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Ruth King



Israel is at war on several fronts- a war against Hezbollah and Hamas and local terrorists and Iran’s proxies. This remarkable nation is also waging a 24/7 war against epidemics, cancer, drought, famine, crime and bigotry as Michael Ordman details below.  rsk

In the 10th Nov 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

At least five news articles featuring Israelis bravely responding to adversity.

A major Israeli medical discovery, trials and a new treatment for cancer.

Israel organizes vaccinations for over a million Gazan children.

9% of Time Magazine’s “Best inventions of 2024” are Israeli.

Israeli innovations are globally preventing accidents and catching criminals.

Thousands of Bedouin Arabs watch Israel’s first state-approved camel race.

Two vital new resources for teaching children about Israeli history.

Standing tall again. (TY Hazel) Nati Ganon was seriously injured by Hamas terrorists at the Nova party on Oct 7 2023. After enduring nearly 400 grueling days of treatments and rehabilitation, Nati stands tall again and able to continue to raise his three children. See him dance with Israeli-Arab Zionist Yoseph Haddad (2nd link).
https://www.timesofisrael.com/nova-survivor-who-lost-wife-on-oct-7-goes-home-after-almost-400-days-in-hospital/  https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-7/
Proud sisters. (TY Hazel) Despite losing their elder siblings at the hands of Hamas terrorists, Yael Eshel, sister of Sgt Roni Eshel, and Yuval Marciano, sister of Cpl Noa Marciano, have just begun their IDF service on the same day.  Their sisters were serving together on Oct 7 at the IDF’s Nahal Oz base near the Gaza border.
From Sderot to the Technion, with nothing. Hila was planning to study at Israel’s Technion Institute on Oct 10, 2023. When Hamas attacked Sderot on Oct. 7, Hila had to evacuate her home, arriving at the Technion without any belongings. The Technion, however, made sure she had everything she needed.
Farming under fire. Moshav Liman, just 1.3 miles from Lebanon, had a population of 850 before Oct 7.  Now, some 125 hardened Israelis continue to cultivate their small family farms. They include Kfir and Clarise who lived through bombardments in 1978, and the Lebanon wars of 1982 and 2006. They stayed then, as well.
Turning shelters into schoolrooms. (TY WIN) Kibbutz Yehiam near the Lebanese border, has converted its bomb shelters and protected rooms into classrooms. Now, over 110 students can locally learn instead of being driven on school buses to schools some half-an-hour away. When safe, children join from outside the kibbutz.
“Heros of Life”. Israeli emergency NGO United Hatzalah honored Oct 7 volunteers and victims at a “Heroes of Life” Memorial Ceremony in Jerusalem. The ceremony also paid tribute to United Hatzalah’s volunteers who played a pivotal role on Oct 7, and in the ensuing months, transporting wounded to hospitals while under fire.
Homeward bound. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Tekuma Administration – the government’s arm for rehabilitating the Gaza periphery – reveals that 87% (50,000 out of 64,000) of Gaza border residents have returned to their homes. 244 projects, totaling $1.7 billion, have been initiated, to rehabilitate the region.
The first Haredi IDF combat brigade. The Tavetz training base in the Jordan Valley will serve as the training ground for the first cohort of ultra-Orthodox soldiers who will form part of a standard infantry brigade called “Hashmonayim”. It is also the first entirely new regular infantry brigade since the 1980s.
Spurs fans sing for hostage. 70 fans of UK soccer team Tottenham Hotspur (“Spurs”) sang before their team’s match against Aston Villa, to publicize the plight of one of their own fans, Emily Damari. Emily was abducted by Hamas from Kibbutz Kfar Aza on Oct 7 2023. She holds both British and Israeli citizenship.
US Jews support Israeli businesses. Since Oct 7 2023, American Jews have increased their purchases of Israeli Judaica by 134%. The study, conducted by business management students at the Jerusalem College of Technology, demonstrates American Jews’ solidarity with war-impacted Israeli businesses.
Another antibody to combat cancer. Following last week’s Israeli cancer breakthrough (see here), now Weizmann Institute researchers have found an antibody (against CD84) that prevents tumors building molecular bridges from suppressing the immune system. Lab tests were successful at treating triple-negative breast cancer.
Treatment for Esophageal cancer. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s BeiGene has received Israeli Ministry of Health approval for its TEVIMBRA® to treat Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (ESCC) after chemotherapy.  It has also gone on sale in the USA.  https://ir.beigene.com/news/beigene-receives-israeli-ministry-of-health-approval-for-tevimbra-for-the-treatment-of-oesophageal-squamous/dc2e4d21-42f4-4545-af69-ba4e09a40194/ 
https://ir.beigene.com/news/beigene-announces-availability-of-tevimbra-in-u-s/1d4b131f-7226-4196-bbac-dc310930b1ad/   https://www.beigene.com/
Treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Denmark’s Medicines Agency has approved Allocetra cell therapy from Israel’s Enlivex (see here previously) for Phase II clinical trials on patients with osteoarthritis in the knee. 40% of men and 47% of women develop knee osteoarthritis in their lifetimes. Allocetra also treats Covid and cancer.
$17 million for autism research. (TY Yanky) Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Prof Haitham Amal (see here previously) is the only non-USA member of a new consortium focused on pioneering autism research. It has just been awarded a research grant of $17 million by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
Front-line soldier saves 3-year-old. (TY UWI) A three-year-old boy hospitalized in Jerusalem with a severe blood cancer got a new lease on life thanks to the selflessness of Matan Amir, a 21-year-old IDF soldier fighting in Gaza who was identified as a suitable bone marrow donor for the toddler.
Low blood sugar and green Med diet. An international study led by Israel’s Ben-Gurion University scientists showed controlling blood sugar levels is a significant key mechanism linking diet to slower brain aging. The 300-participant study was one of the longest and largest brain MRI trials in the world.
Nobel prize winners’ Israel connection. The Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to Americans Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for their discovery of microRNA. Both men were awarded Israel’s Wolf Prize in 2014. Ruvkun, who is Jewish, won the Dan David Prize, headquartered at Tel Aviv University, in 2011.

After the election, the rage against white women The Democrats are once again shocked to discover that women do not vote in accordance with their genitals. Johanna Williams


How quickly things change. At the start of this week, women voters were being feted as the voice of reason in America’s ‘gender-gap election’. To the Democratic elites, it was inconceivable that women would back Trump over a ‘joyful’ woman of colour. They assumed all they needed to do was remind women that in the privacy of the voting booth they alone choose who to endorse and the votes for Kamala Harris would come flooding in. It’s now clear that plenty of women took this advice to heart. But they voted for Trump, not Harris. As I wrote on spiked before the election, the idea that women would win it for Kamala was always likely to be ‘more hype than reality’.

With most votes now counted, we know this week’s result was not even close. At time of writing, Trump has almost five million more votes than Harris and has convincingly won both the popular vote and the Electoral College. This feat would be impossible without the votes of a huge number of women. Exit polls suggest the gender gap did exist but – at around 10 per cent – was far lower than Team Harris had expected. Women split 53 per cent for Harris, 45 per cent for Trump. This means that a smaller proportion of women voted for Harris this election than voted for either Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020. Younger women were more likely to have voted for Trump this time around than they did in 2020 and Hispanic women swung massively towards Trump. But there’s another group that backed Trump decisively: white women. More white women voted for Trump than Harris.

Now looking to apportion blame for Harris’s defeat, Democrats have these white women in the firing line. The very same women they courted so assiduously just days ago are now being chastised and insulted. The overarching sense is one of disappointment. Bloomberg contemplates with an almost audible sigh the ‘irony of women voting for abortion rights’, in many state referendums held on the same day as the national election, while also voting for Trump. ‘For millions, it didn’t matter that he was the man who bragged about overturning Roe vs Wade’, its columnist concludes. ‘White women doomed Kamala Harris and the Democrats – again’, notes the New Republic. The LA Times has the same take: ‘Democrats keep expecting white women to save them, and they keep getting burned.’ In other words: typical white women, always letting the side down. The ‘free to vote for who you like’ message did not age well.

The ‘white women who voted for Trump’ phenomenon has, inevitably, led to the rehabilitation of ‘Karen’ – the slur reserved for middle-class soccer moms.

Anti-Semitism and Western Decline John O’Sullivan


One year after October 7, the global reaction to the invasion of Israel by Hamas with all its barbarities has shown us that we are living in national societies and in an international order that are drastically different from those we had previously imagined. After a brief period of shock when all civilised people condemned the rapes and murders carried out by Hamas, the principal political impact over the last year has been a global upsurge of anti-Semitism shown, for instance, in the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in New York, London, Berlin, and other cities across the West and—more alarmingly—in some of our greatest universities.

Were these demonstrations anti-Semitic or merely anti-Zionist? There is a logical distinction between the two terms. Some religious Jews have been hostile to Zionism since Herzl, and there was a popular movement of Christian Zionism in nineteenth-century Britain. But since the establishment of Israel in 1948 as a legitimate nation-state born under UN auspices and recognised in international law, reasonable and decent people have been Zionists at least in the practical sense that they accept the existence and legitimacy of the State of Israel. If they don’t—and, of course, some states and peoples don’t—then they’re engaged in a discourse that is fundamentally subversive of international order and a source of constant international tension.

That theoretical distinction is now a non-issue anyway because recent pro-Palestinian protests included plainly anti-Semitic elements. Demonstrators chanted slogans that were genocidal towards Israel and supportive of Hamas, which is avowedly hostile to all Jews. Some of them surrounded, threatened, and physically attacked or restrained local Jews who were wearing kippahs or simply “looking Jewish”. Many of their London victims were almost certainly not Israelis—though they may be soon if the police do not take stronger action to enforce the law equally and to protect both Jewish and other non-Muslim citizens against thuggery and intimidation.

This upsurge of anti-Semitism has surprised a great many people—fewer among Jews than among Gentiles, perhaps—who had thought that anti-Semitism was largely a thing of the past in the Western world. And we should notice the evidence of opinion polls is that most citizens of Western countries do not support the demonstrators and do support Israel. It is a vocal minority—even among Muslims—that expresses hatred of Jews or support for genocidal policies. But it is a more substantial bloc of opinion in universities, cultural institutions, the mainstream media, and the political Left.

What explains this spread of a political virus that until a year ago seemed confined to the extremes of political life? Among many reasons I would suggest three:

1/ The gradual weakening of the taboo against anti-Semitism that has protected the political life of Western democracies since we discovered the hideous evil of the Holocaust in 1945.

2/ Global migration flows that have imported into the West large migrant communities, in particular from the Middle East, which have brought their local quarrels with them.

3/ The Six-Day War. Israel’s victory in 1967 and its continuing dominance of the region (together with its capitalist economic success) have made it, in the eyes of the modern progressive Left, a “settler” colony of the West and thus a force on the wrong side of history. And the Western Left—which is coincidentally enjoying a burst of energy in its wokeist revolution—happens to be dominant in the universities, the media, cultural institutions, and anti-racist NGOs. The alliance between Islamists and Western leftist progressives in support of Hamas has triumphed over their incompatibility on almost everything else.

Let us now turn to the international implications of this global reaction to Hamas’s war. For most of our adult lives the modern international order has had three reference points.

The Fault, Dear Democrats, Is in Yourselves In the aftermath of the election, Democrats are engaging in public blame-shifting, while avoiding accountability for their own policies and elite disconnect, which alienated voters and led to defeat. By Victor Davis Hanson


“Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

“They had learned nothing and forgotten nothing.” – Often attributed to Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand

The Democratic election postmortem immediately descended into public blame-gaming—as expected. When Joe Biden was forced off the ticket in late July, the conspirators issued a party line that he was to be praised as a veritable George Washington—in the spirit of Washington’s farewell address of 1796 about why it was a good thing for the first president not to run for a third term.

So, we were lied to that Joe, the sitting President of the United States, was not forced out by Nancy Pelosi, the Obamas, George Clooney and the celebs, and the billionaire class. We instead were lectured that Biden, magnanimously as the neo-father of our country, selflessly bowed out to ensure Kamala Harris’s elevation as the nominee and, with it, a sure Democratic victory.

But now? After the Democratic train wreck, half the party is suddenly damning George Washington Joe for sticking around too long, even though party grandees cooked up the scheme in the first place of nominating the cognitively challenged Biden in 2020 to shut out his radical (and supposedly unelectable) primary rivals.

Now that his successor Harris has bombed, in the leftist mind, Joe has gone from a Washingtonian Olympian to a veritable selfish Richard Nixon who clung to office far too long and supposedly ensured his party’s defeat.

Yet still, others now blame incumbent Vice President Kamala herself. The once “joyful” candidate, after the coup to remove Biden, was once praised to the skies as a “turn the page”/”move forward”/“change” candidate—only then to be damned as an insipid loser.

So, one postelection narrative was that Harris—we were told to recall—was always known as inept and thus originally picked as Joe Biden’s Spiro Agnew insurance policy, who would prevent his indictment, impeachment, or medical removal.

But never mind blaming either Biden or Harris or both. The left cannot fault either a lack of funds; they raised a billion dollars more than Trump. Leftists also cannot complain about 95 percent favorable media coverage, supposedly worth billions of dollars in free advertising.

They cannot regret that they did not do everything imaginable to destroy the Trump monster—given they had impeached him twice and tried him as a private citizen. They cooked up the Russian collusion and laptop disinformation hoaxes, raided his home with a SWAT team, and unleashed five criminal and civil suits designed to bankrupt, demonize, and jail him. They tried to remove him from at least 16 state ballots and daily smeared him as a fascist, dictator, and Hitler—even as two would-be assassins tried to shoot him.

Trump and the ‘sick man’ of Europe By Kenneth R. Timmerman


Ouf! (as the French would say), we’ve got our country back. Praise the Lord for answered prayers.

World leaders sent out their congratulations.

Even Russia’s Vladimir Putin congratulated Donald Trump on his resounding re-election victory. This is normal and it is healthy.

Putin has always wanted two things — and not much more, actually — from U.S. leaders: a recognition of Russia’s great power status, and respect as Russia’s legitimate leader.

Biden didn’t just deny both of those, he gratuitously threw the insults in Putin’s face. I am still grappling with the strategic purpose the Democrats saw in taking us to the brink of World War III with Russia. Maybe there wasn’t one.

Putin said he is ready for talks over Ukraine. Just three weeks ago, it was no way, Jose.

Elections have consequences.

Trump has said he wants an immediate end of the fighting. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky quite understandably is not happy with that, since the Russians occupy something like sixteen percent of Ukrainian territory. But for now, Zelensky has little to no leverage.

A ceasefire would freeze the frontlines and bring in some kind of interposition force, most likely, some combination of NATO troops and nonaligned nations. And then the real negotiations would begin.

Also among those congratulating Trump on his re-election was NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte. Along with saner NATO leaders, such as Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Rutte could hear the drumbeats of war in Europe’s capitols and knew the utter devastation a war with Russia would bring.

Donald Trump just walked the hotheads like France’s Emmanuel Macron (Little Cookie) back from the brink of World War III. The proper response to that is, Mon dieu, merci!  

November 5th was a great day for women By Ruth S. King


Women have traditionally been herded into regressive policies by hysterical hype over misogyny, which is always linked to their rights, abortion, and race. To make matters worse, their votes are taken for granted by the left.

As the tabulations continue to show, though, Donald Trump won 52% of white women voters who put national security, economics, and immigration issues over gender and race. In fact, additional information discloses that seven percent of black women voted for Donald Trump.

Not in Massachusetts, of course, where women voted for Ted Kennedy, the poster boy of infidelity and crime, seven times after Chappaquiddick and just helped to re-elect Elizabeth Warren to a third term of vacuity.

The Harris campaign thought that gender and race were enough to convince women voters. They air-brushed her husband’s “nanny scandal” while they were busy venting about Trump scandals, his alleged similarity to Hitler, and his threats to democracy. They thought women would be appalled by a Joe Rogan interview and persuaded by an edited and doctored television interview.

Women, to their credit, saw past all that. They enjoyed the street theater of McDonald’s and the garbage truck, understanding that while Harris courted big money and celebrities, Trump went to poor and working-class neighborhoods where mothers were devastated by the price of rent, food, and fuel.

Women were not convinced by the harpies of The View, which purports to discuss and dwell on general issues but spends its limited influence and sophomoric humor on dissing Donald Trump.

Who are The Inheritors? Diane Bederman

I have always heard the residents of Judea/Samaria described as settlers. I just learned that “settlers” is an inappropriate translation of the word “mitnachalim.” It is Hebrew and is properly translated as “inheritors” in English; not settlers, as it is too often. Translating from one language to another is not easy all the time.

Too often Jewish people, today, are accused of occupying and settling “Muslim lands.” Jews are accused of being settlers; especially in Judea/Samaria. A gross mistranslation of mitnachalim: The Inheritors.

He is ever mindful of His covenant, the promise He gave for a thousand generations. Psalms 105:8

Now, there was a time when “settlers” was a positive word: people who come from one land to another and make a home on the land. At one time we used the word pioneer.  When I was growing up – during the time of the dinosaurs-there were movies and television shows, like Rawhide – my favourite – that extolled the virtues of the men, women and children who got into their covered wagons and made their way West to SETTLE the prairies. They were SETTLERS and they were considered brave.

But today, because of DEI, CRT and Woke “values,” settlers now carries a negative connotation.

Today, there are those who have decided that the meaning of settler is evil- an occupier of another’s land. A victimizer.

Words change meaning – in time (synchronic) and through time (diachronic).

Think of the word “gay.” In the 1920’s gay meant happy. Now it refers to a person who is a homosexual. This is a change of meaning through time. Diachronic.

Now, the word “fag.” Unless the meaning has recently changed in Britain, a fag is a cigarette. In America and Canada it is a derogatory word for homosexual. Same word. Different meaning. Synchronic.

Jews living in Israel, in JUDEA/SAMARIA, Biblical lands, are called settlers; which now means occupiers/victimizers; taken from the improper translation of mitnachalim. Why the mistranslation? A mistake, or an intentional error?

I keep asking how Jews can be settlers in and on the land they have been cultivating for more than 3000 years? Long before Christians or Muslims walked the earth. How did a people who built TWO Temples on the Temple Mount, the second destroyed in 70 CE long, long, long before Islam and the Dome of the Rock, become labeled as settlers, today?

The Gaza Famine Hoax Cost the Life of a US Soldier The only ones actually dying were Americans delivering food to Gaza. by Daniel Greenfield


Weeks after the brutal Hamas assault of Oct 7, Cindy McCain who heads the UN World Food Program, falsely claimed that Muslims in Gaza were “literally starving to death as we speak”.

But the only ones who actually died were the Americans delivering food to them.

Next month, McCain contended that “food and water are practically non-existent in Gaza” while CBS News reported the claim by a British NGO that “more than half a million people… ‘face death by starvation.’” In December, the UN WFP claimed 570,000 Muslims were “starving” in Gaza and at risk of “famine”. “It doesn’t get any worse,” the UN WFP’s Arif Hussein argued.

By the end of January, the UN claimed that “this is a population that is starving to death.”

And had been “starving to death” for four months. They had somehow stayed alive for four months even though food and water were “non-existent” but every Hamas terrorist appeared morbidly obese. CNN explained that Gaza Muslims had taken to “eating grass” to survive.

After no food or water for a year and a diet of only grass, they’re somehow all still here.

We were assured in March 2024 that “large-scale famine mortality” would soon begin. It did not. Kamala claimed that “people in Gaza were starving” and there were “families eating leaves”.

A few days later, Biden announced a $320 million floating aid pier to deliver food to Gaza. The pier was completely unnecessary because Israel was delivering plenty of supplies. Hamas was seizing those supplies or demanding a percentage of them and used them to pay its terrorists.

Over 1,000 military personnel were dispatched to build the pier. The United States military also began air dropping supplies into Gaza. Much of it was thrown away by the locals. Meanwhile, a stream of TikTok videos showed laughing Gazans gorging themselves, shopping at markets filled with food and feasting at the end of Ramadan.

By June, even the UN was forced to temporarily admit that it had no evidence of a famine.

13 states will have women governors next year, a new record Juliana Kim


“Dittmar added that while women in office are far from monolithic in their positions or priorities, they have historically been the force behind raising issues and policy agendas around caregiving, women’s inclusion in medical trials, and concerns about the treatment of women in the military.”
A record number of women will serve as state governors next year — building on the historic gains made during the 2022 elections.

The new record came after Republican Kelly Ayotte, a former U.S. senator and state attorney general, won the New Hampshire governor’s race on Tuesday, defeating Democrat Joyce Craig in what was considered this year’s most competitive gubernatorial election.

Ayotte’s victory will bring the total number of women holding state governor’s offices to 13 — surpassing the previous high of 12 set after elections in 2022. Before that, the highest number of women serving as governors was nine, a record established in 2004.

“We’re both celebrating the milestones that women have achieved, but at the same time, as we note those milestones, we also have to recognize that there is a lot of progress left to make for women,” said Kelly Dittmar, director of research at Rutgers University’s Center for American Women and Politics.

“And that is especially true at the gubernatorial level,” she added.

Governors, in particular, play a major role in shaping state policies that often can have a more immediate and direct impact on their citizens than federal policies. When women are elected into office, it tends to promote more trust in government and better perceptions around fairness, Dittmar said. “Because it holds up to that standard of being representative,” she said. “That’s the message.”

Dittmar added that while women in office are far from monolithic in their positions or priorities, they have historically been the force behind raising issues and policy agendas around caregiving, women’s inclusion in medical trials, and concerns about the treatment of women in the military.

Seeing women in office also sends a positive message to young women about what’s possible for them in the future. “And for young men, will they see that and hold less biases about who can and should be in elected leadership?” Dittmar said.

FEMA employee fired after telling relief team to skip houses with Trump signs following Florida hurricane by Mary Kay Mallonee,


A Federal Emergency Management Agency employee has been fired after they advised their disaster relief team to avoid homes with signs supporting former President Donald Trump while canvassing in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton, the agency’s administrator said Saturday.

FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell called the actions of the employee “reprehensible” and said they have been terminated from their role.

“More than 22,000 FEMA employees every day adhere to FEMA’s core values and are dedicated to helping people before, during and after disasters, often sacrificing time with their own families to help disaster survivors,” Criswell wrote in a post on X before describing the employee’s actions. “This is a clear violation of FEMA’s core values & principles to help people regardless of their political affiliation.”

“This was reprehensible. I want to be clear to all of my employees and the American people, this type of behavior and action will not be tolerated at FEMA and we will hold people accountable if they violate these standards of conduct,” she added.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer invited Criswell to testify at a hearing on November 19 to discuss the incident and FEMA’s recent response to natural disasters, including Hurricanes Helene and Milton, he said in a Saturday letter to Criswell.

“In the wake of the recent major disasters that impacted Americans of all political persuasions, it is critical that FEMA adheres to its disaster relief mission,” the Kentucky Republican wrote.

CNN reported Friday that the employee had been removed from their role and that the incident was under investigation. The agency did not identify the employee and said it believed it was “an isolated incident.”

“The employee who issued this guidance had no authority and was given no direction to tell teams to avoid these homes,” a FEMA spokesperson said Friday.