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Farewell, America. Hello, Victoria’s Swamp Roger Franklin


“It almost catches in the throat to admit the prospect of life once more in Melbourne is a downer. But here I am, booked in 48 hours to leave a country where the things of which conservatives dreamed but never hoped to see are being fulfilled by a Trump administration committed to refurbishing free speech and property rights, the twin pillars on which Western democracy rests and depends.

Instead, it will be Jew-haters on parade, a politicised police force, courts packed with Labor mates and an opposition more passionate about its intramural party feuds and lawsuits than rescuing Victoria from debt, corruption and incompetence.:

It would be an exaggeration, although only a small one, to say the US bathes right now in the sunny optimism of another ‘morning in America’ like the one Ronald Reagan brought to a country sick half to death of Jimmy Carter, but by several handy measures the Second Age of Trump is certainly off to a spirited start. Republicans are dancing, literally, as are quarterbacks and prize fighters, and from the stunned Left there have been no outbreaks worth noting of the reflex to riot and protest. They’re whipped and they know it, those aggrieved intersectionalists, so unsettled by the loss of House, Senate and Oval Office that the instinct to fill the streets with public nuisances is for the moment in abeyance. But they know what’s coming. Trump’s proposed cabinet of slashers, heretics, critics, crusaders, protectionists, free-market libertarians and assorted silicon smarties is a proclamation of intent to gore the Left’s most sacred cows, a restoration of the First Amendment’s right to free speech high on that to-do list.

All of which makes it very hard to be leaving the United States, especially when the destination is Melbourne, where my US election year ends next week at Tullamarine. It’s a dismal thought. Years ago, my friend Imre Salusinszky warned that the Australia of memory and imagination might not match the fact of a society changed deeply over the decades I had spent in New York. It was hard to believe. Whenever I’d flown home, the holidaying visitor to an overgrown country town by the Yarra, everything was as it should be — the easiness of life under a big blue sky, the footy, great food,  cheap golf, magpies instead of sirens, zinc creme and the Boxing Day Test. But Imre was proven right when I ignored his caution and came home for good. Things had changed and not for the better. A welter of Labor victories, broken only by the limp and hapless Baillieu years, saddled the state with debt and an authoritarian nannyism that grew more assertive and obnoxious year by year. But it was the Covid madness that did it for me, put pay to any last delusion that Victoria, its once lovely capital and the state’s most vital institutions were not in some way rotting before our eyes.

We’ll Always Have Paris But before too long, we may have to pay the jizya to visit there. by Robert Spencer


What is happening in Europe these days is a world-historical societal transformation, but few have noticed or realized the implications of what they are seeing. Even many of those who are in the midst of this transformation, and are suffering its worst effects, don’t understand, or refuse to understand, what is happening.

An X user summed up an all-too-common perspective in a poston Monday: “This is a real conversation I had with a French girl: ‘How many people in Paris are French?’ ‘Not many now’ ‘Is that a problem?’ ‘No’ ‘Is Paris more dangerous than it was 20 years ago’ ‘Yes’ ‘So what has changed?’ ‘There’s more immigrants now’ ‘So the immigrants are violent?’ ‘Nooooooooo’ Europe is f*cking finished.”

Yes, and the fault lies wholly and solely with the socialist internationalist left, which has inundated Paris, as well as all of France and Western Europe, with Muslim migrants, without ever considering the implications of bringing in a large number of people among whom are many who believe that they are “the best of people” (Qur’an 3:110) in the lands of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6), and thus have no obligation to follow the laws or customs of their new land.

Journalist Christopher Tomlinson noted in the National Pulse in September that Trump has taken note of what has happening: “‘Look what’s happened in London, look what’s happening in Paris,’ Trump said to the crowd while endorsing a plan that could see large-scale deportations of illegals that have come into the United States under the Biden-Harris regime. Trump correctly asserts that mass migration, particularly illegal migration, has radically transformed both of these once-gleaming international destinations.”

Indeed. “We’ll always have Paris,” Rick told Ilsa, but no, we won’t always, any more than we will always have Constantinople or Saigon. We don’t even have Paris now. The Paris of today is worlds away from the city of artists and romantics that it once was. Every day’s news brings new reminders of that. Remix News reported in October that “two Latvian tourists were sexually assaulted in Paris by a group of seven men on the Champ de Mars, near the Eiffel Tower on Saturday night leading to the arrests of four foreign nationals. Two Algerian and two Egyptian males were arrested at the scene, while three others fled.”

Syria: Enemies Masquerading as Friends by Amir Taheri


[T]he use of the label “Levant” (Sham) puts a question mark in front of the “liberating force.” Using that medieval term instead of the word Syria, which jihadists have always regarded as alien because it was put in use under the French mandate, the group and its backers implicitly deny the existence of a Syrian nation-state.

Some in Turkish political circles regard the creation of “artificial states” after the fall of the Ottoman Empire as an act of revenge by Western powers against the Turkish caliphate, which for centuries had represented the Islamic challenge to Christendom’s goal of ruling the world.

In Erdogan’s view, that could reopen the Turkish claims, if not of sovereignty at least as having “special rights,” to parts of Iraq and Syria.

Denying the existence of a Syrian nation with full rights to statehood and territorial integrity poses a risk to the security and stability of the whole region.

Almost dormant for four years, last week the volcano of the Syrian uprising erupted with a vengeance. In four days, its lava covered the country’s second largest city Aleppo before moving towards central cities of Hama and Homs on its way to the capital Damascus.

The force that carried out the operation came under the label “Mission to Liberate the Levant” (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham) but was quickly identified as a reincarnation of the Victory Front (Jabhat al-Nusra), which was the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda.

Whoever redesigned that force as a “new and improved product” wanted to achieve three goals.

That was my Melbourne synagogue set aflame.“Just one arson attack,” some might say. “Not indicative of a broader trend.” But this would be a lie, a self-soothing fiction. Joshua Hoffman


I saw the footage, and my stomach churned.

Mask-wearing arsonists set a synagogue ablaze in a predawn attack Friday in the Australian city of Melbourne, police said, sparking widespread condemnation.

The fire broke out at 4:10 a.m. local time in the Adass Israel Synagogue when some congregants were already present, police said, gutting much of the inside of the building in the southeast Melbourne suburb of Ripponlea.

The flames that consumed that synagogue were not just destroying bricks and mortar; they were attacking something far more sacred. That building was a beacon, a house of prayer, a place where my people have gathered to celebrate, to mourn, to stand before God in all our flawed humanity.

And now, it is charred rubble.

But the pain extends far beyond the local Jewish community in Melbourne. The attack feels personal — because it is personal. To strike at one synagogue is to strike at us all.

For Jews, community and continuity are lifeblood. The synagogue is not merely a physical structure; it is the embodiment of our collective spirit. It is where generations have come to hear the same ancient words read from the Torah, where the melodies of our ancestors find new life in each recitation of the Shema¹. When a synagogue is set aflame, it is not just a local tragedy. It is a desecration of the sacred, a violation that rips through time and across oceans.

Make Persia Great Again by Majid Rafizadeh


Unlike Iran’s regime, the country’s people are overwhelmingly pro-American and pro-Jewish — sentiments rooted in a historical alliance that made Iran the closest ally of both Israel and the United States before the mullahs came to power. The regime’s anti-American and antisemitic stance is an affront to the true nature of its citizens, who yearn for peace and global partnership.

Without the oppressive ruling mullahs, Iran could once again be a force for good, both domestically and globally. Freed from their brutal rulers, the Iranian people could channel their immense talent and potential into rebuilding their nation as a thriving hub of innovation, culture and prosperity. This revival would not only uplift Iran but also finally bring peace and stability to the Middle East and beyond, setting an example of what a liberated, flourishing nation can achieve.

Finally, there should be no negotiations, deals or trades with the regime. Such engagements only empower and legitimize the mullahs while undermining the people’s struggle for freedom.

The time has come to support the cause of the Iranian people and ensure that this great nation, with its rich history and boundless potential, rises once more – without mullahs.

Historically known as Persia, Iran stands as one of the most illustrious civilizations in human history. For centuries, it was a beacon of cultural, scientific and political advancements, earning respect and admiration across the globe. This legacy of greatness persisted until 1979, when a group of Islamic fundamentalists, obsessed with religion, hijacked a revolution that drastically altered the nation’s trajectory.

The mullahs seized control, installing a theocratic Islamist regime that has since ruled with an iron fist — arguably one of history’s most brutal and oppressive reigns. The proud heritage of a nation that once symbolized enlightenment and progress has been overshadowed by a reign marked by suppression, regression and fear.

Niall Ferguson: The Rot In Britain—and the Remedy Lately it seems that mine is a country with a death wish. Can we avoid national suicide? By Niall Ferguson


Something is rotten in the state of Britain. It was epitomized by a recent event at the Oxford Union, the 201-year-old debating society that is such a distinctive and admirable part of Oxford life. It was at the Union that, 40 years ago, I spoke as freely (and indeed as irresponsibly) as I ever have, discovering in the process that I was not cut out for politics. It was there that I saw great debaters of the past, present, and future.

But I never saw anything like the events of November 28.

The motion for debate was in itself a provocation: “This House Believes Israel Is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide.” But what was truly shocking was the conduct of the president of the Union, an Egyptian student named Ebrahim Osman-Mowafy, who appears to have abused his position by openly siding with those proposing the motion and treating the opposing speakers with contempt.

According to the broadcaster, Jonathan Sacerdoti, who was arguing for Israel’s side, Osman-Mowafy canceled the traditional pre-debate group photographs, but posed alone for private photos with the anti-Israel team. During the debate, the pro-Israel speakers were repeatedly heckled by the crowd. At one point, a young woman stood up and screamed at Sacerdoti: “Liar! Fuck you, the genocidal motherfucker!”

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a senior Hamas leader who defected to Israel, who was arguing alongside Sacerdoti, was met with jeering derision and cries of “traitor” and “prostitute” (in Arabic). Yousef asked the audience to indicate by a show of hands how many of them would have reported prior knowledge of the October 7, 2023, atrocities to Israel. Not even a quarter of the crowd raised their hands.

For the other side, Miko Peled, an Israeli general’s son turned radical anti-Zionist, described the murders, rapes, and kidnappings of October 7 as “acts of heroism.” The Palestinian poet Mohammed El-Kurd, who has equated Zionism with genocide, began his speech by announcing that there was “no room for debate” and ended it by walking out of the chamber. The motion passed by 278 in favor to 59 against.

Reading reports of this shameful fiasco at my alma mater, I found myself wondering: Where are the Thought Police when you really need them? After all, the Oxford Union’s latest debate sounded a lot like one of those “noncrime hate incidents” that currently consume so much of the British police’s time.

Germany’s appeasement of Islamists has got to stop The Berlin police chief says Jews and gay people should hide their identities. What has become of Germany?Sabine Beppler-Spahl


What was Berlin’s chief of police thinking, when she warned Jews and gay people to hide their identities in certain parts of the city?

In an interview last month in the Berliner Zeitung, Barbara Slowik said: ‘There are areas of the city, we need to be perfectly honest here, where I would advise people who wear a kippah or are openly gay or lesbian to be more careful.’ She also said that while she didn’t want to blame any one group for this, ‘there are certain neighbourhoods where the majority of people of Arab origin live, who also have sympathies for terrorist groups… and are openly hostile towards Jews’.

The interview has since caused a huge stir in Germany. Sigmount A Königsberg, a leading Jewish-community activist, praised Slowik for ‘so correctly and clearly’ naming the main perpetrators of anti-Semitism in modern Germany. Berlin’s CDU mayor, Kai Wegner, also backed his police chief: ‘She addresses the problems openly, as I expect from her.’ But there has been plenty of outrage, too. The left-liberal Taz newspaper slammed Slowik’s ‘alarmism’ as a gift to right-wingers and conservatives. There is nothing ‘brave’, it argued, in giving voice to what it characterised as anti-Muslim prejudice.

Slowik’s intervention echoes a similarly bleak warning, made several years ago, by the German government’s anti-Semitism commissioner, Felix Klein. In 2019, he said that he wouldn’t advise Jews to wear the kippah ‘everywhere, all the time’ when out in public. His remarks caused widespread shock and outrage, with many arguing that Germans must never allow there to be ‘no-go areas’ for Jews.

It’s a damning indictment of the German state that now, five years later, the woman whose primary task it is to ensure the safety of Berlin’s streets, is also advising Jews – and now gay people, too – to hide who they are.

Canada’s Cops Stand on Guard – for Hamas Bye Bye, Canada. Bruce Bawer


Montreal. In the 1980s and 90s, when I lived in New York, I made several summertime trips to the Canadian metropolis. It was a beautiful city, pleasant and safe, with a great art museum, plenty of terrific restaurants, and fun nightlife along Rue St. Catherine. If the clerks and cabbies and waiters in Paris responded rudely to my entreaties, invariably delivered in my imperfect but earnest French, their counterparts in Montreal were as genial as could be, at least once it had been established that I was not that dreaded thing, an English-speaking Canadian, but rather an American whose French somehow came out sounding more like their distinctive dialect than like the original version of the language that was the pride of the City of Lights.

Speaking of language, I especially enjoyed walking around Westmount, Montreal’s upscale English-speaking neighborhood, where (as we all recently discovered) Kamala Harris lived when she was in high school. From there – this became an annual routine (or should I say ritual?) – I would walk up a forested slope to the immense St. Joseph’s Oratory, which loomed over the city from the top of Mount Royal. Inside the church, the air was always dense with the scent of hundreds of lighted candles. Nailed to a high wall and lit by candlelight were hundreds of crutches that had been left there over the decades by handicapped people who claimed to have been cured thanks to the prayers they had sent up from this sacred place. Leaving the church by descending its front steps, 283 in all, I would always encounter a sea of people, all of them at the ends of their pilgrimages, and all of them climbing slowly on their knees up to the great church doors, their hearts filled with faith and hope.

‘Sinister’ Oxford Union debate on Israel broke law, dons tell Hague Open letter to chancellor calls out ‘failure on all counts’ to protect Jewish students from ‘antisemitism’ for ‘apartheid state’ motion


An Oxford Union debate on Israel in which a speaker described the Oct 7 attacks as “heroism” broke the law, dons have told Lord Hague, the university’s newly elected chancellor.

Baroness Deech, Prof Sir Vernon Bogdanor and the philosopher Prof Peter Hacker are among 300 signatories of an open letter decrying the “inflammatory rhetoric, aggressive behaviour and intimidation” witnessed during the event last Thursday.

The Oxford Union debated the motion: “This house believes Israel is an apartheid state responsible for genocide.”

It came after Jonathan Sacerdoti, the son of a Holocaust survivor who was the opposing speaker, wrote a piece for The Spectator accusing the Oxford Union of “disgracing itself” by allowing “the forces of bigotry, hatred and mob rule” to breach a “once proud institution”.

In the letter, the signatories said: “We unequivocally condemn the incendiary remarks made by some speakers in support of Hamas and terrorist violence. Such statements are not only morally reprehensible but also in clear violation of the law.”

Arabs No Longer Buying the Lies of Hamas, Hezbollah by Bassam Tawil


“Where is the victory? How much did it cost? What defeat is more terrible than such losses? How can one claim victory in the face of a massacre that has destroyed all the logic of resistance? It’s not too late to ask Hezbollah to explain its unilateral and deadly decision to open the confrontation [with Israel] under Iran’s cover.” — Nabil Bou Monsef, prominent Lebanese journalist, kataeb.org, November 27, 2024.

Over the past 14 months, Hamas and Hezbollah have dragged the Palestinians and Lebanese into wars that have claimed the lives of thousands of people — all to serve their patrons in Iran. Instead of admitting their defeat, both in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, the terrorists, at the behest of Iran’s mullahs, are continuing to sell imaginary victories to the Arabs to encourage them to join the Jihad (holy war) against Israel.

After the recent ceasefire deal with Israel, supporters of the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah claimed “victory.” Some celebrated the alleged victory by firing guns into the air and flashing V signs. Many Arabs, however, saying that Hezbollah had lost hundreds of its members, including top leaders, and caused significant damage to Lebanese homes and the country’s economy, have been mocking the terrorist group.

Hezbollah’s hasty declaration of “victory” is similar to that of Hamas, Iran’s Palestinian terrorist proxy in the Gaza Strip. After earlier rounds of fighting with Israel that severely damaged the Gaza Strip’s civilian and military infrastructure, Hamas commanders would typically emerge from the debris and proclaim “victory.”

Like Hezbollah, many Palestinians and Arabs mocked Hamas for its fake wins. Even now, Hamas continues to pretend that it is winning the war, which began when the terrorist group invaded Israel on October 7, 2023, murdering 1,200 Israelis, many of whom were tortured, burned alive or beheaded. Countless others were raped, and 240 were kidnapped to the Gaza Strip, where 101 – many of whom are dead — are still held captive.