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Ruth King

Lia Thomas and the ‘Authentic Self’ Stealing the brass ring. Bruce Bawer


If the New York Times poses as America’s newspaper of record, presenting every day’s news through the lens of woke ideology and the Democratic Party narrative, the New Yorker is our flagship “serious” weekly magazine. So when the New Yorker runs a sober 5700-word article about what is arguably, in the minds of our woke brethren, the major issue of the day – namely, trans athletes – it merits notice. The text in question, dated March 17, was written by sports journalist Louisa Thomas (hereafter “Louisa”) and focused primarily on University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas (hereafter “Lia”), who at a meet in Atlanta last Thursday became, as ESPN reported, “the first known transgender athlete to win a Division I national championship in any sport.”

Lia was born Will Thomas in 1998 or 1999 and, according to Louisa, “realized she was transgender in the summer of 2018.” But you won’t find the name Will Thomas in Louisa’s article, which begins as follows:

Lia Thomas has been swimming since she was five years old. As a high schooler, she was one of the top swimmers in Texas, an All-American. She followed her older brother onto the men’s team at the University of Pennsylvania, and established herself as a strong competitor in distance races; in her sophomore season, at the Ivy League championships, she finished second in three events.

In fact, during all that time, Lia was Will. And Will was a “he.” Lia is a “he,” too, of course. But in the year 2022, under the rules set down by our woke overlords, we are expected to pretend that Will’s decision four years ago to start calling himself Lia, and to identify as a “she,” had the magical effect of retroactively rewriting his entire life, turning Will Thomas into a girl from the moment of his birth

Biden’s Handlers Are Preparing to Eject Him (and Kamala) They must replace him, otherwise they themselves risk being replaced, which would be intolerable. By Roger Kimball


I sense a disturbance in the force. In fact, I’ve been feeling the tremors for a while. Back in January, I wrote a column for American Greatness called “The Coming Dethronement of Joe Biden.” In it, I noted that Biden’s appalling performance as president would sooner or later—and probably sooner, given the ostentatious nature of his multifaceted failure—lead to his removal as president. 

I should have added that it wasn’t Biden’s performance per se that would lead to his downfall. The problem, rather, was the way his performance was undermining his—and therefore his minders’ and puppetmasters’—political power. As Saul Alinsky, community organizer to the stars, noted, the “issue is never the issue.” Accordingly, the people who put Joe Biden in power—I cannot name them, but I know they are the same people who keep him in power—do not care about inflation, rising gas and food prices, COVID lockdowns or mask mandates, the porousness of our Southern border, the threat of war with Russia, or the myriad other issues that worry ordinary voters. I am quite certain, in fact, that the word “voters” brings a vaguely contemptuous smile to their faces. 

They are not troubled by the suffering of the people, indeed, they approve of a certain amount of suffering. Suffering produces dependency; and dependency, in turn, is like an insurance policy for those who cater to it: the bureaucrats who fill the troughs that feed the populace. The point, of course, was never to end the dependency but to manage in such a way as to perpetuate and expand it. Joe Biden is an errand boy, a figurehead, in the metabolism of this great (not to say Great Society) act of political legerdemain. 

Back in January, I compared the conundrum that Joe Biden presented to The Committee that keeps him in power with the conundrum that Richard Nixon presented to the elites of his day. Nixon was hated by all the beautiful people of his day, but before he could be disposed of the elites had to address the problem of Spiro Agnew, who in his own way was nearly as preposterous as Kamala Harris. Fortunately for the anti-Nixon forces, Agnew was also corrupt in a pedestrian, easy-to-demonstrate sort of way. So all that the forces of light and virtue had to do was produce evidence of his glomming on to paper bags full of pelf in exchange for favors rendered and, presto, Agnew was history. 

Kamala Harris is more of a problem. She is at least as appallingly incompetent as her boss, and no less challenged rhetorically, as her alarming performance in Poland and Romania a week or two back demonstrated. But Harris will not be as easy to shift as was Agnew. I have heard nothing about actual bribery, and acting as the warm bun for Willie Brown’s bratwurst may be in dubious taste but is not actionable.

The Causes of War Keith Windschuttle


“Hence, if the military adventurers of Russia and China are predicating their exploits on some perception of American decline, they are badly mistaken. The only thing they have got right is their view of the lack of resolve of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who have been, so far, the most timid American presidents since Jimmy Carter.”

Someone should remind them, and the Western intellectuals whose leftist thinking influences them, that Jimmy Carter was succeeded by Ronald Reagan. The American democratic system was not principally designed for warfare, but weak presidents usually beget strong ones, and sooner rather than later.

In an intriguing article in the latest edition of the UK online publication The Article, Raymond Keene tries to explain Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as the product of a national trait that runs deep within the Russian psyche: an excess of paranoia. This echoes one of the common assumptions in the media today: Putin must have gone mad.

Keene defines paranoia as a suspicion of a non-existent threat and goes on to argue that Putin has succumbed to such an unwarranted ailment: “I doubt that Russia had ever been less threatened than at the start of 2022, with a complacent, underfunded NATO, secure borders and a stranglehold economic grip on European energy supplies.”

Merrick Garland Has Turned the Department of Justice into a Left-Wing Blog By Dan McLaughlin


“America dodged a bullet keeping this man off the Supreme Court. Garland is too partisan to be attorney general, let alone a justice. So long as he runs the Justice Department, its chief role will be supporting whatever cause animates left-wing blogs. America deserves more equal justice under law.”

The Biden Justice Department is all lefty politics all the time.

E arlier this month, Merrick Garland marked the first anniversary of taking over the United States Department of Justice. It would be an understatement to say that Garland has politicized the DOJ. Garland has turned the Justice Department into something indistinguishable from a left-wing blog.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Unlike some other recent attorneys general — say, Jeff Sessions, another AG who had previously had a judicial nomination rejected by the Senate — Garland did not have a background in elected office and had never been a public presence in culture-war fights. When he was nominated to the Supreme Court in 2016, after years on the D.C. Circuit, Garland was known to be a social liberal (Democratic spin about him as a “moderate” to the contrary), but he was widely regarded as a sober-minded, pro-big-government, institutional liberal in the mold of Stephen Breyer rather than a rhetorical bomb-thrower.

When Garland testified before the Senate at his confirmation hearing, he assured the senators that his department would be both impartial and independent:

The Hunter Biden disinformation campaign It wasn’t Russian propaganda; it was Democrats and the media trying to hide the truth: Peter Van Buren


Democrats are obsessed with the idea that when they lose elections it must be because of outside forces, usually some sort of Russian. But what we know now is that if anyone has been manipulating our once precious democracy, it has been the Democrats.

The latest findings by the Durham investigation make clear that the 2016 Clinton campaign paid for and implemented a massive disinformation strategy to falsely link Donald Trump to Russia, and then worked the intelligence services of the United States and the mainstream media to drive that narrative deep into the American psyche.

When Trump won, Democrats used that same strategy to try and drive him from office. That that too failed is not the point; the playbook was being worked out for manipulating an election within the boundaries of the American system. The Dems/intel services/MSM proved to be fast learners, because when it came to 2020, the basic plan did work, deep-sixing the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop to help glide Joe into the White House.

Joe Biden’s Iran plan is a total disaster Michael Goodwin


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it does. The Biden administration is working on a plan that would make the world a far more dangerous place.  

It’s a plot with three steps, all terrible and each arguably worse than the previous one.

Step One is the determination to make a new sweetheart nuclear deal with Iran. There is no good reason, only the fetish to undo everything Donald Trump did.

He wisely scuttled the first bad deal, so President Biden is hellbent on making a new one, and is close to the finish line, meaning Iran could escape sanctions and its oil could hit the world market.

Step Two in the budding disaster is that the White House is letting the butcher of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, broker the talks between America and Iran. As I noted last week, on one hand, Putin is a war criminal raining death and destruction on millions of civilians, and on the other hand, we trust him to make an ironclad deal that blocks the mad mullahs from getting the ultimate weapons of mass destruction. 

What Our Betters Have In Mind For Us In The Era Of Fossil Fuel Suppression Francis Menton


As you undoubtedly know, back in January 2021 newly-inaugurated President Biden ordered the entire federal bureaucracy into full-battle mode in the crusade to suppress production and use of fossil fuels, aka “carbon emissions” (or maybe “climate pollution”). From Biden’s January 27, 2021 Executive Order (“Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad”):

It is the policy of my Administration to organize and deploy the full capacity of its agencies to combat the climate crisis to implement a Government-wide approach that reduces climate pollution in every sector of the economy. . . .

And thus we have every federal agency, under orders from the boss, whether or not its statutory mission has anything to do with “climate,” diligently devising schemes to outdo the other agencies in the fossil fuel suppression game. It’s not just EPA scheming to force closure of perfectly good power plants, but also Interior imposing a “moratorium” on oil and gas leasing on federal lands and offshore; and FERC putting out new standards of review to make it impossible for any new gas pipeline to get approved; and the Department of Energy imposing costly new efficiency standards on mobil homes; and even the Federal Reserve promising to make life difficult for banks that lend to fossil fuel producers; and the SEC imposing new and costly “climate” disclosure requirements on issuers; and on and on.

The Same People Who Said Hunter’s Laptop Was Fake and a Trump Pee Tape Was Real Are Pushing for War With Russia Supporting the people of Ukraine does not mean propelling the world into a war that will end all wars. Time and again, American involvement has not helped. This is one of those times. JD Rucker


I hope and pray that most of our readers are at least reticent if not adamantly opposed to going to war with Russia. One can support Ukraine, oppose Russia, and still not want the United States to get involved militarily or to escalate our response to Russia to the point that they attack NATO, drawing us into WWIII.

But there are Democrats and RINOs who are warmongering us towards direct involvement in the regional conflict prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They are getting louder. Anecdotally on social media, I’m seeing more “conservatives” calling for actions like no-fly zones that will force us to shoot down Russian aircraft and plunge us into war. My question is this: Why are so many otherwise lucid America First conservatives buying into the warmonger narrative?

As I stated on Twitter…

Reminder: The same people who told you Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” are now telling you Soros- and Schwab-backed Volodymyr Zelensky is democracy’s messiah. Accepting that Zelensky is corrupt and antagonizing world war does not make you a “Putin apologist.”

Andrea Widburg wrote an article for American Thinker that embraced an article by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse. It details some of the inconsistencies we’re seeing with the sudden rise in warmongers across America, who now account for an uncomfortable number of people.

Hunter Biden and the media’s feedback loop If you’re waiting for an apology from partisan journalists, you’ll wait in vain Cahrles Lipson


Well over a year after the presidential election, long after all mainstream media outlets killed a legitimate story about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, the New York Times finally announced it had “authenticated” the computer and its messages. The computer, left amid a drug-filled haze at a Delaware computer repair shot, is filled with damning information about Hunter’s pay-to-play operations, which monetized his family’s political power.

His only marketable skill was opening doors with his last name. It’s still unclear how deeply and directly Hunter’s father, Joe, is implicated in this sleazy business, which went on for years. Not that the Times wanted to know any of this when it mattered most, before the 2020 election.

As NPR’s managing editor for news put it on October 22, 2020, after the New York Post had broken the story, “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

NPR and the Times were hardly alone in killing the story. The Post was the only major paper that investigated and ran the damning news. Fox News was the only TV source that reported on it. For that investigative work, the Post deserved a roomful of journalistic prizes but, predictably, it received none. Why “predictably”? Because the folks who award prizes are the same hall monitors who try to control public discussion. They were the ones who suppressed the laptop story.


As of December 2020, Israel, once the battered orphan state of the United Nations, has diplomatic relations with 164 of the 193 total UN member states. How did this come about? Much credit is due to the Abraham accords forged by former President Donald Trump, his Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, the Israeli political establishment, and modern new leaders in the Arab world.

The credit must also go to Israel for the reasons that Michael Ordman catalogs on a weekly basis, namely, Israel’s dazzling research, technology and innovation which could be tapped into by cooperative nations.

By every measure, in spite of its biased detractors, Israel is a successful modern democracy on the cusp of its birthday of 74 or 5, 782 years. rsk

With so much in the world to worry about, the Jewish festival of Purim arrived just at the right time. It coincided with Israelis bringing relief to Jews sheltering in Ukraine, to refugees in border countries and those rescued and now safe in Israel. Israeli volunteers flew to the region to treat, donate aid and bring Purim cheer to Ukrainians of all religions. In other news, Israeli medical advances have put smiles on the faces of many of those suffering from Covid-19 and cancer. There was further uplifting news of Israel’s improving relations with the UAE, Morocco and Egypt. Meanwhile, two inspiring Israeli startups launched “out of this world” innovative technology. No wonder Israel has leaped up to ninth place in the United Nations-sponsored World Happiness Index. Michael Ordman




Tons of equipment for Israeli Ukraine field hospital. Israel airlifted some 17 tons of equipment to build its $6.5 million “Kochav Meir” (Shining Star) Ukraine field hospital (see here previously), which is expected to treat around 100 patients per day. Also, Magen David Adom is sending 4 bullet-proof ambulances to Ukraine.
Dental NGO relieves pain for Ukrainian child. 4-year-old Feiga arrived in Israel from Ukraine, unable to eat due to her poor dental condition. Just 24 hours after contacting Dental Volunteers for Israel, Feiga had root canal treatment to alleviate her pain, while pediatric dentists gently prepared her for further treatment.
New Covid treatment available. Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat (Safed) is currently offering AMOR-18 from Israel’s Amorphical (see here previously) to all moderate to serious COVID-19 patients. It is also undergoing clinical trials at four Israeli hospitals. All 18 patients in Ziv’s trials of AMOR-18 recovered quickly.
Diagnostic blood test advances. Israel’s OncoHost (see here previously) has opened a new laboratory in North Carolina for its PROphet blood test to identify which cancer treatments are likely to work. Israeli Nobel Prize winner Aaron Ciechanover is an OncoHost’s advisor. PROphet may also help autoimmune disease sufferers.
Remote monitoring pilot success. Israel’s Essence SmartCare has completed a successful pilot of its VitalOn remote patient monitoring system. Patients of Clalit Health Services and homecare provider Sharan Medical Center were monitored at home on transfer from hospital.  VitalOn even saved a patient suffering low oxygen.
https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-701244  https://www.essencesmartcare.com/
A fierce medical company. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s MeMed (see here previously) has been named as one of the “Fierce MedTech Fierce 15” most promising medical technology companies. The annual list is produced by the prestigious medical magazine and resource Fierce Biotech.
A breath test for any disease. Israel’s Breath of Health (BOH – see here previously) was featured on I24 News. Its trial at Israeli hospitals showed that it could replace the PCR test for COVID detection. Its blow test pattern analysis can be adapted to detect any pathogen – e.g., different cancers, Alzheimer’s, or diabetes etc.
Improving outcomes for cancer patients. The Israeli-developed Intelligent Care platform of US-based Canopy improves life-saving care provided to cancer patients. Canopy’s suite of intelligent, electronic health-record integrated tools helps cancer centers engage with their patients and streamline clinical processes.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/rkgqe9lfc  https://www.canopycare.us/