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Kurds Ask for Peace, Turkey Attacks by Uzay Bulut

Just after the bombing attack in Ankara, Turkish authorities said that the Islamic State (ISIS) was responsible. But in response, Turkish jets did not bomb ISIS; they bombed the Kurdish PKK, who are fighting ISIS.

Where were the special forces and the police, so quick to shoot Kurds but not protect them? The police delayed medical help, and instead attacked with tear gas the people that were helping the wounded, in an effort to disperse them.

“The PKK ceasefire means nothing for us. The operations will continue without a break.” — Senior Turkish security official.

“Ankara is the capital of Turkey. If a bird flies here, the state knows about it. … There was a rally of 100,000 people but no security precautions were taken. Look at their own rallies: the security precautions start 10 streets away.” — Selahattin Demirtas, co-chairman of the Kurdish HDP Party.

Many massacres have been carried out against the Kurds. None of the perpetrators has ever been punished — in those massacres, the planners were the state authorities themselves.

On October 10, the Kurds in Turkey were exposed to yet another massacre – this time a double suicide bombing in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, in the center of town.

This time, two explosions ripped through a peaceful crowd that had gathered outside the entrance to Ankara’s central railway station to proclaim an end to violence in a “Labor, Peace and Democracy” rally.

Together with the Kurds were officials from the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP); supporters of left-wing parties, and members of trade unions in Turkey — all calling for peace and democracy.[1]

Women of Courage Betrayed by U.S. and the Media by George Phillips

Berta Soler, and the other “Ladies in White” have been ignored by the Obama Administration — bypassed year after year. These and and countless other brave women who are also human rights leaders — often falsely accused of crimes, and who are currently suffering in Iranian prisons — should be recognized as Women of Courage, but remain sidelined by the U.S. goverment, the media, and most notably by women’s groups.

Why are we not only failing to help them but instead, washing our hands of them?

Disingenuously, Obama keeps repeating that his deal will “prevent” Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons — when the deal clearly empowers Iran to get them.

Pope Francis, on his recent trip to Cuba, failed to embrace publicly the world famous “Ladies in White” (“Damas de Blanco”) — the wives and relatives of Cuba’s jailed dissidents.

“Ladies in White” was formed by Berta Soler in 2003 after 75 human rights activists and journalists were sent to prison by the Cuban government. The men in their family had been jailed for being activists. The “Ladies in White” were peacefully calling for their release.

Restoring Europe’s Borders and Sovereign Nations People are starting to see how the EU threatens their cultural identity.

Editor’s note: The authors of this article are Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands; Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front in France; Matteo Salvini, leader of the Northern League in Italy; and Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of the Austrian Freedom Party.

Europe. Imagine a world without her. Sure, the geographical entity will always continue to exist. But the civilization is in danger. Millions of migrants are currently arriving in Europe. More than half a million have already done so. Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, says the greatest tide of refugees and migrants is still to come. Hungary’s foreign minister expects 35 million people heading to Europe. This will be the end of the Continent as we know it.

The situation is completely out of control. Too many fortune seekers, too much illiteracy. Some of the migrants are refugees, but the majority come for economic reasons. Our European economies and social-protection systems cannot cope with this. The media prefer to focus on families and children, but their images cannot conceal that the asylum seekers flocking to Europe are predominantly young men. Many are unskilled.

A Path Out of the Middle East Collapse By Henry A. Kissinger See note please

Wrong again Dr. Kissinger….. “the American role in stabilizing the Middle East order that emerged from the Arab-Israeli war of 1973.” That role orchestrated by you was vicious and counterproductive. You insisted that Israel bow to the demands of the aggressor Anwar Sadat who, in company with Assad (father) of Syria led a surprise attack in the Yom Kippur War of October 1973, you betrayed our ally Israel. You warned that beleaguered nation that almost lost that war by threatening ” a reassessment of the America/Israel relationship” if Israel did not accede to your demands. These suggestions of yours now are prattle, as were your policies of “detente” and “realpolitick”and total failure to see resurgent radical Islam as the curse of the Middle East ….rsk

“With Russia in Syria, a geopolitical structure that lasted four decades is in shambles. The U.S. needs a new strategy and priorities.

The debate about whether the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran regarding its nuclear program stabilized the Middle East’s strategic framework had barely begun when the region’s geopolitical framework collapsed. Russia’s unilateral military action in Syria is the latest symptom of the disintegration of the American role in stabilizing the Middle East order that emerged from the Arab-Israeli war of 1973.

In the aftermath of that conflict, Egypt abandoned its military ties with the Soviet Union and joined an American-backed negotiating process that produced peace treaties between Israel and Egypt, and Israel and Jordan, a United Nations-supervised disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria, which has been observed for over four decades (even by the parties of the Syrian civil war), and international support of Lebanon’s sovereign territorial integrity. Later, Saddam Hussein’s war to incorporate Kuwait into Iraq was defeated by an international coalition under U.S. leadership. American forces led the war against terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States were our allies in all these efforts. The Russian military presence disappeared from the region.

Missile Defense for Korea The U.S. and its ally can deploy a new system, unless China gets a veto.

North Korea could have as many as 100 nuclear bombs within five years and may already be able to mount warheads on missiles capable of reaching the United States. Those are the latest estimates of Pyongyang’s atomic capabilities, and they will be at the center of the discussion Barack Obama will have with Park Geun-hye when the South Korean President visits the White House Friday. So it’s good the two democracies can do something about it.

That’s thanks to Thaad, or Terminal High-Altitude Air Defense. This U.S.-built system’s powerful radar and sophisticated interceptors would allow U.S. and South Korean forces to intercept missiles across distances of up to 200 kilometers, compared with about 35 kilometers with the Patriot systems currently deployed around the Korean peninsula.

Deploying Thaad would integrate South Korean defenses into a regional network of U.S. and Japanese sensors, enabling more accurate detection and interception of missiles from multiple angles and at multiple points in their flight path. Trilateral cooperation might also soothe some of the enduring tensions between South Korea and Japan over the latter’s militarist past.


General security, policy
1. Iranian underground missile bases enable ‘surprise launches’; US confirms Iran tested nuclear-capable ballistic missile; Iran’s ludicrous conviction of Jason Rezaian
2. US Navy civilian engineer sentenced to 11 years for attempted espionage for Egypt
3. TX man admits to lying about ISIS terrorist allegiances
4. State Dep’t report: Radical Islamist groups are the world’s chief religious persecutors
5. Haroon Aswat, Brit who plotted to set up OR terror training camp, sentenced to 20 yrs in prison
6. Federal appeals court revives lawsuit over NYPD surveillance of Muslims
7. Iranian-Canadian imprisoned for terrorism challenges possible loss of citizenship as ‘cruel & unusual’
8. Three weeks after kidnapping in Philippines, video surfaces of Canadians being held by Abu Sayyaf, affiliated with IS

Cyber, transportation, health, energy & communication security
9. ISIL-linked hacker arrested in Malaysia on US charges of providing material support to ISIL and computer hacking related to theft & distribution of US military and federal employee personal info
10. Terror watch list program glitch blamed for flight delays at major airports
11. Man who pointed laser at Tampa Police Department helicopter sentenced to prison

Financing, money laundering, fraud, identity theft, civil litigation
12. Two Hezbollah associates charged with conspiring to launder narcotics proceeds & with int’l arms trafficking
13. US Treasury sanctions prolific Chinese synthetic drug traffickers; 151 arrested in 16 states in probe of synthetic drug rings, proceeds traced to Middle East
14. Georgia man pleads guilty to operating unlicensed money transmitting business
15. New indictment adds bank fraud & financial aid fraud charges vs 2 Orange County men charged with conspiring to provide material support to ISIL

Border security, immigration & customs
16. ACLU accuses US Border Patrol of profiling and abuse
17. Ontario man who ‘got the last laugh’ and slipped past no-fly list into Turkey now back in Canadian court

France’s top weatherman sparks storm over book questioning climate change By Henry Samuel, Paris

Philippe Verdier, the weather chief at France’s state broadcaster France Televisions, has reportedly been sent on “forced holiday” for writing a book accusing top climatologists of “taking the world hostage.”

Every night, France’s chief weatherman has told the nation how much wind, sun or rain they can expect the following day.
Now Philippe Verdier, a household name for his nightly forecasts on France 2, has been taken off air after a more controversial announcement – criticising the world’s top climate change experts.
Mr Verdier claims in the book Climat Investigation (Climate Investigation) that leading climatologists and political leaders have “taken the world hostage” with misleading data.
In a promotional video, Mr Verdier said: “Every night I address five million French people to talk to you about the wind, the clouds and the sun. And yet there is something important, very important that I haven’t been able to tell you, because it’s neither the time nor the place to do so.”
He added: “We are hostage to a planetary scandal over climate change – a war machine whose aim is to keep us in fear.”

Sweden Close to Collapse by Ingrid Carlqvist

If the wave of migrants keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country. That there is, in fact, an exchange of populations going on, should be clear in any sober assessment.

The final consequence of… Sweden’s immigration policy is that the economy will collapse — because who is going to pay for it all? And economic breakdowns, once they happen, always happen very fast.” — Lars Hedegaard.

In the last two weeks, more than 1,000 “unaccompanied refugee children” have arrived from Germany via ferry; more than half of them have now vanished and are listed as missing.

For the last few weeks, the central train station in Sweden’s third largest city, Malmö, has been overrun with migrants; the volunteers that for the first few days showed up with food, water and clothes now seem to have lost interest.

It will not be long until the Swedes realize that the state will not look after them. The country that just 20 years ago was considered one of the safest and most affluent in the world, is now in danger of becoming a failed state.

Sweden is fast approaching a complete collapse. More and more municipalities are raising the alarm that if the migrants keep coming at this pace, the government can no longer guarantee normal service to its citizens. In addition, ominous statements from government officials have left Swedes in fear of what tomorrow may bring. If the migrant wave keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country.

Palestinian and Western Leaders: Blood on Their Hands by Richard Kemp

Secretary Kerry’s comments will encourage the continuation of violence and lead to further deaths of both Israelis and Palestinians. His explanation for the widespread knifings, suicide bombings, shootings, arson, firebombings, vehicle attacks and lethal rock-throwing is either naive or mendacious; perhaps both.

Kerry asserts that the frustrations of Israeli settlement activity are responsible for the Palestinians’ murderous behaviour. The reality is that this new wave of killings is a continuation of the aggression against Jews that has been going on in the territory of Palestine for many decades — since long before 1948 and pre-dating the first Israeli settlements in the West Bank that Kerry falsely brands as illegal.

The violence is motivated by the same racist and sectarian zeal that drives the Islamic State and numerous Arab governments and jihadist groups that have sought to eradicate the presence of “infidels,” whether Jews, Christians or Yazidis, from land that they consider the exclusive preserve of Muslims.

Palestinian children are taught that Jews are descended from apes and pigs and must be killed before their “filthy feet” desecrate the holy places of Islam — in the words of President Abbas.

Secretary Kerry, the UN, and the EU should be discouraging further violence by condemnation and by meaningful threats of sanction against the Palestinian Authority leadership. The international community has encouraged Hamas’s illegal use of human shields and berated Israel for defending itself and for inflicting civilian casualties, which were in reality the unavoidable consequence of Hamas’s unprovoked aggression and its way of fighting from within private houses, schools, hospitals and mosques.

On the Marine Le Pen Trial By Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

Welcome to an only-in-France controversy.

Marine Le Pen is, without a doubt, the most interesting figure on the French political stage today. Amid France’s persistent economic and cultural malaise and the unpopularity of Socialist president François Hollande, the rise of her National Front seems unstoppable.

This rise is based in part on Ms. Le Pen’s charisma and political skill, but also on a strategic realignment of the National Front. In part, this involves an embrace of populist economic policies to go with her populist social stances. And in part, this involves a repudiation of her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder and leader of the National Front, who built a ceiling of support for his movement thanks to a history of racist and anti-Semitic outbursts, a repudiation that has gone as far as her ousting her father from the party he founded.

While still calling for shutting down the borders, Ms. Le Pen has officially repudiated racism and has expelled, in addition to her father, any party official or activist caught making racist, or racist-sounding, remarks, whether in the media or on their Facebook pages. Her hostility to many forms of Muslim immigration, she insists, is driven by France’s secular value of laïcité, officially embraced by all French elites, rather than by any belief in any clash of civilizations.