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Ruth King

Palestinianism: The global Intifada – opinion Palestinianism denies the historical fact that is Eretz Yisrael, and denies the right of the Jewish people to re-establish a state there. By Moshe Dann


As Palestinianism spreads throughout the world, it attracts support because it presents itself as a national liberation movement that seeks to free itself from Israeli occupation, colonialism, oppression and persecution. An examination of its real agenda, however, available in the PLO Covenant, Hamas Charter and its daily messages, reveals its true intention: isolating and destroying Israel – a second Holocaust, if they could.

This explains why efforts to achieve a peaceful solution, such as the Oslo Accords, have failed. Unwittingly, calls for a two-state solution: a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), in addition to Jordan – which many consider to be or should be the already-existing second state – have contributed to confusion about why Palestinian leaders have rejected such proposals, and the consequences. Unfortunately, there seems to be an unwillingness to accept the reality of what Palestinianism means, and what is at stake – not only for Israel, but for the world.

Historical Background

The first time the concept of Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel) is seen as the land which God gave to the Jewish people to build a Jewish civilization is in Torah. This is confirmed in all Jewish texts and in Judaism; that is the meaning of the “homeland of the Jewish people.” It is why the First and Second Temples were built in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. There is no such concept in Christianity, or Islam; these religions have holy places, but no specific “holy land.”

Palestinianism denies this historical fact, and denies the right of the Jewish people to reestablish a state in Eretz Yisrael.

So it’s not Putin anymore: Joe Biden has a new plan to fight inflation with…more inflation By Monica Showalter


So it’s not Putin anymore.

Joe Biden came out with his big solution to inflation, which is driving his poll numbers into the toilet — and all he produced was a muddled mess.

Here’s what his handlers put under his byline as his plan in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal:

I ran for president because I was tired of the so-called trickle-down economy. We now have a chance to build on a historic recovery with an economy that works for working families. The most important thing we can do now to transition from rapid recovery to stable, steady growth is to bring inflation down. That is why I have made tackling inflation my top economic priority. My plan has three parts:

Part one is to Be Kind to the Fed.

First, the Federal Reserve has a primary responsibility to control inflation. My predecessor demeaned the Fed, and past presidents have sought to influence its decisions inappropriately during periods of elevated inflation. I won’t do this. I have appointed highly qualified people from both parties to lead that institution. I agree with their assessment that fighting inflation is our top economic challenge right now.

That’s it?  Be nice to the Fed, and inflation will go away?  Trust the experts, same as we trust the experts on COVID and global warming, right?  Sounds like a plan.

Uh-Oh: Black Staffers Leaving White House in Droves By Paula Bolyard


The Most Diverse White House EVER™ has a big problem: There’s been a mass exodus of black staffers, with some complaining about a lack of opportunity and mentoring for minority employees.

According to Politico, “At least 21 Black staffers have left the White House since late last year or are planning to leave soon. Some of those who remain say it’s no wonder why: They describe a work environment with little support from their superiors and fewer chances for promotion.”

They’re calling it “Blaxit”—not to be confused with Blexit, an exit of black people from the Democrat party, headed by conservative commentator Candace Owens.

Black staffers leaving the White House include:

Kamala Harris’ senior adviser and chief spokesperson Symone Sanders
Harris senior aides Tina Flournoy, Ashley Etienne, and Vincent Evans
Public engagement head Cedric Richmond
Public engagement aide Carissa Smith
Gender policy aide Kalisha Dessources Figures
National Security Council senior director Linda Etim
Digital engagement director Cameron Trimble
Associate counsel Funmi Olorunnipa Badejo
Chief of staff Ron Klain advisers Elizabeth Wilkins and Niyat Mulugheta
Press assistant Natalie Austin
National Economic Council aides Joelle Gamble and Connor Maxwell
Presidential personnel aides Danielle Okai, Reggie Greer, and Rayshawn Dyson

Do Americans Really Want an Octogenarian in the Oval Office?By John McCormack


Republican primary voters would be forfeiting one of the party’s most effective lines of attack against Biden if they nominated Trump in 2024.

A Harvard–Harris poll released last week asked registered voters: “Do you think Joe Biden is showing he is too old to be President or do you think he is showing he is fit to be president?”

Sixty-two percent of respondents — nearly two-thirds — said they thought Biden was too old, compared with just 38 percent who said they thought he had proved himself fit for the job.

If Biden, at the age of 79, is registering poll numbers like that in 2022, how much more will the issue of his age weigh on the minds of voters should he seek another term in 2024?

Americans will not merely have to be comfortable with the fitness of the man they vote for in 2024 — they will have to confident that he’ll remain fit to serve as president through January 20, 2029, when Biden would be 86 years old. Attacks on Ronald Reagan’s age obviously didn’t hurt him in 1984, but at the end of a second term Biden would be nearly a decade older than Reagan was when he left office at the age of 77.

Voters do not need to play the role of armchair psychiatrist to see that Biden has lost a step. Despite all the attempts in the mainstream media to recast Biden’s troubles speaking as a lifelong battle with a stutter, it is plain to anyone with eyes and ears that the president who now struggles to make it through a speech is not nearly as sharp as the vice president who debated Paul Ryan in 2012.

Ex-Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Sussmann found not guilty of lying to FBI Sussmann faced a single charge of providing a false statement to the FBI in the closing weeks of the 2016 presidential race.By Natalia Mittelstadt


The jury in the trial of 2016 Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann on Tuesday found the defendant not guilty on a charge of providing a false statement to the FBI, after deliberating in the morning and on Friday.

Special Counsel John Durham last year charged Sussmann with lying to the FBI, while working as a private attorney, for allegedly telling then-bureau General Counsel James Baker that he was not working on behalf of any client while providing him with data he said substantiated an alleged secret communications channel between the Russian Alfa Bank and the Trump Organization.

Durham argued Sussmann was working on behalf of two clients, the Clinton campaign and former tech firm executive Rodney Joffe, when he presented Baker with two computer thumb drives of data and white papers.

The connection was allegedly a back channel to the Kremlin.

The Sussmann-Baker meeting took place Sept. 19, 2016, just weeks before Election Day.

The trial is the first in Durham’s investigation into the origins of the now-debunked Russia collusion narrative.

“While we are disappointed in the outcome, we respect the jury’s decision and thank them for their service,” Durham said after the verdict. “I also want to recognize and thank the investigators and the prosecution team for their dedicated efforts in seeking truth and justice in this case.”

The next trial will be in October in Virginia for Igor Danchenko, a Russian analyst accused of lying to the FBI in connection with the collusion plot.

We Must Make Ourselves Equal Until we disdain false narratives about race, the disparities that have troubled our country will continue to persist. Glenn C. Loury


Editor’s note: The following is an edited version of a speech delivered at the 18th annual Bradley Prizes ceremony on May 17, 2022.

Pundits tell us that we’re living in a period of “racial reckoning” in America. Racial dispute suffuses our public life—from school board elections to presidential campaigns. This estrangement of intellectuals, politicians, journalists, and activists derives, in turn, from the fact of persisting black disadvantage across so many fronts in our country’s economic and social life. The reality here is too familiar to require elaborate recitation. Whether talking about health or wealth, education or income, imprisonment or criminal victimization, the relatively disadvantaged status of those Americans who descend from slaves, more than 150 years after emancipation, is palpable.

What are we to make of this? That question has bedeviled me for decades—indeed, ever since I began graduate studies in economics at MIT a half-century ago. I am a black American economist in this era of racial discontent in my country; an Ivy League professor and a descendant of slaves; a beneficiary of a civil rights revolution, now over two generations in the past, which has made possible for me a life that my ancestors could only have dreamed of. More than all of these things, I am a patriot who loves his country. I am a man of the West, an inheritor of its great traditions. As such, I feel compelled to represent the interests of “my people.” But that reference is not unambiguous, invoking, as it does, both communal and civic antecedents.

Racial disparities are real, of course, but, at the end of the day, just how important is race, as such? Inequality in America is not mainly a racial issue. Many poor and marginalized white people deserve our concern, too. Is “race” an undeniable difference between people, or is it a social construct? Interracial marriage has grown dramatically, as has the number of people viewing themselves as “multiracial,” including the first black president and vice president of this country. We talk incessantly about racial identity. But what about culture and values—aspects of our humanity that transcend race? I have become convinced that the alienation that afflicts so many prosperous black Americans is the result of false narratives told by demagogues and ideologues about how “white supremacy” threatens them, or how we have, in effect, reverted to the era of Jim Crow.

Top-Paid LA Lifeguards Earned Up To $510,283 In 2021 Baywatch needs to go on pay watch! Adam Andrzejewski


Who knew that LA lifeguards—who work in the sun, ocean surf, and golden sands of California— could reap such unbelievable financial reward?

It’s time we put Baywatch on pay watch. In 2019, we found top-paid lifeguards made up to $392,000.

Unfortunately, today, the pay and benefits are even more lucrative.

Daniel Douglas was the most highly paid and earned $510,283, an increase from $442,712 in 2020. As the “lifeguard captain,” he out-earned 1,000 of his peers: salary ($150,054), perks ($28,661), benefits ($85,508), and a whopping $246,060 in overtime pay.

The second highest paid, lifeguard chief Fernando Boiteux, pulled down $463,517 – up from $393,137 last year.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com found 98 LA lifeguards earned at least $200,000 including benefits last year, and 20 made between $300,000 and $510,283. Thirty-seven lifeguards made between $50,000 and $247,000 in overtime alone.

And it’s not only about the cash compensation. After 30 years of service, LA lifeguards can retire as young as 55 on 79-percent of their pay.

The stench from the Sussmann verdict Charles Lipson


Democracies cannot survive without public trust. Citizens must be confident that their elected officials represent their interests, at least in broad terms, and are not corrupt, self-dealing con men. They must believe the courts dispense justice fairly and equally, that there’s not one set of rules for insiders and another for everyone else. They understand that complex societies require bureaucracies and that bureaucracies are inherently non-democratic, but they want the bureaucracies’ rules and procedures to be subject to laws, passed by elected officials, overseen by them, and applied evenly. For transparency, they depend on newspapers and television and, in recent years, on websites and social media.

These essential elements of stable democracy are encompassed by two words: “trust” and “fairness.” For democracies to thrive, citizens must trust the four core elements of their government: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and the bureaucracies which pass and implement most of the day-to-day rules. A crucial element of that trust is the belief that each individual gets a fair shake. That means he won’t be arrested or fined because of the color of his skin or his religion. If he has to go to court, it means he’ll get a fair trial, with an even-handed judge and a jury of his peers. He won’t be pilloried by a biased judge who doesn’t like his politics. His case will be decided by a jury that weighs the evidence without prejudice. The public also has a right to see that trials are handled fairly, without bias.

Every one of those basic tenets was violated in Michael Sussmann’s trial for lying to the FBI. We know now that a Washington, DC jury has found him not guilty, though it is still unclear whether they believed he didn’t lie, or the government didn’t prove it, or it didn’t matter to a politically biased FBI, which was determined to investigate anything connected to Donald Trump. We also know something more: the whole case is drenched in the sulfurous smell of the Washington Swamp.

A Palestinian celebration of ‘empress of terror’ Fusako Shigenobu By Ruthie Blum


 When “empress of terror” Fusako Shigenobu was released from Tokyo’s Hachioji prison on Saturday, Palestinian groups hailed her as a heroine and bemoaned what they called her “unjust” incarceration.
The 76-year-old co-founder of the now-defunct Japanese Red Army (JRA) had completed a 20-year jail term for her masterminding of the 1974 hostage-taking of the French embassy in The Hague and the takeover of the U.S. consulate in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 1975.

But it was her organization’s part in the 1972 massacre at Israel’s Lod (today, Ben-Gurion) Airport for which she is most celebrated by Palestinian activists. That attack, in which 26 people were killed and dozens more wounded, was perpetrated by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and executed by three members of the JRA.
Among the dead were 17 Christian pilgrims from Puerto Rico, one Canadian tourist and eight Israelis, including National Academy of Sciences director Aharon Katzir, brother of Ephraim, who became the country’s fourth president in 1973.

The trio of JRA operatives was perfect for the job. Landing in Israel on an Air France flight from Rome, the Far East Asian men posing as musicians didn’t look like terrorists—certainly not of the PFLP variety. Without arousing the suspicion of security agents, they entered the terminal with ease, removed assault rifles from their violin cases and opened fire in every direction. While they were at it, they threw live grenades into the hysterical throng.
After the massacre, Shigenobu went into hiding in Lebanon. It was there, after all, that she had established the JRA in 1971.

For the nearly three decades until her arrest in 2000 in Osaka, where she had returned to reboot her “anti-imperialist” activities and commitment to the “Palestinian struggle,” she was Interpol’s most wanted terrorist.
It took years before she voiced any remorse for the JRA’s deadly assaults, which she now chalks up to youthful idealism. Upon her exit from behind prison walls, the elderly Communist with a Palestinian keffiyeh draped over her shoulders offered a pitiful apology “for the inconvenience [her] arrest caused to so many people.”
She told reporters that “it [the JRA’s terrorism] was half a century ago … but we caused damage to innocent people who were strangers to us by prioritizing our battle, such as by hostage-taking.”

Permanent Irrelevance Edward Ring


The California GOP remains committed to its decline.

California Assemblymember Megan Dahle’s election committee transferred $40,500 to the state Republican party on April 22; two days later, the California State Republican Party endorsed her husband, State Senator Brian Dahle, as its candidate for governor. The timing of this transfer gave rise to suspicions that Megan Dahle purchased the party’s endorsement for her husband, but this is just one of many controversies in a state party that has never been more divided or more impotent.

The electorate’s share of Republican voters in California, at 23.9 percent of registered voters, has never been lower. This decline has been unrelenting; from 34.9 percent in 2002 to 34.6 percent in 2006, to 30.1 percent in 2010, to 28.6 percent in 2014, to 25.3 percent in 2018.

The weakness of California’s Republican party is reflected in every metric that matters. Its representation in California’s congressional delegation is 10 out of 53, which at 19 percent does not even reflect voter registration totals. Similar underachievement plagues their showing in the state legislature: Republicans number 19 out of 80 seats in the assembly, and 9 out of 40 seats in the state senate. Of the eight higher state offices—governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer, controller, superintendent of public instruction, and insurance commissioner—not one is held by a Republican. Every one of these office holders are Democrats. For those Californians who recall that the state was cherry red through the election of George Bush in 1988, this leftward turn is cause for endless regret.

The endorsement of Brian Dahle by the California Republican party might therefore be considered irrelevant. His chances of winning are zero. The decision to endorse Dahle does have consequences, however. The party passed up an unconventional but potentially transformative opportunity to expand its reach by endorsing independent candidate Michael Shellenberger, one of the most interesting political aspirants to emerge in California in many years. A former progressive environmentalist who supports nuclear power and argues that the threat of climate change catastrophe is overstated, Shellenberger has staked out contrarian positions that could have broad appeal to Californians tired of crime, high energy prices, and absurd regulations that inhibit development.