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Ruth King

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Protected the Indo-Pacific Region for the Free World by Lawrence A. Franklin


Perhaps Abe’s most enduring contribution to the Japanese people was successfully to mold their thinking into accepting a greater responsibility for Free World defense.

Abe’s calm demeanor, diplomatic comportment and clarity of thought on strategic security issues helped enable the rapid evolution of the “QUAD” alliance (US, Japan, Australia and India) into a formidable bulwark against Chinese Communist expansionism in the Indo-Pacific.

Abe’s most significant contribution to strengthening security in the Indo-Pacific Region may yet materialize: to amend Japan’s post World War II Constitution to allow Tokyo more aggressively to project military power in the South and East China Seas. Such as addition would be a great boost to Free Asia’s hope to keep the Indo-Pacific secure and free. It is to be hoped that all countries in the region will follow in Abe’s extraordinary footsteps.

Shinzo Abe, the most influential Japanese leader since World II, ushered in accomplishments that were transformative both in Japan’s role as a democratic power in the Indo-Pacific Region and as a dynamic player in international affairs. His aggressive initiatives on defense issues significantly strengthened the US-Japanese Alliance, just as China’s expansionist aspirations in the South and East China Seas were peaking; he continued to push for an increase in Japan’s defense budget right up to his assassination.

“Searching for an Honest Man” by Lawrence Kadish


Legend has it that long ago the philosopher Diogenes walked the streets of ancient Greece with a lamp held high in search of an “honest man.” His street theater suggested a quiet but dramatic protest against what he viewed as a corrupt society that smirked at government ethics and ignored personal responsibility.

A millennium or two later, the world’s greatest democracy has need to follow in Diogenes’ footsteps, as we collectively walk Washington, D.C. “looking for an honest man.”

America comes to this crossroads at a perilous time. There are those in our nation’s capital and leaders around the world who quietly believe our country is in a slow but deliberate decline, ceding global leadership to China much the way Great Britain gave way to the United States at the turn of the 20th Century.

If that is the case, then our world needs to brace itself for a dark, despotic era, for it was Abraham Lincoln who reminded all who would listen that the United States was, “…. the last best hope of earth.” Despite all of our domestic bickering, it remains so today.

Hearing Witness Claims Hawley Inciting Anti-Trans ‘Violence’ by Asking if Women Get Pregnant


A law professor accused Senator Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) of being “transphobic” during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on Tuesday when he questioned her use of the phrase “people with the capacity for pregnancy” as a substitution for “women.” But in a 2020 law review article related to pregnancy, the same academic used the word “woman” 45 times and “women” 349 times.

Khiara M. Bridges, a professor at the UC Berkeley School of Law, testified at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings dedicated to exploring legal concerns regarding the formal overturn of Roe v. Wade.

In her testimony, Bridges almost entirely refrained from using the word “woman,” and instead resorted to gender-neutral language such as “people” and “people with the capacity for pregnancy.”

Senator Hawley questioned Bridges’ choice of rhetoric. Their exchange was as follows:

Senator Hawley: “Professor Bridges … you’ve referred to ‘people with the capacity for pregnancy.’ Would that be women?”

Bridges: “Many women, cis-women have the capacity for pregnancy. Many cis-women do not have the capacity for pregnancy. There are also trans men who capable of pregnancy, as well as non-binary people who are capable of pregnancy.”

FROM A SAUDI MAGAZINE — “Today, the IDF represents the whole nation, ‘the people’s army,’ in which Israeli Jews, Druze, Muslims, Arabs, Bedouins and Christians all are brothers in arms.” — | Majalla

DPS Note: Thanks to Alex S we have the English language version of the Saudi magazine which had that picture of the Israeli Arab IDF soldiers on the cover.


By Suzan Quitaz 

08 July , 2022

It is early morning in the Negev desert, a battalion of soldiers crawls across the desert sand with assault rifles cocked. It’s a routine military exercise, but these are no ordinary combatants – they are Arabs who have voluntarily chosen to fight and even sacrifice their lives in order to protect the State of Israel. These young men, and some women too, are proud to be part of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). One of these young men is sergeant Emad, who proudly says “It’s an honor, to hold in one arm the assault rifle and on the other arm the holy Koran, to defend my homeland, Israel”

There is a massive misconception in the mainstream media about the Israeli Army. Most people believe it’s predominately Jewish, and it was at its early inception. When Israel’s independence was declared, there were a number of armed Jewish defense organizations like the Haganah, Palmach, Lehi and Irgun. Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, decided to establish a single, and unified armed force loyal to the government of the State of Israel: The Israel Defense Forces was created on 26 of May 1948.

The IDF is unique amongst the militaries of the world due to its being a conscript army. Since its formation, mandatory military draft applies to both Jewish men and women. Today, it is one of the largest and most influential institutions in Israeli society due to its influence on the country’s economy, culture, and political scene. But one noticeable change that should not be overlooked, is the IDF has changed greatly in the decades since it was born. Today, the IDF represents the whole nation, ‘the people’s army,’ in which Israeli Jews, Druze, Muslims, Arabs, Bedouins and Christians all are brothers in arms.

‘Agency’: An Important New Book About America Scholar Ian Rowe reveals how all children can overcome the victimhood narrative – and discover their pathway to power.Star Parker


The Gallup polling organization seems to serve up endlessly bleak news about how Americans feel about God and country.

I wrote recently about their report of the historically low percentage of Americans that say they believe in God.

Now Gallup reports that a historically low number of Americans believe in ourselves and our country.

The percentage of Americans who now say, per Gallup, they are “extremely proud” of their country is at a historically low 38%.

And the average percentage, 27%, of Americans that have confidence in our major institutions is at an all-time low.

Inflation, slow growth and weekly reports about pointless violence do not inspire good feelings and confidence.

But the good news is we can still speak freely and express ourselves. Often, it takes courage to say publicly what you see and feel is wrong. But you can do it.

We have a wonderful example in a new book from American Enterprise Institute scholar Ian Rowe, “Agency: The Four Point Plan (F.R.E.E.) for All Children to Overcome the Victimhood Narrative and Discover Their Pathway to Power.”

Rowe is well positioned to speak about our country, what works and where the problems are, as the son of Jamaican immigrants who struggled so their sons would “make it” in America.

Phony Rhetoric About ‘Our Democracy’ The obscuring of America’s Constitutional political order. Bruce Thornton


Ever since the political rise of Donald Trump we have heard mantras chanted about “our democracy,” usually in the context of how Trump allegedly is destroying it. This cliché obscures the actual nature of our Constitutional political order, which created a mixed government more typical of a republic than a democracy rightly understood; and was based on a realist vision of human nature whose destructive excesses the Founders sought to mitigate without diminishing the citizens’ freedom.

More devious, the sloppy use of “democracy” distracts from the fact that progressives for over a century have used the camouflage of “democracy” to hide their systematic dismantling of that Constitutional order that protects the freedom of individuals, civil society, and states from the tyranny of concentrated “large powers and unhampered discretion,” as Woodrow Wilson called for in 1887.

Much of the democracy happy talk reflects the global high estimation of democracy,  its “best of good names,” as historian Michael Mandelbaum describes its universal prestige as a form of government “honored and valued everywhere” with “the same kind of aura that surrounds medicine,” and esteemed as “a high human achievement that improves the lives of those fortunate enough to come into contact with it.” Like “natural,” “green,” and “organic,” it’s a term that reflexively evokes positive approval of whatever ideal or policy it’s used to promote.

But such marketing reinforces a false understanding of the American political order, one predicated not on human perfectibility and utopian ambitions, but on humanity’s permanent destructive weakness and corruptibility caused by our universal “passions and interest” that are “sown in the nature of man,” as Madison said. These indelible traits create diverse political “factions,” associations that compete with each other for the power to gratify both interests and passions.

Spoiler Alert: It’s All a Scam This is war. We need to go on the offensive. It starts by describing the four corners of deceit, exposing them, and actually taking them back. It is late, but never too late.   By Theodore Roosevelt Malloch


“The four corners of deceit are: government, academia, science, and the media. I had a hard time coming to this radical conclusion myself, as I wanted to believe otherwise, was not a conspiracist, and have attained all the laurels on offer from our current system. ”

Here is the hard-discovered truth. 

The Left, which now controls all the centers of power and the commanding heights of the world economy, seeks to codify their ideology as science, and thereby make it irrefutable. You can’t disagree with it or you are a kook or insurrectionist. You are outside what Thomas Kuhn, called the “paradigm of normal science.” 

Think about it. Everything these authorities tell you is true is, in fact, precisely the opposite of the truth.

Global warming is a hoax.  Universities are about indoctrination, not education. Government is a form of manipulation with a two-tiered justice system. The media is fake and journalism died long ago. The financial system is a Ponzi scheme. Trump did not collude with Russia. The border is wide open. Inflation is not transitory. Defunding the police increases crime. The pandemic did not originate in a wet market from pangolins. 

Joe Biden is illegitimate. Crackhead Hunter is not innocent. Epstein didn’t kill himself. Black Lives Matter and critical race theory are not about racial justice. Women are not men and vice versa. Virtue signaling isn’t about virtue. Religion is not malevolent. 

Gavin Newsom’s Weird Idea of ‘Freedom’ Newsom resembles a pathetic owner of a once successful but now run-down, high-priced gas station without clients. By Victor Davis Hanson


In a run-up to what is likely to be a 2024 presidential bid, California Governor Gavin Newsom hit upon the bizarre idea of boasting in commercials that California is America’s true “free” state. 

Part of his ad campaign is to attack Florida—currently run by Newsom’s possible rival, Governor Ron DeSantis. 

Yet, with the most burdensome regulations and high tax rates, Newsom’s California is arguably the most unfree state in the union.

In return for these steep costs, the state’s public institutions, infrastructure, and services are among the country’s worst. 

California’s once-vaunted freeway system is near the bottom of all state comparisons. California’s Highway 99, which runs the length of the Central Valley, is one of the deadliest roads in America based on miles driven. 

Over half the nation’s homeless crowd the state’s major cities. One-third of America’s welfare recipients have flooded into the state. A fifth of the resident population lives below the poverty line. Well over a quarter of Golden State residents were not born in the United States. 

California public school test scores consistently fall among the bottom 10 states. San Francisco has the highest per capita property crime rate in the country. 

The recently recalled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin and his soon to be recalled Los Angeles counterpart George Gascón have nearly ruined their cities. Both are iconic of multibillionaire George Soros’ nationwide efforts to undermine the entire criminal justice system. 

Tucker Carlson’s latest on ‘green’ energy is mandatory viewing By Andrea Widburg


When Congress — the people’s representatives — had the chance to vote on the Green New Deal, it emphatically said “no.”  Were we still a functioning representative democracy, that would be the end of the Green New Deal until such time as We the People elect (God forbid) a majority of senators and House members who want that legislation.  The unconstitutional leftist model since FDR, though, has been for the Executive Branch to do what Congress refuses to do, and, sadly, Chief Justice Roberts’s spineless opinion in West Virginia v. EPA has done nothing to limit that lawless power.

We now have a situation in which Biden has unchallenged and outsized executive powers and the EPA has unlimited regulatory power (both of which, I can assure you, were never meant to control America’s entire energy supply).  The result is that the Democrats are relentlessly clamping down on our available energy supplies.

In a pre-modern era, energy came from four sources: primitive wind and water power, animal abuse, and slavery (the last of which was not, although I’m sure leftists will deny it, a uniquely American phenomenon).  In the modern era, fossil fuel has allowed humans to break free from these limited and abusive energy systems.  Farms produce a surplus, water is cleaned, medical care is readily available, homes are warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and so much more.  Rather than listing everything that undergirds our world thanks to fossil fuel, I challenge you to list a single thing in your life that does not rely on fossil fuel for its functionality, manufacture, or transport.

Cataloguing Biden’s Ineptitude On Inflation


When the latest government report on inflation came out on Wednesday, showing that it had hit another grim milestone in June of 9.1%, President Joe Biden told the public not to worry.

That figure, he said, “is out of date.” Prices for key components of the Consumer Price Index have eased so far in July, he said. Besides, he said, inflation is higher “in many countries (in Europe) than in America.”

The public would do well to ignore anything Biden says about inflation, given his horrible track record when it comes to this topic. Since prices started their upward climb in March 2021, Biden has by turns claimed that it was the result of a booming economy, that it was temporary, that it was the result of supply chain bottlenecks, and most recently that Vladimir Putin is to blame.

When not making fact-free claims like those, Biden simply lies. Take his oft-repeated claim that Europeans have it far worse on inflation. Even Newsweek magazine felt obliged to conclude in its fact check “that Biden’s statement that U.S. inflation is the ‘lowest of almost every major nation’ is largely inaccurate.”

We don’t expect readers to simply take our word for it that Biden has been out to lunch on inflation. So we assembled a handy chart showing the annualized rate of inflation each month since January 2020. It matches up that record with statements Biden made about inflation.