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Ruth King

Rep. Austin Scott sounds alarm on China buying U.S. farmland “And so the issue of them buying land is is about their ability to control food supply,” he said


Georgia Republican Rep. Austin Scott on Thursday warned about Chinese state-backed efforts to purchase farmland in the United States amid rising tensions with the oriental superpower over its economic practices and territorial claims in in the Pacific Rim.

Speaking on the “John Solomon Reports” podcast, Scott warned of the dangers of foreign ownership of the nation’s food supply and predicted bipartisan efforts to curb China’s purchases.

“[I[f you control the land, you control the food supply. And if you look at what China has done since the invasion of Ukraine, China, it says they’re not going to allow exports of rice and other products that they grow in their country,” he said. “And now, you know, they’re buying farmland inside the United States. This is something that we should have acted sooner than we have on this.”

“But we certainly don’t need our adversaries, buying up the cropland inside the United States and, outside of cropland, they do try to buy land close to our military bases,” he noted. “That’s, you know, obviously, for spying and for no purpose that is in the best interest of the United States. But we’re gonna have to reassess what is happening with these countries like Communist China buying land inside the United States.”

The SPLC Backs Woke History at James Madison’s Montpelier By Brenda M. Hafera


Virginia is for history lovers. George Washington’s Mount Vernon, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, and James Madison’s Montpelier – a triad of epicenters of our nation’s past – are all within driving distance.

Those who own and operate these historic houses have a significant say over how the American Founding is taught. Unfortunately, as described in a new Heritage Foundation report, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) work has been influential at James Madison’s Montpelier.

You might think Montpelier would focus on Madison’s numerous accomplishments, particularly his role in shaping the Constitution and the nation. You would be wrong. They now concentrate almost exclusively on slavery, its “central role in the framing of the nation” and its “lasting legacies.” In so doing, Montpelier ignores and diminishes Madison and puts identity politics over the American Founding.

The SPLC is famous for maintaining a list of “hate groups” that has come to include individuals and organizations they disagree with like the Family Research Council, which was targeted by a gunman who found them on the SPLC’s “hate map.” Another of the SPLC’s initiatives is “Teaching Tolerance” (rebranded “Learning for Justice”). The project provides educational resources, including guides for “Teaching Hard History” (what they refer to as “frameworks”) for addressing slavery in classrooms. Their materials are often sent directly to schools, bypassing parents.

Reviving a Dead Corpse Shoshana Bryen


Robert Malley, the man who led the American delegation sitting outside the “Iran talks” in Vienna while American interests were represented inside those talks by the Europeans, Russians, and Chinese, has now thrown in the towel. “You can’t revive a dead corpse,” he has said.

Question: Can you revive a live corpse?

It isn’t a fully sarcastic question. American bribes thrown at Tehran—both for the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal (JCPOA) and the hoped-for-2021 reprisal—were intended to invigorate what was seen by two Democratic administrations as a live, but perhaps comatose, body. It was actually dead then, although the bribes were numerous.

Before the JCPOA, the U.S. had issued warrants for, arrested, tried, and/or convicted a number of Iranians for violations of American export laws regarding high technology or equipment that could have military application. The 2015 deal unfortunately reversed most of that.

Three Iranians were pardoned before trial, and a fourth in the same case had his charges dropped. Three men were released from prison for providing or planning to provide technology: fiber-optic gyroscopes and electron tubes, satellite service, and high-tech industrial parts. Charges were dropped against another man in the case, as well as the company he worked for. Charges against an Iranian accused of shipping lift truck parts, one accused of shipping antennae, and one accused of sending aircraft parts to Iran were also dropped—as were charges against three fugitive defendants wanted in federal court for cases involving alleged export controls or sanctions violations regarding goods headed for Iran.

Saudi Arabia’s American Hostages-Henry Mark Holzer


Since September 11, 2001, much information has come to light about our so-called ally, the family business called Saudi Arabia: its quaint customs, like decapitation; its degradation of women; its subservience to Wahhabism; its being an incubator for terrorists; its financing terror attacks. What has not received enough attention, however, despite the efforts of a few politicians and journalist, is the Saudi kidnapping of American citizens.

The House of Representatives’ Government Reform Committee of Rep. Dan Burton (R. Indiana) has established beyond any doubt that nearly a hundred American citizens are being held against their will in Saudi Arabia – most of them girls or, by now, women. Many, some of whom are boys, were abducted from their American mothers decades ago by Saudi fathers. In Saudi Arabia, many have been physically abused (e.g., rapes, beatings,) psychologically deprived (e.g. no contact with mothers and siblings), forced to convert to Islam, and, if female, dumped into arranged marriages even at the age of twelve.

Despite heroic efforts by the captives’ American parents, lawmakers, journalists, and others – the bureaucrats in our Saudi-coddling State Department have, once again, proved to be willingly impotent – United States citizens cannot leave Saudi Arabia. Indeed, probably alone among nations of the world, Saudi Arabia prohibits all females from leaving the country without the written consent of their husbands or fathers.

Is there no way to help our countrymen, de facto imprisoned by a primitive regime that has not the slightest conception of human rights? Perhaps.

Hillary Clinton: Immoral or Amoral? Henry Mark Holzer


Pundit Dick Morris – who predicted Mitt Romney would beat Barack Hussein Obama – now predicts that Hilary Rodham Clinton would seek the Democrat nomination for president in 2024.

The corrupt Democrat Party leaders may be stupid (or desperate) enough to run her, despite the heavy baggage she carries.

She has been a poseur, playing the role of victimized, yet forgiving, wife during the Lewinsky scandal. She has been a victim, complaining to those who would listen (and those who tuned out) about losing to Obama in a primary and Trump in the general election. She has been a hypocrite, castigating the government for warrantless surveillance but using purloined tapes to her own political advantage. She has a been a criminal, for destroying evidence of crimes. She has been a paranoid, complaining to the world about the alleged “right wing conspiracy.” She has been a conniver, ousting career White House travel office employees in favor of her cronies. She has been a dilettante, presuming to make over America’s health care system.

While this conduct, and much more like it, has been unseemly and at odds with the image that had been projected by modern-era First Ladies from Eleanor Roosevelt to Barbara Bush, to Melania Trump, none of her conduct, as unseemly as it was, raised serious moral questions.

But Hillary Clinton has done many things that have reeked with immorality.


What is Senator Manchin’s game plan? After giving reasonable dissent on most policies and appointments, he caves and gives in to Democrat progressive demands. Is he lining himself up for higher office in the White House by pretending to be the “moderate” choice?

At least Liz Cheney, however vile, sticks to her beliefs.

Just asking…..rsk

The Dems’ New Proposal Does Nothing To Lower Inflation By David Harsanyi


The first thing to remember about the reconciliation bill Sens. Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer agreed to Wednesday is that, despite its utterly preposterous name, it has absolutely zero to do with inflation. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is crammed with the very same spending, corporate welfare, price fixing and tax hikes that were part of Build Back Better — long-desired progressive wish-list agenda items. Pumping hundreds of billions into the economy will do nothing to alleviate inflation. The opposite.

Let’s also remember the Democrats’ deflection on inflation last year — claiming it was “transitory” and “no serious economist” is “suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way,” and so on — was all part of a concerted political effort to ignore the problem long enough to cram through a $5.5 trillion iteration of their agenda. And when inflation suddenly became non-transitory, and politically problematic, the Biden administration argued that more spending would relieve inflation. They don’t care about the economy, as long as dependency is being expanded. 

The bill is far more likely to spike consumer prices than not. You can hate corporations with the heat of a thousand suns and grouse about the lack of fairness in the world, but it won’t change the fact that businesses don’t pay taxes, they collect them. The Dems’ bill claims it raises $313 billion with a minimum 15% corporate tax rate. Democrats seem to be under the impression that corporations that pay less than 15% are evading taxes rather than using completely legal tools like accelerated depreciation or taking advantage of tax credits. Whatever the case, raising corporate taxes means fewer jobs or higher prices. Maybe both. What it won’t do is lower inflation.

‘Former Deputy Sheriff’ in Stacey Abrams Ad Never Served in Law Enforcement in Georgia By Chris Queen


A recent ad from a pro-Stacey Abrams PAC features a “former deputy sheriff” talking about how “dangerous” Georgia’s new constitutional carry law is.

I’ve heard the spot on the radio — a lot — but I hadn’t seen video of the ad, which is entitled “Dangerous” featured a “former deputy sheriff” identified only as “Dennis” wearing a navy blue jacket and driving around in a car. The vehicle and the outerwear are supposed to make you think he’s actually in law enforcement if you’re not looking closely enough.

“Dennis” intones the following somber words:

As a former deputy sheriff, I’ve seen all kinds of gun crimes. And I can tell you, Brian Kemp’s new law is dangerous. It makes it easier for criminals to carry loaded guns in public. At the movies. In church. No permit. No background check. And Mr. Kemp, I call that criminal carry. Brian Kemp may talk tough, but he makes us less safe. Because the last place we want more criminals with guns is here [pointing at the school he is standing in front of].

And of course, the only way to avoid this future in which everybody is just shooting up every building in Georgia is to elect Stacey Abrams.

22 State AGs Sue Biden Regime Over Threat to Withhold Nutrition Assistance from Schools That Don’t Submit to Radical LGBTQ Policy By Debra Heine


More than 20 Republican attorneys general have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the Department of Agriculture’s threat to withdraw funding from school meal assistance programs unless the schools submit to the regime’s “expansive and unlawful interpretation of federal antidiscrimination laws.”

The lawsuit, led by Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery, was filed on Tuesday. The coalition of 22 State AGs claim that the federal government has adopted “a new and unlawful application of the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County as it applies to antidiscrimination requirements.”

In a statement Tuesday, Slatery said, “these transformative changes were made without providing the States and other stakeholders the opportunity for input as required by the Administrative Procedures Act (APA).”

The coalition of attorneys general said in a letter to Biden last month, that a new USDA guidance greatly expanded the concept of “discrimination on the basis of sex” to include gender identity and sexual orientation, and did “much more than offer direction.”

“It imposes new—and unlawful—regulatory measures on state agencies and operators receiving federal financial assistance from the USDA,” the letter stated. “And the inevitable result is regulatory chaos that would threaten the effective provision of essential nutritional services to some of our most vulnerable citizens.”

The AGs allege in the lawsuit that the Biden administration “inappropriately expanded the law far beyond what statutory text, regulatory requirements, judicial precedent, and the U.S.
Constitution permit.”

To be clear, the States do not deny benefits based on a household member’s sexual orientation or gender identity. But the States do challenge the unlawful and unnecessary
new obligations and liabilities that the Memoranda and Final Rule attempt to impose—obligations that apparently stretch as far as ending sex-separated living facilities and athletics and mandating the use of biologically inaccurate preferred pronouns.

Iran’s Deepening Military Expansion Into Europe by Con Coughlin


The Iranian regime’s decision to give its backing to Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine… represents an alarming expansion in Iran’s military ambitions beyond the Middle East.

Arguably Khamenei’s most revealing comment during the visit was his call for Iran and Russia to increase what he termed “reciprocal cooperation” between the two countries to counter the threat of Western sanctions.

The concern now, say Western security officials, is that the commercial ties between the two countries will lead to closer military cooperation.

Iran’s very public displays of support for Russia certainly undermine the long-standing assumption of American and European policymakers that the Iranian threat, allowing Iran unlimited nuclear weapons, relates only to the Middle East — and specifically against Israel.

US President Joe Biden’s confused position on the Iran issue has been further exposed by the head of Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency, who told this month’s Aspen Security Forum that, in his view, Iran had shown little interest in negotiating a new nuclear deal.

The truth of the matter is that Mr Biden’s policy on Iran has become completely untenable, and the sooner he and his officials recognise their courtship of Tehran is doomed to end in failure, the better it will be for all concerned.

Iran’s deepening involvement in supporting the Russian war effort against Ukraine should serve as a wake up call to Western leaders that Iran’s military threat is no longer solely confined to the Middle East.

Ever since the ayatollahs seized control of the country more than 40 years ago, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the regime’s standard bearers, have mostly confined their military activities to the Middle East region, whether it is waging war against neighbouring countries like Iraq or threatening Israel through its proxies in Lebanon and Syria.