: The Making of Najibullah Zazi By David Von Drehle and Bobby Ghosh You’d think Najibullah Zazi would stand out on the high, dry plains southeast of Denver, where the earth is as flat as a starched shirt and mere wrinkles count as topography. But if heartland suburbs were […]

Palestinian Muslims Pelt French Tourists and Blame it on the Jews

by Nidra Poller (October 2009) http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm/frm/48958/sec _id/48958 Sometimes a small story sheds light on a big issue. This one almost escaped me. I skipped the item about inter-religious quarrels in Jerusalem in the breaking news column of the Figaro hours before the Kol Nidrei. I didn’t have the heart to read about Neturei Karta crazies […]

Fallen Marine’s father champions Afghanistan fight

http://www.stripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=65149#   Fallen Marine’s father champions Afghanistan fight By Charlie Reed, Stars and Stripes Mideast edition, Saturday, October 3, 2009 YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — Former Marine John Bernard is the anti-Cindy Sheehan. Bernard, a retired first sergeant, and Sheehan, the controversial Iraq war protester, share the excruciating burden of having lost their sons to […]