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Ruth King

It’s Joe Biden’s Inflation He blames Vladimir Putin, but his policies and the Federal Reserve are at fault.


Inflation keeps rising, and working Americans are paying the price in falling real incomes. That’s the bad news from Thursday’s consumer-price index report for February, and the White House can’t blame Vladimir Putin for this one, though it’s trying.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said prices rose 0.8% in the month, the fastest rate in four months. That’s 7.9% over the last 12 months, and 8.4% over the last three months. In other words, inflation is accelerating.

The inflation surge was driven by rising costs for gasoline, food and shelter (imputed rents). But the price increases were also broad-based, suggesting that the psychology of rising prices has set in with businesses and consumers. The price of services (not counting energy services) rose 0.5% for the month. Remember when inflation was supposedly caused by supply-chain shortfalls for goods?

Well, services aren’t goods. Transportation costs rose 1.4%, and shelter jumped by 0.5%. The latter are likely to keep rising because they usually trail housing costs (which aren’t directly part of the consumer-price index).

An Ongoing National Crisis The homicide surge continues, while mainstream commentators misdiagnose the causes. Rav Arora


In his State of the Union address last week, President Biden declared, “The answer is not to defund the police. It’s to fund the police. Fund them. Fund them.” This line conflicts with Biden’s radical posturing after George Floyd’s death in 2020, but he’s right to talk about the necessity of adequately funding law enforcement. Over the past two years, homicidal violence has become a national crisis, with little coverage in the mainstream media.

As data from CDC and FBI crime reports released last fall demonstrate, 2020 saw the largest ever year-to-year increase in homicides. Following the George Floyd protests, cities such as Minneapolis, Portland, and New York City experienced an explosion in violence not seen in decades. The mayhem continued to mount in 2021, as under-resourced and demoralized police departments across the country struggled to quell rising neighborhood violence. At least a dozen cities nationwide shattered historical homicide records last year, including Portland, Austin, and Philadelphia.

Austin, Texas, saw one of the sharpest homicide spikes in 2021, with murders skyrocketing 86 percent. The city has never witnessed a higher homicide toll in a single year. “Typically, in Austin, homicide detectives average 3-4 homicides per year. 2021 was different,” Austin police lieutenant Brett Bailey told KXAN. “Several of the detectives were nearing [investigation of] their 10th homicide for the year.”

Trump’s Virtues: Thomas D. Klingenstein


Many leading Republicans and conservatives want someone other than Donald Trump to run for President in 2024. But this judgment requires an assessment of Trump’s vices and virtues in the context of our current political and cultural circumstances, as well as an assessment of other prospective Republican presidential candidates. Among the talked-about alternatives to Trump, I have not yet seen anyone who possesses either his virtues or his backbone. I am not suggesting that everyone make way for Trump; rather that it is too early to throw him overboard.

I regularly ask Republican politicians what they think of Donald Trump. The most frequent response is some version of, “I like his policies but don’t like the rest of him.” But this formulation gets it almost backwards. Although Trump advanced many important policies, it is the “rest of him” that contains the virtues that inspired a movement.

Trump was born for the current American crisis: the life and death struggle against the totalitarian enemy I call “woke communism.” The “woke comms” have seized every political, cultural, and economic center of power in the country from where they ruthlessly push their agenda. That agenda rests on the conviction that America is thoroughly bad (systemically racist) and must be destroyed. 

If there is one thing that patriotic Americans know about Trump it is that he, like them, is unequivocally pro-American and willing to fight to defend the American way of life. When Collin Kaepernick and his ilk knelt before the American flag, Trump called them “sons of bitches.” As always, he was being forceful, authentic, and unmistakably clear.

Pandemic: by Tom McCaffrey


 — The pandemic rages on. The science tells us it is a disease of the mind. It mainly affects persons who have managed to go through life without ever learning to think rationally. Its primary symptom is an overwhelming desire to help the oppressed. Those infected believe that this desire is the essence, the sine qua non, of moral worth. They view anyone who does not share this belief as the embodiment of evil.

Beyond the question of caring for others, the infected show an admirable degree of tolerance for the failings of their fellow man. They are laudably forgiving of vagrancy, drug abuse, sexual license of every variety, petty crime, not-so-petty crime (shoplifting up to the house limit of $950 in California), and arson and vandalism (when done for a good cause). Anyone who does not share their tolerance for such indiscretions they view as the embodiment of evil.

Those infected typically experience an irresistible desire to tell others what to do. A British doctor has diagnosed the mindset of the infected thus: because what’s good for society as a whole is the standard of right and wrong, rather than what’s good for each individual, government experts acting on behalf of society are best qualified to determine how each person ought to live his life.

Hawks, Or Pigeons In A Bad Mood? American elites have squandered our technological and manufacturing advantage over both Russia and China.David Goldman


Few dispute that the Ukraine crisis brings with it the risk of nuclear escalation. The reverse also might be true: The Ukraine crisis may be the result of a shift in the world’s nuclear balance.

With an economy smaller than the state of Texas, Russia has built strategic weapons superior to many in the American arsenal. These include land as well as submarine-launched hypersonic weapons that can carry nuclear missiles past any American defense, as well as the world’s best air defense system, the S-500. The October 4, 2021, test of Russia’s submarine-launched “Zircon” hypersonic missile was the first-ever underwater firing of a low-altitude weapon that flies at nine times the speed of sound, according to Russian claims. A Russian sub lurking a hundred miles off the American coast could nuke Washington in a flat minute.

A day later Russia test-launched its S-500 air defense system, designed to destroy aircraft and missiles in a 600-kilometer radius, including targets in close space. And last December, Russia claimed to have tested the S-550 upgrade, which allegedly can destroy ICBMs as well as satellites. Russia has sold the earlier S-400 system to India, China, and Turkey; India may be the first foreign customer for an S-500.

Putin’s War Crimes: Reported Heroes and Others by Lawrence Kadish


While many extraordinary American companies have voluntarily taken serious financial setbacks as their contribution to defending Ukraine — now the front line in a war on the Free World by Russian President Vladimir Putin — other companies have revealed themselves as indifferent at best.

Putin has curated a long track record of turning Grozny to rubble, flattening Aleppo, devouring Georgia and Crimea, and now has been dropping cluster and vacuum bombs, banned by the Geneva Conventions, on civilian targets in Ukraine. His troops have also attacked and taken over nuclear reactors, and Putin has repeatedly agreed to humanitarian evacuation routes that, when people emerge, the Russians shell — all in sub-zero, dead-of-winter weather. The problem: if Putin is allowed to take Ukraine, it will result in further annexations in Europe. The failure to contain aggressive acts results in further aggressive acts.

It is important immediately to follow the impressive example of worldwide heroes, above all, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. British Petroleum willingly absorbed a $25 billion loss. Elon Musk immediately made his Starlink satellite broadband internet service available in Ukraine and donated Starlink terminals to the people of Ukraine, in the event that their cyber capability was downed.

Kamala invades Poland: Witness the art of cackle diplomacy-Roger Kimball


You can tell that the Biden administration is getting serious. They have unleashed their ultimate weapon, cackle diplomacy.  The warhead is nicknamed Harris, and it is now in Poland cackling away, endeavoring to assemble the high-level Pierogis before Russia flattens Kyiv or Putin decides to go nuclear — and by “go nuclear,” alas, I mean “go nuclear.”

Some observers say that sending Kamala Harris on this mission will give her a chance to “burnish” her foreign policy credentials. Cynical folks — and I would include myself in that group — think it is just another emission of fog by America’s first certifiably senile administration.

“Ukraine is a country in Europe,” Harris recently explained to universal hilarity, “it exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”

Did I mention that the hilarity was laced with feelings of appalled panic? This, after all, was the vice president of the United States.

The messaging about Russia has not been particularly consistent. We all hate Putin: that message was clear enough. And we are all supposed to fawn over the latest pin-up from Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky.

There are a few other things that the official directive specifies. We’re not supposed to mention the thirty bioresearch labs that the US maintains in Ukraine. We are not supposed to mention Ukrainian support for Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, its government’s efforts to undermine Donald Trump, or its connection with George Soros, Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset,” or its lavish financial support of the Biden family and the families of other high-ranking Americans. All that is off-script, so, even though it is potentially clarifying, I won’t mention it.

THE STENCH OF SPYGATE: It won’t go away, no matter how much the media ignores it. by George Neumayr


The more we learn about the Obama administration’s spying on Donald Trump, the worse it looks. The investigation into his alleged collusion with Russia never had any foundation to it. Feverish partisans pushed for the probe. Chief among them were John Brennan, Obama’s CIA director who despised Trump, and Peter Strzok, Brennan’s FBI liaison who texted his mistress that he was going to “stop” Trump.

The partisan origins of the probe are impossible to deny. But were they illegal? Can an administration just open up an investigation on a political opponent based on partisan hunches? This remains to be seen. Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has said that “quite a few more indictments” are likely to come from special counsel John Durham’s investigation into the probe. “[Then-Attorney General] Bill Barr, John Durham, and I, all looking at this intelligence, agreed there was not a proper predicate to open a criminal investigation into the Trump campaign, yet that happened,” he said.

The Green Immoralists Elite ideology divorced from reality impoverishes people and can get them killed. By Victor Davis Hanson


Thousands are dying from Russian missiles and bombs in the suburbs of Ukraine. 

In response, the Biden Administration’s climate-change envoy, multimillionaire and private-jet owning John Kerry, laments that Russian president Vladimir Putin might no longer remain his partner in reducing global warming.

“You’re going to lose people’s focus,” Kerry frets. “You’re going to lose big-country attention because they will be diverted, and I think it could have a damaging impact”


Did the global moralist Kerry mean by “impact” the over 650 Russian missiles that impacted Ukrainian buildings and tore apart children? 

Are Russian soldiers losing their green “focus”? When Putin threatens nuclear war is he merely “diverted”? Would letting off a few nukes be “damaging” to the human environment?

Climate-change moralists love humanity so much in the abstract that they must shut down its life-giving gas, coal, and oil in the concrete. And they value humans so little that they don’t worry in the here and now that ensuing fuel shortages and exorbitant costs cause wars, spike inflation, and threaten people’s ability to travel or keep warm.

The Biden Administration stopped all gas and oil production in the ANWR region of Alaska. It ended all new federal leases for drilling. It is cancelling major new pipelines. It is leveraging lending agencies not to finance oil and gas drilling. 

It helped force the cancellation of the EastMed pipeline that would have brought needed natural gas to southern Europe. And it has in just a year managed to turn the greatest oil and gas producer in the history of the world into a pathetic global fossil-fuel beggar. 

Now gas is heading to well over $5 a gallon. In overregulated blue states, it will likely hit $7. 

The result is left-wing terror that the voters in the coming midterm election might rightly blame Democrats for hamstringing the American ability to travel, keep warm in winter and cool in summer, and buy affordable food.