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Ruth King

To no one’s surprise, a D.C. jury acquitted Michael Sussmann By Andrea Widburg


Most savvy court watchers were completely unsurprised yesterday when a jury in the District of Columbia acquitted Michael Sussmann, a Perkins Coie attorney, who was charged with lying to the FBI on Hillary’s behalf in support of the Russia hoax. After all, juries routinely rule against Republicans and for Democrats in the D.C. district, the judge couldn’t have made his partisanship more clear, and the jury had a good helping of hardcore Hillary supporters. In other words, the fix was in the moment the case was filed. What was more newsworthy than a predictable verdict was the way the case showed just how corrupt the FBI and the district court are.

The news about the verdict is simple:

A Washington, D.C., jury acquitted former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann of lying to the FBI on Tuesday in the first legal test of special counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump/Russia collusion conspiracy theory.

Sussmann was charged with lying to the FBI during a September 2016 meeting with former FBI general counsel James Baker. Sussmann pleaded not guilty to the charges, arguing that he never lied to the FBI, and even if he did, the lie did not impact the FBI’s operations at all. Sussmann decided last week against testifying in his own defense.

The evidence was clear, though, that Sussmann told the FBI’s general counsel he wasn’t representing anyone when he was, in fact, representing Hillary.

Out of Formula By John Stossel


Parents still struggle to find baby formula.

The left and most media (sorry, same thing?) blame “corporate power run amok.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says, “There might be a need for indictment!”

They blame Abbott Laboratories, because it shut down a Similac plant. The Food and Drug Administration says unsanitary conditions led to deaths of two infants, but Abbott denies that its formula recall had anything to do with those deaths.

In any case, one factory closure doesn’t normally cause massive shortages.

My new video gives the real reason for the formula shortage.

First: bans on imports. There’s plenty of formula on supermarket shelves in Mexico and Europe. Normally, American companies would just buy that and ship it here.

But they can’t, because of several destructive government policies.

A 2024 Trump-Biden Death Match? Byron York


For all the speculation that goes on around Donald Trump and the 2024 Republican presidential nomination race, it’s possible, even likely, that the more intense battle will be among Democrats. A new poll from Mark Penn, the former Clinton strategist who runs the Harvard-Harris Poll, suggests President Joe Biden’s support among Democrats is significantly weaker than Trump’s support among Republicans. And that could lead to chaos on the Democratic side.

Penn’s question was very simple. To Republicans, he asked, “If the Republican presidential primary for the 2024 election was held today, who would you vote for?” And to Democrats, he asked, “If the Democratic presidential primary for the 2024 election was held today, who would you vote for?”

The results: Forty-one percent of Republicans named Trump, while 12% named Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, 7% named former Vice President Mike Pence, and 4% each named former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Sen. Ted Cruz. There were a few other names lower down — Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Tim Scott, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — and a fairly large percentage, 28%, who said they were unsure or would choose someone else.

On the Democratic side, the results were 23% for Biden, while 9% named Vice President Kamala Harris, 8% named Sen. Bernie Sanders, 7% support 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton and 5% back Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Another fairly large number of people, 31%, said they were unsure or named someone else.

Biden Appoints Supporter of “Intifada” as “Ambassador” to PLO in Israel Daniel Greenfield


After a wave of violence that saw repeated murders of Israelis, with guns and axes, among other means, in attacks that involved ISIS, but were praised by Hamas and the PLO’s Palestinian Authority, Biden is rewarding the terrorists.

 The Biden administration has settled on a series of steps aimed at boosting its diplomatic ties to the Palestinians in lieu of reopening the US Consulate in Jerusalem — a move it reluctantly shelved amid Israeli opposition.

The “opposition” consisted of telling Biden that if they gave in, the leftist-Islamist-RINO (right in name only) coalition government would collapse and they’d have to deal with Netanyahu again.

According to two US and Palestinian officials who spoke to The Times of Israel, US President Joe Biden will elevate Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr to the role of special envoy to the Palestinians.

Front Page Magazine had the first deep background on Amr.

“I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Hady Amr wrote a year after September 11, discussing his work as the national coordinator of the anti-Israel Middle East Justice Network.

Biden has now chosen Amr as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israel-Palestine.

U. Chicago SJP Condemns Pro-Israel Newsletter as ‘Hate Speech’ Attempting to censor the truth while promoting genocide. Sara Dogan


In a brazen and unintentionally ironic letter printed in the Chicago Maroon, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of Chicago condemned the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s distribution of a newsletter on campus exposing the terrorist associations of SJP and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and urged university officials to thwart future attempts to distribute alleged “hate speech.”

The University of Chicago was recently named as one of the Top Ten Jew-Hating Colleges and Universities in a report published by the Freedom Center, and there was no shortage of evidence to support their place on that list.

UChicago SJP recently published an art zine titled “Cheers to Intifada,” referring to the violent Palestinian uprisings during which Jewish citizens of Israel were slaughtered because they were Jews. The zine contained violent imagery including a graphic of two lit Molotov cocktails raised in a toast under the heading “Cheers to Intifada.”

The zine was also rife with anti-Semitism including an image of a pig wearing a policeman’s hat with a Jewish star on it. Poems in the publication promoted ancient blood libel tropes against Jews such as one describing a fictional Polish teenager, understood to be Jewish and part of the IDF, who holds Palestinians captive while shooting “perverted bullets shot with animalistic lust yearning to rape bodies.”

The student government at Chicago published a statement promoting the anti-Semitic BDS movement against Israel and used genocidal language calling to “free” Palestine “from the river to the sea,” a call to annihilate the entire state of Israel along with its Jewish citizens.

Clinton’s Plot Came Closer to Succeeding Than January 6 Ever Did There’s only one rule in D.C. the Justice Department consistently enforces—all laws and norms exist to preserve and extend the Democratic Party’s monopoly over key institutions. By Adam Mill


Kevin Clinesmith must feel like an idiot for pleading guilty without a trial after a D.C.-area jury acquitted Clinton co-conspirator Michael Sussman for his role in the plot to frame Donald Trump for colluding with the Russians, supposedly to steal the 2016 election. Sussman’s D.C.-based jury which featured partisan Democrat donors rendered a quick “not-guilty” verdict. While the Left undoubtedly sees the acquittal as another “lawfare” victory against the bad orange man, that victory did not come without cost to its enabling allies. 

First, the acquittal further reinforces the impression of a two-tiered justice system in which the politics and privilege of the accused determine the outcome. As Julie Kelly continues to show, the FBI, which played a central role in the plot to frame Trump, is now viewed by a majority of Republicans and a large minority of Democrats as, “the personal gestapo” of Joe Biden. If the FBI frames its political opponents, as it attempted to do with Trump, then it can’t expect potential witnesses and jurors to cooperate with or trust its agents.

Second, we know a little more about the Russia collusion hoax plot and are therefore better-armed against the next dirty trick. That’s something. Special Counsel John Durham did uncover a few new puzzle pieces to the Russia Collusion Hoax. When you fit in the new information with what we already know, one sees the scope of Hillary Clinton’s astonishingly brazen and undemocratic effort to reverse the 2016 election following Election Day. Unlike the January 6 event, which a politicized FBI and Justice Department pursued with partisan zeal, the Clinton plot came much closer to undoing an election. 

Saudi Arabia and Israel preparing major diplomatic meeting Danny Zaken


At the meeting an aviation agreement and cooperation agreements in research and technology in medicine, agriculture and energy will be signed, a source has told “Globes.”

Saudi Arabia is allowing Israeli business people to enter the country with their Israeli passports after receiving a special visa, sources close to the matter have told “Globes.” For the most part it is representatives and managers of Israeli technology companies who are being invited to visit by the Saudis. This is a dramatic change and follows the cancellation in recent months of the blanket ban on Israeli passport holders, making it easy for special visas to be obtained.

Israeli passport? Saudi Arabia welcomes you

Dozens of Israeli business people have taken advantage of this option and visited Riyadh, the economic center of Saudi Arabia and other locations like Neom.

All this is preparing the ground for a major diplomatic meeting between Israel and Saudi Arabia with economic and defense components, an international source familiar with the matter has told “Globes.” Among other things, agreements will be signed in aviation, and cooperation in research and technology in medicine, agriculture and energy.

Another Biden Fail: Unity Index Shows Divisions Deepening — I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


It’s sad that even at a time of the year set aside to commemorate the more than 1 million people who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom and way of life, Americans today find themselves deeply divided about their country and its prospects, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

Each month, I&I/TIPP asks respondents to its poll the same question: “In general would you say the United States is: 1.) Very united. 2.) Somewhat united. 3.) Somewhat divided. 4.) Very divided.”

While this fairly new question in the I&I/TIPP Poll goes back only to April of 2021, its most recent message is not one of optimism. Among the 1,320 adults across the country who responded to the online poll, a meager 24% said the U.S. was “united.” That further broke down to only 10% saying we were “very united” and 15% saying we were “somewhat united.”

The poll, taken from May 4-6, has a margin of error of +/- 2.8 points.

Those calling the U.S. “divided” formed a significant majority of Americans across the board among the 21 major demographic groups that I&I/TIPP breaks down monthly.

The “divided” number was overwhelming: 71% “divided” vs. 24% “united.” It isn’t even close.

The Sussmann Verdict A jury acquits the Clinton campaign lawyer, but the case revealed a lot about the Russia collusion dirty trick.


A Washington, D.C., jury on Tuesday acquitted Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann of lying to the FBI, and the verdict is no doubt a disappointment for special counsel John Durham. But the case did perform a public service by exposing a major part of the 2016 Russian collusion dirty trick that hadn’t been previously told.

The evidence was strong enough to bring an indictment, and it was reinforced by a text message in which Mr. Sussmann had told FBI general counsel James Baker that he represented no client. In truth he represented the Clinton campaign, as billing records showed. But Mr. Durham had charged Mr. Sussmann with lying to Mr. Baker in person, not in the text message, which the special counsel only obtained after he had filed the original indictment.

The jury may also have been persuaded by the defense claim that the FBI already had ample reason to know that Mr. Sussmann was working for the Clinton campaign. Mr. Sussmann was certainly known to the FBI—enough so that we learned at the trial that he had his own pass to the FBI building.

The verdict is less important than what we learned about the false Clinton claims about the ties between the Trump campaign and Russia’s Alfa Bank. The story was a concoction from the start, spread to the press by investigators-for-hire Fusion GPS and Clinton sources. We learned that Hillary Clinton personally approved leaking the false claim to a reporter, and the campaign and Mrs. Clinton then tweeted the press report approvingly.

Liz Peek: Joe Biden’s big lies about crime and race hurt America


Joe Biden talks frequently about Donald Trump’s “Big Lie”: that the 2020 election was stolen. The president is correct; Trump’s claim hurts our nation.

But Biden has some Big Lies too: that the biggest threat this country faces is white supremacy, that efforts to prevent election fraud in states like Georgia will suppress minority voting and that the United States is a “systemically racist” country.

These lies are purposeful and political, meant to shore up support among Black and White liberal voters. They are also harmful, leading to policies that have made our country less safe, our elections less secure and our people less optimistic.

Biden has lied generously, consistently — almost voluptuously — about so many topics: inflation, the border, Build Back Better, his loopy fictions about conductors, being arrested with Nelson Mandela, the most recent fable about applying to the Naval Academy and so on.

But his creative juices really start to flow when he talks about race and crime.

For instance, Biden speaks with great passion about hate crimes perpetrated against Black Americans, implying that white supremacy is the scourge that fills our morgues and makes our sidewalks unsafe. It is total bunk.

Heather MacDonald writes in the City Journal that most hate crimes are committed not by whites but rather by blacks. MacDonald presents the statistics, which do not lie. She writes: “From 2016 to 2020, blacks nationally were twice as likely to commit a hate crime as whites, according to FBI data, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known.”

As to local hate crimes: “In New York City, from 2010 to 2020, blacks were 2.42 times as likely as whites to commit a hate crime…Blacks in Los Angeles committed anti-Asian hate crimes at 4.8 times the rate of whites in 2021…committed anti-gay hate crimes at seven times the rate of whites, and anti-Semitic hate crimes at 2.4 times the rate of whites.”