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Ruth King

Red Storm Clouds Are Approaching America by Lawrence Kadish


While the storm clouds gather far across the sea
Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free
Let us all be grateful that we are far from there
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer

God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above

The words of Irving Berlin who wrote “God Bless America” in 1918 and then revised it in 1938 as Europe stood once more on the abyss of war still speak to us today as Russia positions tens of thousands of troops on the Ukraine border.

The Russian trigger could be pulled “at any time” according to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The crisis begs the question: Is Biden in the same mold as Lincoln. Or Wilson. Or Roosevelt?

In our nation’s history, three out of these four Presidents experienced the lengthening shadows of war. Through the strength of their leadership and force of personality provided our democracy with the power required to navigate an existential threat to our nation and the future of freedom. They were able to call upon the patriots of American democracy to preserve and defend our country. They had the means to galvanize the enormous power of an exceptional America and confront our enemies.

As the shadows of possible conflict dramatically darken, one has to ask whether President Biden is prepared and capable of confronting what may be the defining test of Western Democracy, his administration, and by extension, the man himself.

One is compelled to ask because his tenure to date reveals a muddled and amateurish response to crisis. Media reports regarding our retreat from Afghanistan reveals an embarrassing level of incompetence by the White House that left our “boots on the ground” not just frustrated but in danger.

There is a stench in the air over Ottawa and it isn’t coming from diesel fuel


There is a stench in the air over Canada’s capital city, Ottawa, and it isn’t coming from diesel fuel. No, it is coming from the odious fumes of main stream media at the behest of our Dear Leader, Justin Trudeau.

The Globe and Mail, one of Canada’s major media outlets has just informed us that the Freedom Trucker Convoy is a right wing phenomenon with a sharp America feel. According to the author, Ian Brown, it is an “.. . unapologetic Trumpy aggressiveness.” It seems the Convoy seconded the flag for nefarious reasons. Who knew? Too many flags apparently are the problem. Once again, I have to ask, like prunes, are three enough are six too many?  Professor Peter Astor  is concerned about “the convoy organizers’ promiscuous flinging of the word freedom. “I realize you’re not dealing with PhD students but there is no such thing in democracy as absolute freedom.’” And saying something like “FUCK TRUDEAU” is a stoop too low for Canada. This was too much for Professor Astor. He was shocked. SHOCKED. He’s positively distressed! No one said that about Mulroney or Pearson.  Hmm, I wonder why.

What about this?

Liz Peek: Truckers speak for millions – tell Biden, Trudeau they are not the enemy


What if … Justin Trudeau had met with the truckers the day they first arrived in Ottawa?

Instead of bolting and hiding out in an “undisclosed location,” what if Canada’s prime minister had emerged from the Privy Council building and talked to the Freedom Convoy drivers about their demands?

Might Trudeau have defused the entire protest? Would the truckers have been satisfied that their cause was heard and gone home?

After all, these are truck drivers, not thugs. Even under the microscope of a censorious press, during those first heady few days, when massive crowds appeared from nowhere to cheer on the drivers, they committed no crimes, no injuries, no looting. There was not a single arrest, much to the disappointment of the liberal media.

More recently, as police moved in to dismantle the blockade at the Ambassador Bridge at Windsor, almost all the demonstrators peacefully decamped. CNN sounded downright disappointed to report that none went to jail.

The truckers are speaking for millions of working people in Canada and around the world who are sick of COVID restrictions and increasingly skeptical of the “science” behind them. Canada’s drivers were set off by a new rule, imposed even as the pandemic crested, that required all truckers entering the country from the U.S. be vaccinated or self-quarantine. The rule seemed unnecessary considering that 85% of the truckers had taken the shot, and that most spend the majority of their time alone.

The new mandate also seemed whimsical in that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other medical authorities have now proclaimed immunities from surviving COVID just as effective against infection as the vaccines. Truckers were praised as selfless essential workers as they continued to work through the pandemic, putting themselves in harm’s way. Presumably, many got sick and now have antibodies; they may not need the vaccine.

What was Trudeau scared of? That the crowd of burly drivers might scoff at his perfectly coiffed hair? Not be properly reverent of his literature degree from McGill University? That the truckers might not respect a lifelong politician whose career rested on the fame of his father?

Instead of engaging with the truckers, Trudeau ran like a rabbit, only to emerge from hiding to demean the protesters as a “fringe minority.” The irony is, of course, that Trudeau himself represents a minority, with his Liberal Party setting a record last fall for the lowest vote share of any party to ever form a government, winning a mere 33% of the popular vote. As in 2019, the Conservatives won the popular vote.

Russia Driving Sweden and Finland into the Arms of NATO by Judith Bergman


In response to the mounting tension with Russia, Sweden has been boosting its military preparedness and has sent soldiers and heavy military equipment to its largest island, Gotland, strategically located in the Baltic Sea, just 330 kilometers from Kaliningrad, the headquarters of Russia’s Baltic Fleet headquarters… Sweden has been observing a deteriorating security environment in recent years with repeated Russian incursions into Swedish airspace and territorial waters.

Unlike Sweden, Finland, which shares a long land border with Russia, never stopped investing in its defense capabilities. It recently ordered 64 F-35 fighters, at a value of $9.5 billion, to replace its existing and ageing combat jets. According to Finland’s former Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja, Finland “can mobilize a reserve of 280,000 trained soldiers, which no other country in Europe can do.”

In a meeting with Sweden and Finland on January 24 about the worsening security situation in Europe, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg invited the two countries to join NATO, stressing that each country has the right to choose its own military alliances.

Denmark is deploying four air force fighter jets to the Baltic states and a Danish Navy frigate will most likely be patrolling the Baltic Sea, as a contribution to NATO’s patrolling in the region. This is “a very clear signal to Russia,” Danish Defense Minister Trine Bramsen said.

Russia’s military buildup on the borders of Ukraine and its sweeping ultimatums to NATO on halting further expansion and rolling back its engagement on NATO’s eastern flank is also causing tension in northern Europe. Russia has threatened that if Finland and Sweden — which are not members of NATO but enjoy close ties with the transatlantic organization — join the alliance, it “would have serious military and political consequences that would require an adequate response from the Russian side.”



When President Joe Biden nominated former Obama-era Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf to return to his old post, he made what was widely seen as a safe, if uninspired, choice. He easily sailed through a Dec. 14 Senate committee hearing to vet him. “[Califf] gushed about his love of high-quality data, skillfully navigated questions on hot-button topics like abortion and drug pricing, and even had personal anecdotes about COVID-19 testing and opioid prescribing at the ready,” according to Stat.

Since then, Califf has encountered some opposition to his confirmation, even from Democrats. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., cited the need for a change in “culture at the FDA.” And from his perch in congressional La La Land, Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., doubted that Califf would be “willing to stand up to the greed and power of the pharmaceutical industry.” He is shocked – shocked – that former FDA commissioners would be hired as consultants to drug companies.

However, the final Senate vote is likely this week, reflecting that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer thinks he has the votes for confirmation.

Dr. Califf is a distinguished cardiologist and clinical trial specialist, but the day-to-day regulatory decision-making happens at the organizational levels below the commissioner. The FDA, a huge and critically important but dysfunctional organization, now needs a bold, clear-thinking reformer to lead it, but Califf, the ultimate insider, has the ideal resume to keep it on the wrong path.

Senate Candidate and Former New England Patriots Player Jake Bequette Slams Biden on the Border By Cameron Arcand


Jake Bequette is used to tackling people on the football field, but now he wants to tackle issues in Washington D.C. The former New England Patriots tight end and Iraq War veteran is now running for Senate in Arkansas, with hopes of beating incumbent Republican John Boozman in the primary election. Bequette talked with Cameron Arcand about the southern border, foreign policy, and his time in professional football.

The Canadian Dilemma in a Nutshell By David Solway


From the perspective of freedom-loving citizens in this country, the trucker convoys and blockades protesting mask and vaccine mandates are a stirring spectacle of patriotism, civic responsibility, and true grit. They represent the offset to heavy-handed and arrogant government that is using everything in its power to suppress their efforts: threats, fines, police coercion, theft of property, and the manifestly illegal sequestering of funds donated to the truckers by private individuals. A conflict of this nature is often framed as the state versus the nation, the authorities versus the people. Whether it applies to the current situation, as we will see, is problematic.

The issue is the preservation, or restitution, of the government-violated Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms meant to guarantee common life in a democratic country—or, at any rate, a country now under the sway of an avowedly communist leader and several autocratic provincial premiers, a country that would appear well on the road to despotic control.

The problem is that fully two-thirds of the electorate rejects or is indifferent to the trucker revolt against unscrupulous and demagogic power. According to an Angus Reid poll, 54% of Canadians would like to see the COVID-19 mandates lifted, yet they are not interested in standing up for the Freedom Convoy that carries their banner. The trucker unions jealous of their perquisites and the bought-and-paid-for national press have also sided with the wielders of tyrannical authority. 

Ironically, it is popular opposition to a popular uprising that will determine the future of the country. This explains why, despite the courage and the exhilarating display of patriotic fervor animating the trucker convoys, numbers of Canadians have left or are considering leaving the country. I know of many such. They are not defectors but long-suffering citizens who are convinced that they have read the writing on the wall.


A contranym is a word that has opposite meanings depending on context.
For example, the word sanction:
Definition 1: to permit or grant approval. Definition 2: to condemn or penalize.
The word cleave:
Definition 1: to join or adhere closely Definition 2: to split or divide
The word “liberal” has become another contranym.
Definition 1. A Democrat progressive socialist Definition 2: A Conservative Republican
As conservatives define it, liberals sanction (Def. 1) small government, state’s rights, capitalism, merit as the only consideration instead of numerical goals and quotas, freedom of speech and debate and tolerance of dissidence, legal immigration, English as the national language, respect for truth in reporting and facts in history, limits to fatuous regulations and mandates that inhibit economy and business, opposition to mindless “cancel culture” and indoctrination in education, equal justice in law and order.
As the leftist and progressives define it, liberals abhor and sanction (Def. 2) all the forgoing and prefer big government with endless legislation and mandates, socialism, quotas and diversity above merit, censorship of speech, subjective “truth” versus facts in education and national history, altering the language, open borders and unfettered immigration, moral equivalence between protests and terrorism, and cancel culture.
Conservatives cleave (Def. 1) to the founding principles of democracy.
Progressives cleave (Def.2) the nation in a tyrannical effort to grab and consolidate power, censor dissent, and impose obedience and indoctrination on all citizens. rsk

Joe Biden, Alchemist? He is a delusional medievalist who does his best to turn golden policies into dross.  By Victor Davis Hanson


Medieval alchemists sought to turn base metals into precious metals like gold. The more the alchemists bumped into the reality that gold was an element, the more desperately they sought to find fantastic ways to fabricate the rare element out of nothing. 

Joe Biden operates on the same alchemist principles. He tries to turn his record of dross into golden success. And the more he fails, the more zealously he embraces his next new fantasy. Meanwhile,  the midterm reckoning approaches. 

Printing money, talking up low interest rates, disincentivizing work, subsidizing inactivity, and being unprepared that a pent-up, locked down, constipated economy of the past two years would eventually break out—all that resulted in January’s 7.5 percent annualized inflation rate. Unlike Joe Biden, even a child knows that too much demand and liquidity and too few available goods and services cause prices to rise. The rate of inflation is increasing at an annualized rate not seen in 40 years. And the jump already follows a prior 2021 annual rate of 6.8 percent. The prices of gas, food, and houses—the stuff of life—are collectively rising far higher than just 7.5 percent. 

At first, the Biden Administration attempted to turn this inflationary dross into gold. Price hikes, we were assured, were all just the worries of an elite. 

Distort the Present, Rewrite the Past Following the lead of other major cultural institutions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art redefines its purpose as overcoming the racism of Western civilization. Heather Mac Donald


Like the Art Institute of Chicago, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has redefined itself as an antiracist “agent of change.” In July 2020, its director Max Hollein and CEO Daniel Weiss announced that the museum will henceforth aim to overcome the racism still perpetrated by our “government, policies, systems, and institutions.”

What such a political mandate means for an art museum may seem puzzling, but two exhibits currently running at the Met provide an answer. They suggest that the museum will now value racial consciousness-raising over scholarship and historical accuracy. Double standards will govern how the museum analyzes Western and Third World art: only the former will be subject to the demystification treatment, while the latter will be accorded infinite curatorial respect. The Met will lay bare European art’s alleged complicity in the West’s legacy of oppression, while Third World violence and inequality will be chastely kept off stage.

The first show, “In Praise of Painting: Dutch Masterpieces at The Met,” arranges the Met’s own seventeenth-century Dutch canvases in thematic categories, such as still life and landscape. (The content of those categories is sometimes hard to discern underneath such mannered academic rhetoric as “Contested Bodies.”) Highlights of the show include Franz Hals’s portrait of Paulus Verschuur, a bravura performance of spontaneous brushwork and psychological acuity that captures the Rotterdam merchant’s modern irony, and Johannes Vermeer’s A Maid Asleep, which anticipates Paul Cézanne in its treatment of decorative pattern and geometry.

The Dutch Baroque formed the cornerstone of the Met’s first holdings; subsequent bequests created one of the world’s great assemblages of Rembrandt, Hals, Vermeer, and their peers. The antiracist museum, however, understands that it is not just Western art that needs deconstructing; the collecting and donating of art does, too. Thus, the commentary accompanying “In Praise of Painting” wearily notes that “of course” there are “blind spots in the story these particular acquisitions tell. Colonialism, slavery, and war—major themes in seventeenth-century Dutch history—are scarcely visible here.”