What a surprise! Carbon-based energy is much more important than we were led to believe. A slight reduction in domestic resource development has sent seismic shock waves throughout our economy. Bottom line: Folks are often willing to go along with calls for sacrifice… unless and until they are made to really suffer.
Michael Crichton’s next-to-last novel, State of Fear, is about politically motivated weather exaggeration. The real meat, however, is in his epilogue. It is there that he explains how the perceived intelligentsia is particularly susceptible to fads and hoaxes. His prime example is Eugenics, the early 20th-century movement to prevent the further “mongrelization” of the human race and the increase in the numbers of “inferior” beings. Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to further this cause. Adolf Hitler went even farther in his pursuit of the same goal. These so-called smart people were either unaware of, or failed to grasp, the basic biological principle of hybrid vigor (heterosis). It so happens that reproductive mingling between previously isolated gene pools tends to produce healthier, more vital individuals by bringing new DNA combinations into the mix.
The obvious question is: how will this all play out? The corrupt news media will likely go even farther in its over-the-top hysterical portrayal of ordinary weather events, trends, and hiccups. As in Crichton’s novel, what used to be a typical seasonal phenomenon – hurricanes — are now being portrayed as cataclysmic events, even though the last 140 years have seen no significant trend up or down in frequency. And yet, the EPA claims the opposite, even though most of its sources show stability instead. That’s what you get when you rely on corrupt government scientists. Meanwhile, the damage being done by suppressing the use of carbon-based energy will continue, though defections from this dogma have begun, out of obvious necessity.