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Ruth King

Blue-Dog Democrat, Endangered Species By Jim Geraghty


It is easy to find Democrats who believe that their party’s problem is not runaway inflation, poor communication, or flawed candidates. The real problem, they contend, is that the structure of the U.S. government is biased against the Democratic Party and that the only solution is a sweeping, Constitution-busting rebuild from the ground up.

A certain kind of wonky Democrat will whine that it is just so unfair that Alaska gets as many Senate seats as California, or that Wyoming gets three Electoral College votes when it has only 576,000 people. (You rarely hear them making similar complaints about the District of Columbia, Vermont, or Delaware.)

The subtext is often that it is unfair that so many Senate seats and electoral votes are in the South and the Midwest — broad swaths of the country with majorities of white, culturally conservative voters. Never mind that recent history shows that a Democrat who deviates from party orthodoxy on abortion and guns gets a lot of leeway from culturally conservative voters on other issues. 

A flag under foot This Memorial Day let’s remember what that flag stood for — and what it could stand for again Peter Wood


On my way to work in Midtown Manhattan each day, I pass down 50th Street. Near the corner of Broadway, not long ago someone glued an American flag to the sidewalk and set fire to it. The scorched remnants cry out in resistance to the attempted insult and erasure.

I have no idea what protest prompted this indignity, or whether the person who sealed the flag to where pedestrians would trample it was the same who decided to set it on fire. I haven’t noticed any passersby taking special note of Old Glory reduced to such an inglorious state, surrounded by cigarette butts and other debris.

This isn’t New York City’s fault. We are amid more pressing crises. The subway entrance nearby — one of the main points of access to Midtown — reeks of urine and sometimes worse. We ride it knowing that at any moment some homeless turnstile jumper may try to push someone in front of a train, knife a stranger or, as happened last weekend, shoot a man dead for looking at his cell phone.

Most, but not all the perpetrators are young black men, but older black men and black women have gotten into the game as well. But we can’t talk about this except as a “mental health” crisis. Truth be told, it is an anger crisis.

Joe Biden whispers ‘I’m your commander-in-chief’ to Naval Academy grads By Steven Nelson


President Biden revived his frequently ridiculed stage whisper Friday while addressing the US Naval Academy’s Class of 2022, stooping over his microphone to remind them that “I’m your commander-in-chief.”

Biden addressed the graduates for approximately 25 minutes during the outdoor ceremony at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis, during which he slammed Russian President Vladimir Putin over his three-month-old invasion of Ukraine.

“The actions taken by Putin were an attempt to — to use my phrase — to Finlandize all of Europe, make it all neutral,” Biden said. “Instead, he NATO-ized all of Europe.”

The phrase “Finlandize,” which the president mispronounced as “Fingalize,” refers to Finland’s Cold War-era practice of treading lightly in international politics so as not to upset its near neighbors in Moscow.

The president was speaking about Finland and Sweden applying to join NATO in response to the Russian invasion, which began Feb. 24 and has been met with stiff resistance from Ukraine’s military.

The Devils Of Davos


What happens when the world’s worst gather together to talk about their ideas? Nothing good.

The World Economic Forum that meets in Davos, Switzerland is not just a brood of hypocrites who fly in on private jets so they can mob-lecture the rest of us about our carbon footprints. These people are truly dangerous.

Here’s a quick rundown of a few of the most noxious ideas that emerged from last week’s meeting, which was promoted as “the starting point for a new era of global responsibility and cooperation,” followed by incisive comments we cannot call our own but are fitting of the moment.

“​​We need to accept that there will be some pain in the process,” Kjerstin Braathen, chief executive of the Norwegian financial services giant DNB, said about a global effort to cut carbon dioxide emissions. “The pace that we need will open up for missteps; it will open up for shortages of energy; it will create inflationary pressures, and we need to start talking about that.”

“The ruling class can afford this transition, but can the rest of us?” the Washington Times’ Kelly Sadler asked last week. “The billionaires in Davos don’t care – so long as they can hold onto their wealth, power and position. And this week, they were hatching a plan to do just that.”

“When it comes to business and economic activities, Davos is not a place for narrow self-interest,” WEF chairman and founder Klaus Schwab said. “It is instead a place for the implementation of the notion of stakeholder capitalism, a concept I’m fighting for since 50 years.”

“‘Stakeholder capitalism’ is an oxymoron, and it is a synonym for fascism,” writes Streetwise Professor. 



Happy Jerusalem Day!  55 Years Anniversary

Jerusalem is and has been the geographic and spiritual center of the Jewish people for millennia. There has been a Jewish presence in Jerusalem, despite conquerors, wars, and massacres for centuries, and a Jewish majority since the mid-1800s. In the war occasioned by Arab rejection of Israel’s sovereignty, Jordan, (80% of the Palestine Mandate Promised to the Jews) occupied East Jerusalem, trashed graveyards and holy sites, debased and ransacked churches and limited visits to the city. In June 1967 the Israeli paratroopers liberated the despoiled and vandalized city and restored it to its glory with meticulous respect for all religions and restoration of churches, parks and shrines.  It is also the home of a world class institution- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and its Faculty of Medicine which is available to students of every ethnicity. 



And here is another compilation of Israel’s contributions to the  health, welfare , hope and aspirations of millions of citizens throughout the world from Michel Ordman.  


Neurological discovery. Researchers at Tel Aviv University found that a mutation in genes ADNP and SHANK3 causes conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, and neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. They also found that an experimental therapy Davunetide can counter the effects of the mutation.
https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/328097  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01603-w
Gene therapy can treat AHDS. A team of international scientists, led by Dr. Gad Vatine of Ben Gurion University, discovered a thyroid hormone MCT8 mutation causes Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS). Sufferers cannot walk or talk. They developed a gene therapy AAV9-MCT8 to restore the hormone’s function.
Less than 100 serious Covid-19 cases. According to new data from Israel’s Health Ministry, the number of serious coronavirus cases in Israel has dipped below 100 for the first time since end Dec 2021. On 15th May there were only some 15,500 active Covid-19 infections in Israel.
Rare heart valve transplant saves heart patient. (TY Yehoshua) Surgeons at Jerusalem’s Hadassah hospital performed a “first time in Israel” aortic valve transplant to save a patient unsuitable for open-heart surgery. The hybrid team of catheterization specialists and cardiac surgeons used the carotid artery as the point of entry.
How to avoid 400,000 US deaths a year. Excellent article about Israel’s DecideVR (see here previously) – the most advanced Virtual Reality simulator for reducing errors and saving lives in Intensive Care Units. It was developed by Prof Alex Mintz, Director of the Computerized Decision-Making Lab at Reichman University.
Israel’s first mental health expo. Some 1,000 people registered to attend Israel’s first mental health expo. It was conducted entirely in English and tailored to the needs of English-speaking immigrants. Its aim was to give a sense of what’s available in Israel to help and treat people facing mental health challenges.
Medical incubator launches in the north. Israel’s MEDX Xelerator (see here previously) has partnered with the Portland Trust to launch an incubator branch in the Sakhnin Valley region in northern Israel. It will support health and medical startups in the Galilee and northern Arab and Jewish regions.
Saving Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Since March, volunteer doctors (Jews & Arabs) from the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem, have been running the medical clinic at the Przemyśl Humanitarian Aid Center, near the Medyka border crossing in southeastern Poland. Also, at a refugee center in nearby Korczowa.
Safer schools. Israel’s Safe School Analytics is a content streaming platform that works with some 600 Israeli schools to combat and reduce bullying and cyberbullying. The company produces videos about online safety, empowerment, empathy, teamwork, and more. Israeli actress Gal Gadot and her husband are recent investors.
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/hkl80079p5  https://www.safeschool.co.il/
Thousands of Gazans enter Israel to work.  Israel opened the Erez crossing allowing 4,600 Palestinian Arabs workers from Gaza to enter Israel – the highest single day number at the border crossing in 15 years.
Impact for Good. The “Impact for Good” conference in Jerusalem on May 30 is a joint initiative of the Society for International Development (SID) Israel and the parliamentary lobby for Israel’s positive impact in the developing world. It focuses on how Israeli innovation and world Jewry can address global challenges.
Jerusalem – city of innovation. 1000+ people attended the 2022 Arutz Sheva-Israel National News Jerusalem Conference in Manhattan.  See all the ceremonies and speeches here, especially the discussion about Business Development in the city. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/tags/Jerusalem_Conference_in_NYC
Innovation conference in Casablanca. (TY WIN & ILTV) Israeli non-profit Startup Nation Central launched “Connect to Innovate” – an historic conference attended by 150 Israeli and Moroccan government and business leaders in Casablanca.  13 agreements were signed, especially in food tech & agriculture tech.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-casablanca-morocco-and-israel-see-the-beginning-of-a-beautiful-tech-friendship/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqaulhT3esQ
Israel at Davos. Israel’s President Herzog spoke at the World Economic Forum – “I call on all countries and nations from near and far to join these winds of change, partner with Israel, lead the future & make history! By working with all countries and nations in the region, we can build a future of peace, prosperity, and progress.”
Israeli food tech at the UN. On Israel’s Independence Day, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan presented, to dozens of UN ambassadors, food produced by Israeli sustainable food tech. They included vegan milk, protein from chickpeas and cultivated meat.
Ukrainian sings to help MDA relief efforts. Ukrainian-born singer Viktoria Leléka lives in Berlin and was able to help rescue all her family from Ukraine. Leléka made her first visit to Israel to perform with her band and Israel singer Ivri Lider in a concert that benefited Magen David Adom’s emergency efforts in Ukraine.


 On Memorial Day we honor our troops-the ultimate defense of our sovereignty, our freedom and our democracy. General MacArthur was a lifetime soldier, graduating from West Point with perfect scores in discipline and academics. His farewell speech to West Point, which he wrote himself exemplifies the valor and merit of those who will bear arms and die for Duty, Honor and Country.

As Hannah Senesh, the martyred heroine of World War Two wrote:

“Blessed is the heart with strength to stop its beating for honor’s sake.”  rsk 

Duty, Honor, Country

Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur’s ‘s speech to the Corps of Cadets
at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., May 12, 1962.

As I was leaving the hotel this morning, a doorman asked me, “Where are you bound for, General?” and when I replied, “West Point,” he remarked, “Beautiful place: have you ever been there before?”

No human being could fail to be deeply moved by such a tribute as this, coming from a profession I have served so long and a people I have loved so well. It fills me with an emotion I cannot express. But this award is not intended primarily to honor a personality, but to symbolize a great moral code — the code of conduct and chivalry of those who guard this beloved land of culture and ancient descent. That is the animation of this medallion. For all eyes and for all time, it is an expression of the ethics of the American soldier. That I should be integrated in this way with so noble an ideal, arouses a sense of pride and yet of humility which will be with me always.

“Duty, Honor, Country” — those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.

Unhappily, I possess neither that eloquence of diction, that poetry of imagination, nor that brilliance of metaphor to tell you all that they mean.

The unbelievers will say they are but words, but a slogan, but a flamboyant phrase. Every pedant, every demagogue, every cynic, every hypocrite, every troublemaker, and, I am sorry to say, some others of an entirely different character, will try to downgrade them even to the extent of mockery and ridicule.

But these are some of the things they do.º They build your basic character. They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the nation’s defense. They make you strong enough to know when you are weak, and brave enough to face yourself when you are afraid.

They teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in success; not to substitute words for action; not to seek the path of comfort, but to face the stress and spur of difficulty and challenge; to learn to stand up in the storm, but to have compassion on those who fall; to master yourself before you seek to master others; to have a heart that is clean, a goal that is high; to learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep; to reach into the future, yet never neglect the past; to be serious, yet never take yourself too seriously; to be modest so that you will remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength.

They give you a temper of the will,º a quality of theº imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a freshness of the deep springs of life, a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, an appetite for adventure over love of ease.

They create in your heart the sense of wonder, the unfailing hope of what next, and the joy and inspiration of life. They teach you in this way to be an officer and a gentleman.

And what sort of soldiers are those you are to lead? Are they reliable? Are they brave? Are they capable of victory?

Their story is known to all of you. It is the story of the American man at arms. My estimate of him was formed on the battlefieldº many, many years ago, and has never changed. I regarded him then, as I regard him now, as one of the world’s noblest figures; not only as one of the finest military characters, but also as one of the most stainless.

His name and fame are the birthright of every American citizen. In his youth and strength, his love and loyalty, he gave all that mortality can give. He needs no eulogy from me, or from any other man. He has written his own history and written it in red on his enemy’s breast.

Why, for the UN, Is One Mosque Massacre So Much Worse than Countless Church Massacres? by Raymond Ibrahim


[I]f one non-Muslim attack on a mosque is enough for the UN to institutionalize a special day for Islam, what about the countless, often worse, Muslim attacks on non-Muslim places of worship? Why have they not elicited a similar response from the UN?

The above list, it should be noted, is hardly comprehensive; there have been many similar attacks on churches — in Egypt alone. But because there were few, if any, fatalities, they received little or no coverage in the Western press.

This dismissal is especially true for those remote — and, apparently, in the views of Western media, “unimportant” — regions, such as Nigeria, where Christians are being purged hourly in a Muslim-produced genocide. Thus, after noting that Muslims have eliminated 60,000 Christians between just 2009 and 2021, an August 2021 report states that, during that same time frame, Muslims also destroyed or torched 17,500 churches and 2,000 Christian schools. How many undocumented souls perished in those largely unreported terror attacks?

Therefore, the original question: If one non-Muslim attack on a mosque, which claimed 51 Muslim lives, was enough for the UN to establish an “international day to combat Islamophobia,” why have so many Muslim attacks on churches, which have claimed thousands of Christian lives, not been enough for the UN to establish an “international day to combat Christianophobia”?

The UN, it seems, would have us ignore and brush aside all these ongoing massacres of Christian church worshippers as unfortunate byproducts of misplaced “Muslim grievances” — and instead fixate on this one singular, if admittedly horrendous, incident.

For the UN, evidently, one incident constitutes a “pattern” — one in dire need of recognition and response. The response is to silence, ignore or attack all those who expose the heavily documented real pattern of abuse and violence against non-Muslims — which, make no mistake, is precisely what “combatting Islamophobia” is all about.

The United Nations recently named March 15 as “international day to combat Islamophobia.” That date was chosen because it witnessed one of the worst terror attacks on Muslims: on March 15, 2019, an armed Australian, Brenton Tarrant, entered two mosques in New Zealand and opened fire on unarmed and helpless Muslim worshippers; 51 were killed and 40 wounded.

Why Does Boston Buy Natural Gas from Russia? The environmental organizations have full veto power on all energy projects through the legal system. By Andy May


Europe is vulnerable and needs our natural gas; prices are absurdly high and going higher. Yet, everyone in the oil and gas industry is afraid to invest any money, even if they have financing available. Who wants to start a 10- to 20-year natural gas project, whether it’s a gas field, pipeline, or LNG (liquified natural gas) terminal, when the current administration is saying it will shut you down in 10 years?

“You’ve got six years, eight years, no more than 10 years or so,” says climate envoy John Kerry. “No one should make it easy for the [natural] gas interests to be building out 30- or 40-year infrastructure.”

In the meantime, India has relaxed its environmental regulations and plans to double its use of coal. China has cut coal import tariffs to zero to ensure energy security and lower costs.

The United States has an abundance of coal and natural gas. Yet, natural gas is actually imported, at great cost, to Boston’s LNG facility from Russia, Canada, and the Caribbean due to the lack of pipeline capacity. In late January natural gas from the Algonquin City Gate Hub (near Boston) sold for over $20 per million BTUs, and more than $23 on the futures market. Natural gas from nearby Pennsylvania cost just $4 in January.

Plenty of cheap natural gas is available in West Virginia and Pennsylvania, a few hundred miles away; and pipelines to supply New England are mostly built, but have been shut down by environmental lawsuits and regulatory hurdles. Because of the regional dearth of natural gas pipelines, and its high price, many in New England are burning oil for heat and electric power plants, and burned more coal in 2021 than in 2020.

One of the many ironies is that carbon dioxide emissions—the bogeyman of radical environmentalists—have decreased where there is sufficient natural gas to replace coal. But any additional gas for New England, as noted, must come from foreign sources.

What Now, Ukraine? We are on new ground, in which a nonnuclear Western ally—understandably but dangerously—may now seek to destroy a nuclear Russia’s assets on Russian soil or in neutral or even Russian seas. By Victor Davis Hanson


It was supposed to be a clear-cut, unambiguous invasion. Vladimir Putin’s much larger, richer, and more bellicose Russia staged a shock-and-awe attack on a much smaller, poorer Ukraine. He intended to decapitate the government in Kyiv. Then he would annex the eastern half of the country, and quickly consolidate his easy wins in preparation to ratchet up pressure to force western Ukraine into the Russian Federation.

The rest is history. The Russian military proved ill-equipped and ill-supplied. It was poorly led, with a high percentage of low-morale, conscript troops. Russia had no viable strategic plan to capture, much less hold, the Ukrainian capital. Ukraine was Russia’s version of our Kabul—but tens of thousands of deaths added to the equation.

Russian strategists naïvely believed NATO would become paralyzed in mutual recriminations and fear and follow the usual German prompt of appeasement. In fact, NATO united precisely because of the dire worries over further Russian aggression, as the alliance pressured Germany to back off from its self-interested Russian romance.

Sanctions seldom have a good record of quickly stopping a war, and they have not so far in this instance, either.

But Russia’s naked use of force, its war crimes against civilians, and pathetic propaganda turned off most of the Western world and it, in turn, boycotted, sanctioned, and embargoed Moscow. These porous and slow-moving efforts nonetheless will eventually make it even more difficult for Russia to muster the economic and military wherewithal to sustain a stalled invasion.

A Lack of Morality and Courage Bing West


With shock and dismay, I read this statement that General Mark Milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs, made on May 23:

Many countries in the world depend on Ukrainian grain. As for what we’re doing about it, we don’t have any naval assets on the Black Sea. We don’t intend to. . . . It’s a no-go for commercial shipping.

Note the use of the pronoun “we.” Milley is the top military adviser to the president. So it is reasonable to assume that the “we” refers to both General Milley and President Biden.

There is a moral component to Milley’s words. Both the president and the chairman profess to be devout in their religion. Tens of thousands of the world’s poor will starve to death because, as Milley put it, “we don’t intend to place naval assets in the Black Sea.” Thus were morality and compassion dismissed.

More important, the president and the chairman are charged with defending our beloved nation. Putting morality aside, we expect courage from those whose job is to protect us. By fleeing from the Black Sea when Putin sailed in, they jointly abandoned the bedrock principle of freedom of the seas. No commercial shipping, General Milley declared, not with Putin glowering. And so they have established the precedent for Xi to push us out of the South China Sea or the Taiwan Straits.

Both morality (feeding the poor) and courage (standing up for the principles of our nation) have been abandoned in the Black Sea. President Biden and General Milley’s peremptory decision to give up is discouraging. The least they could have done was organize a humanitarian convoy, including the United States and many other nations, to escort out the grain ships.

Why haven’t they done it? Do they believe that Putin would go to war against dozens of countries in order to starve the poor? Sadly, our president and the chairman of the joint chiefs took counsel of their fears. It is past time to put aside fear and do the right thing.