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Ruth King

Second Wave of Apparently Antisemitic Attacks Breaks Out in Amsterdam Alex Welz


A famous Dutch tram was set ablaze by rioters in Amsterdam on Monday in what appears to be a second wave of antisemitic violence, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Rioters in all-black attire were seen throwing objects and shouting “Kanker Joden,” a phrase that translates to “Cancer Jews” but is widely interpreted as “F*** the Jews.” The tram reportedly contained no passengers.

Perpetrators shattered the windows of a different tram earlier in the day before setting it on fire in the city’s western suburbs. This prompted clashes with law enforcement and more than 50 arrests. A police spokesman reported that the blaze was likely caused by fireworks.

Masked individuals were reported to be roaming the streets shouting “Free Palestine” in the attacks’ aftermath. This comes just days after Israelis soccer fans were targeted in Amsterdam by mobs of young men following a soccer match. Five victims required hospitalization while 20 to 30 others were injured. At least 62 suspects were arrested, yet only ten remained in custody later that same day, Amsterdam’s public prosecutor René de Beukelaer told reporters.

“The Antisemitic attacks on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam are despicable and echo dark moments in history when Jews were persecuted,” President Biden wrote on X. “We’ve been in touch with Israeli and Dutch officials and appreciate Dutch authorities’ commitment to holding the perpetrators accountable. We must relentlessly fight Antisemitism, wherever it emerges.”

The moral ghettoisation of the Jews The left’s apologism for the pogrom in Amsterdam marks a foul new low. Brendan O’Neill


Gal Binyanmin Tshuva, 29, is a keen football follower from Israel. Not a hooligan, not a thug, just a fan. In Amsterdam on Thursday night he found himself surrounded by a frothing, Israelophobic mob. They asked where he was from. ‘Greece’, he said, in a desperate bid to evade their hate and blows. They demanded to see his passport. He said he didn’t have it on him. They pushed him to the ground, stomped on his face, gashed his head, broke two of his teeth and knocked him unconscious. He came to eventually, in an ambulance, his face streaked with blood.

Adi Reuben, 24, was set upon by 10 Jew-haters. They beat him so badly they broke his nose. ‘Jewish! IDF!’, they yelled as they pummelled the Jew’s face. Aaron, a Jewish football fan from Britain, saw one of his co-religionists from Israel being stomped on and subjected to anti-Semitic abuse. He intervened to help him. The mob cornered him, yelling: ‘Are you Yehudi? Are you Jewish?’ He said he was a Brit. ‘You helped the Jew’, they said and smashed his face in. They broke his glasses and left his face coated in cuts.

Barak took refuge in Amsterdam’s Holland Casino, along with hundreds of other Israelis, as outside a mob of 200 gathered and seethed, ‘looking for blood’. A young Israeli man staggered into the casino. ‘All his face was blood’, said Barak. They were the victims of a jodenjacht – a ‘Jew hunt’. That’s the phrase used by the assailants themselves, in Telegram chats ahead of the violence. Bring fireworks, they told each other. We’ll attack this ‘cancer’, these ‘dogs’, they said, referring to the Israelis. And they did. They whizzed through the city on mopeds, using fireworks to ‘pelt’ the ‘dogs’ from the Jewish State.

TB – The Silent Killer Crossing Our Border The biggest infectious disease killer on earth. by Betsy McCaughey


Open borders allow deadly narcotics and criminal gangs to invade our country. But there’s a silent killer also making its way across the border: tuberculosis.

America’s woke public health authorities are more concerned with equity — redistributing health resources among racial groups — than with keeping a disease the U.S. once nearly eradicated from becoming a threat again.

Reported cases of TB shot up 34% from 2020 to 2023, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and continue to rise. More than three quarters of the cases are foreign-born people who picked up the disease in their home countries or traveling through countries with high TB rates. The TB incidence rate is 60 times higher in Haiti than in the U.S.

In New York City — the No. 1 destination for migrants — the incidence of TB is two and a half times the national average and still rising.

A staggering 89% of TB patients in the Big Apple are foreign-born. The Flushing/Clearview areas of Queens, Sunset Park, Brooklyn and the Lower East Side of Manhattan are the neighborhoods most affected. The single largest national group with reported TB cases is from China, according to the city’s most recent Annual Tuberculosis Summary.

TB is no laughing matter. Globally it has just overtaken COVID-19 as the biggest infectious disease killer on earth. There is no effective vaccine for it, but most cases — except severely drug-resistant ones — can be treated with antibiotics, provided they’re taken daily without interruption for several months or longer. Not easy.

Western Europe, Scandinavia and North America are all reporting rising TB rates as migrants from poorer countries — where TB is common — arrive. UK health authorities are alerting the public to the distinctive cough that comes with TB.

Universities Give Students Milk and Cookies, Cancel Classes Over Trump Victory Encouraging childish, leftist clowns. Robert Spencer


Leftists the world over are in tears and hysterics over Donald Trump’s historic victory on Tuesday, but nowhere are they more desolate and depressed these days than on America’s college and university campuses. Students are at an age when passions run high, and as our institutions of higher learning are now little more than indoctrination centers for Antifa, it’s understandable that the mood on campus these days is more than a little dark.

College and university administrators and professors, however, are only making matters worse by pandering to the students’ ridiculous grief, and even encouraging it, rather than reminding them that life is tough and they just have to get on with it. This is largely, of course, because those far-left administrators and professors are just as immature as their students.

The Washington Free Beacon reported Friday that “after Donald Trump’s historic reelection sent despair rippling across college campuses, grieving professors at America’s top universities canceled classes, rescheduled exams, and promised to forgive poor grades. Schools offered students milk, cookies, puzzles, Legos, and ‘destress sessions.’”

Milk and cookies? Puzzles? Legos? Are we talking about universities here, or about kindergarten? Given the academic level of these woke institutions today, it’s essentially the same thing, and even the most elite universities are engaging in this silly grandstanding.

One Columbia University professor wrote to her students: “I hope you are hanging in there. I have been think [sic] of you over the last few days. [If] you don’t feel up for class, absences today will be excused.” A Barnard prof wrote in a similar vein: “In recognition of the increased stressed [sic] some of you might be feeling because of the election results, I will offer to replace your midterm Exam 2 grade with your Final Exam grade if better.”

Nobody’s Coming to the Big Global Warming Conference Except the UK PM and the Taliban. by Daniel Greenfield


What if you threw a big green party and nobody came?

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties or COP29 is happening in glorious Azerbaijan but the usual folks flying huge jets to warn us about the danger of using fossil fuels are mostly staying home.

Except for the Taliban who showed up to demand money. (Not a joke.)

Biden has trouble walking across sand. Xi has better things to do with his time. About the only G7 leader to show up is UK PM Keir Starmer (unless you want to pretend that Italy’s Meloni is a world leader) who waddled around like a ridiculous dark and mumbled something about the importance of being green so all the old white British pensioners freeze to death over the winter.

‘I have repeatedly emphasised the importance of global leadership when it comes to the climate challenge, and therefore it is very important for me to come to Cop,” PM Starmer whined. He said there was ‘a global race’ to be the leader on renewable energy, adding: ‘I want us to win the race.’

That’s like wanting to win the world curling championship. Nobody else is even showing for this one.

Alert: America Must Advance Leadership Role in Clean Fusion Power by Lawrence Kadish


As the world discovered when the United States deployed the power of atomic energy to end World War II, the nation that has the means to harness this incredible force in any of its many forms has the means of dictating terms to the rest of the globe.

So it should come as no surprise that China is devoting financial, technological, and educational resources to harness what is commonly called, “controlled fusion.” Or, to be specific, to place the enormous energy that powers the Sun inside a reactor that, in turn, could replace virtually every fossil fuel facility on the planet, running on a virtually inexhaustible supply of “clean” fuel.

From subduing the political power of those enemy nations seeking to use their oil and gas reserves to bully America, to addressing climate change concerns, controlled fusion could be as powerful an advance as fire and the wheel.

The Chinese fully recognize the implications of owning this kind of strategic achievement.

Industry reports suggest the Chinese government is putting billions into developing laboratories required to study how to create a sustainable controlled fusion reaction. It is far from easy, as it requires extremely high heat and enormous pressures. One energy industry report says:

“They are training a growing cadre of scientists, with a goal of training 1,000 new plasma physicists to support this program. This plan by the Chinese government shows a real commitment to fusion and makes them a possible front-runner in the global rush to viable fusion technology.”

Will The Democrats Ever Allow The Country To Heal?


It’s hard to know just how much of the country hates Donald Trump. The easy answer is about half. But that’s probably wrong. Much less than half of the country voted against him last week and it would be a mistake to think that every one of those Americans hates the man. Surely a significant portion of Harris-Walz voters made their decisions simply because they either like Democratic policies or oppose the Republican agenda. If so, it would seem that Trump has an opportunity to unify a bitterly divided nation.

Still, there’s an angry, petty and vocal faction on the left that has no interest in unity because it thrives on acidity and hatred.

Social media and cable television provide a window into these dark minds infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. In the days after the election it’s been filled with academics and assorted university creatures raging like mental patients who should institutionalized; huffy celebrities threatening to leave the country; a Pravda press that has had nothing to contribute to civil discourse so instead spreads fresh lies and continues to condescend toward middle America; Never-Trumpers who’d rather the country become California than ever cast a vote for, or say a kind word about, the man; everyday Karens, whose steady stream of bile and instability has produced anxiety in their children; and a holier-than-everyone Barack Obama who up until recent weeks had been largely successful at hiding the fact that he’s a bitter man.

These people don’t seem to be ready to give up their animus. They still seek the social status they believe that hating Trump will give them. It’s their belief that whoever convinces their peers that they hate Trump the most is the winner.

Trump has plenty of reasons to make no effort to bring the country together. His opponents have hounded him like no other political figure in our history. He’s been the subject of dozens of vicious fabrications, a scandalous hoax, a pair of meritless impeachments, a duplicitous lawfare campaign, an unbroken string of slurs and two assassination attempts that were inspired by an endless stream of lies and venom.

The Case of the Florida Scrub Jay Challenges the ESA’s Tyranny By Janet Levy


As the name suggests, the Florida scrub jay lives exclusively in the scrublands of the Sunshine State. A medium-sized, long-tailed, blue-and-gray songbird, its call when perched on scrubs is a screechy scold that sends its tail up like a Roman catapult launching a rock. One of 15 bird species native to the continental U.S.—and allegedly threatened by loss of habitat—it is protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973.

But should protecting the bird take precedence over a citizen’s property rights when his land isn’t habitat suited to the bird? And doesn’t the arbitrary development fee that Florida counties imposed—a scrub jay fee, supposedly for offsetting the environmental impact of building on a property—amount to an exorbitant ransom?

These are among the questions raised in a federal lawsuit filed by Michael Colosi, a tech entrepreneur who hopes to build a house on a five-acre plot he recently bought in Punta Gorda, Charlotte County, Florida. Though he believes that his land, thick with pine and saw palmetto, is unsuited to the scrub jay, he is happy to adhere to the county’s habitat conservation plan (HCP) requirements, such as planting scrub oaks to encourage bird visits and avoiding land clearance during nesting season. But he refuses to pay the hefty $120,000 scrub jay fee for allowing him to build on his plot, for he plans to use only an acre or so for a house and garage, leaving the rest in its natural state.

The lawsuit—in which Charlotte County, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the U.S. Department of the Interior are defendants—is in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida (Fort Myers Division). The Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) is representing Colosi pro bono in a suit challenging the fee as an unconstitutional infringement of Colosi’s right to develop and use his property. It also challenges the unconstitutional regulation under federal law—in this case, the ESA—of an intrastate species of no commercial or economic value, and hence not under the Commerce Clause’s purview.

Before discussing the precedents that the PLF cites in the lawsuit, some background on the ESA is in order. The act, which the FWS and U.S. NOAA Fisheries Services administer, is not only the most wide-ranging in the U.S. but is one that unaccountable bureaucrats in the administrative state rampantly abuse through overreach.

Seth Barron Resisting the Resistance Donald Trump should defy national injunctions, which are constitutionally dubious.


Donald Trump soundly defeated Kamala Harris, regaining the presidency and winning a second, nonconsecutive term. The polls, which underestimated Trump’s support in 2016 and 2020, again undersold the breadth of his appeal.

Trump has pulled off one of the most startling second acts in American history. On January 6, 2021, in the midst of an embarrassing and politically catastrophic riot, Hope Hicks, former Trump advisor and communications director, texted an associate, “In one day he ended every future opportunity that doesn’t include speaking engagements at the local proud boys chapter.” Following multiple indictments and trials, it was assumed that Trump would end his days in ignominy. Yet he rose from a reputational nadir to regain the most powerful office in the world.

It is beyond question that Trump is an electoral genius. It remains to be seen, however, whether he is as capable at politics—at governing—as he is at getting elected. Trump’s first term was obstructed even before it began, and he was unable to achieve much of his domestic agenda. For those interested in Trump II’s success, the failures of Trump I offer valuable lessons.

Upon entering office, Trump was embroiled in the Russia-collusion hoax, concocted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the outgoing Obama administration, and the tentacles of the intelligence community, which used a compliant media to bind Trump “seven ways to Sunday,” in the words of Senator Chuck Schumer. Trump faced constant negative press and a lengthy and tedious investigation, culminating in an impeachment whose specifics have been forgotten.

Since the Russia hoax was arguably foisted on Trump, it may be unfair to insist that he should have handled it differently. The Trump team ought nevertheless to anticipate the return of the anti-Trump “Resistance,” and prepare to counter similar legal efforts to thwart the president and his agenda as he embarks on a new term in office.

Consider the response to Trump I’s “Muslim ban.” Shortly after taking office in 2017, Trump issued a series of executive orders aimed at protecting the border and enhancing national security. Executive Order 13780, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” restricted travel from seven Muslim-majority nations, though it did not mention religion; nor did it apply to dozens of other Muslim-majority countries.

Mathias Döpfner: Make Germany More Jewish Again


Last week, a mob rampaged through the streets of Amsterdam, ambushing and assaulting Jews. Anyone who appeared to be a supporter of Israeli soccer team Maccabi Tel Aviv was targeted by groups mostly consisting of young men from the city’s Dutch Moroccan and Dutch Turkish communities. Just before the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht, victims pleaded with their assailants “not Jewish, not Jewish.”

This shameful episode is only the latest example of antisemitism on Europe’s streets. It is the disgraceful consequence of an irresponsible migration policy that is equally receptive to Islamists and Holocaust deniers. Violent incidents have become more common since October 7, 2023, and the already shrinking population of European Jews is set to decline further as many Jews in the Netherlands, in France, and my country, Germany, consider emigrating. 

The decline, in Germany and Europe more generally, is greeted with a shrug. Such complacency is shameful. Particularly in Germany. The country can never make up for its historical guilt, but it could help ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself. Not only should Germany be working to persuade Jews to stay—we should throw open our doors to Jews who want to move here. Allow me to explain.

In his book Why the Germans? Why the Jews?, German historian Götz Aly exposes how antisemitism is deeply rooted in a destructive envy. He describes how, for centuries, people were not only envious of the outward successes of the Jews but also of something profound and ancient—a culture, a religion, a history that has continued to exist across millennia. 

“The envious person,” Aly surmises, “is always seeking a scapegoat.” The unsettling question he poses is “Can you be envious of someone you despise?” Jews were vilified as being “rootless,” although they possessed exactly what the Germans had been looking for: a clear identity and story. 

Envy, again, is a major root cause of the global spread of Islamist antisemitism. What we know from Germany’s painful history is that when antisemitic envy, and the envy of achievement, become the dominant zeitgeist, they stand in the way of knowledge, wealth, and progress. Instead, they produce delusion, poverty, and regression. What inevitably transpires is the opposite of meritocracy: “ineptocracy,” or the rule of the least capable.