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Germany’s New Morgenthau Plan Eighty years ago, Germany’s former conquerors rejected wrecking the defeated nation as too harsh. But now Germany is willfully pastoralizing, disarming, deindustrializing—and destroying—itself. By Victor Davis Hanson


Less than a year before the end of World War II, then U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau drew up a nightmarish plan to punish postwar Germany.

After the serial 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian War, World War I, and World War II—along with the failed Versailles peace treaty of 1919—the Allies in World War II wanted to ensure there would never again be an aggressive Germany powerful enough to invade its neighbors.

When the so-called Morgenthau Plan was leaked to the press in September 1944, at first it was widely praised. After all, it would supposedly render Germany incapable of ever starting another world war in Europe.

Morgenthau certainly envisioned a Carthaginian peace, designed to ensure a permanently deindustrialized, unarmed, and pastoral Germany.

Postwar Germany would have resembled something akin to the ancient, pre-civilized frontier that the first-century AD historian Tacitus wrote about in his Germania.

The plan would have ensured that within six months of Germany’s surrender, all of its industrial plants and equipment were to be dismantled.

The Ruhr, the renowned center of European industrial strength, was to be permanently neutered, starved of its energy, raw materials, and infrastructure.

After the war, the plan demanded virtual complete disarmament of Germany. Its once-feared armed forces were to be rendered nonexistent.

Multiculturalism, Human Rights and the West by Nils A. Haug


The moral laws of each tradition — that of the Torah and Sharia – when applied — result in different outcomes. Most of the punishments specified in the Torah are no longer practiced. According to Sharia, however, punishments such as amputations or stoning to death for adultery, “especially women” – which can include pre-marital sex or having been raped — as well as death for blasphemy or for choosing to leave the religion, are in force to this day.

“If they [Muslims] had gotten rid of the punishment [often death] for apostasy, Islam would not exist today,” the late Sunni religious leader, Yusuf al Qaradawi, speculated on Egyptian television.

Nonie Darwish responded: “The most striking thing about his statement, however, was that it was not an apology; it was a logical, proud justification for preserving the death penalty as a punishment for apostasy.”

Divinely sanctioned treatment by Muslims of non-Muslims still includes rape, slavery and death.

“So, when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah – never will He waste their deeds.” — Quran 47:4 (Sahih Translation).

As the visions of holy war and martyrdom are underpinned by Sharia, Islamic jihadists appear to believe that they are doctrinally permitted to sow terror, death and destruction among non-Muslims wherever they are.

One unsurprising reason for the “wilful blindness” of the US and other major Western powers towards religious extremists is that politicians look for votes.

[I]t is the tiny nation of Israel that has found itself largely alone in the desperate fight to preserve the West’s Judeo-Christian ideals. It would be to the West’s advantage if its other nations would join Israel in this noble task.

The laws of the Torah, which became known to the world as Moses’ Ten Commandments, founded the West’s moral and ethical precepts on which its laws and judicial concepts such as justice and mercy are based. This development is reflected in the United States’ founding documents, as well as England’s Magna Carta of 1215, among others.

The opening paragraph of America’s 1776 Declaration of Independence, for instance, refers to “the laws of nature” and “nature’s God.” From this assertion, the imperative of a sound ethical, moral and religious foundation for America’s values was established. According to America’s founding fathers, the laws of Moses – those moral codes sometimes collectively referred to as the “natural law” – underpin the value-based Western order, or civilization as distinguished from barbarism. In terms of religion, people in the West generally value the underlying importance of these Judeo-Christian values to their community.

Syria and the Changing Global Calculus By Joshua Muravchik


Iran and Russia have suffered serious setbacks over the past year, but grave dangers remain.

It was not quite as quick as the Six Day War, nor is it likely to be as consequential as the “Ten Days that Shook the World,” when Lenin’s Bolsheviks seized power in Russia. But it took only twelve days from the moment an Islamist band struck out from their redoubt in Idlib until they overran the presidential palace in Damascus, chasing President Bashar al-Assad into exile. And if it proves to be less momentous than the birth of communism in 1917, it has still shaken the Middle East, with reverberations that are likely to be felt around the globe.

Initially, Russia and Iran had acted to defend the regime of President Assad. A reported 4,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards were stationed in Syria, boosted by a contingent of Lebanese Hezbollah fighters. As the rebels advanced, Iranian foreign minister Abbas Araghchi flew to Baghdad, seeking to add forces from the Shi’ite-dominated government there. But when he was turned down, Iran ordered the IRGC to hasten home from Syria, and Hezbollah dispatched some officers from Lebanon to bring its fighters home. Russia, whose critical military support of Assad had always consisted primarily of airpower, flew a few sorties against the rebels in the first days of their campaign. These claimed some lives, but they didn’t slow the rebel advance, and the airstrikes soon petered out.

Humiliated by the sudden fall of their client, Moscow and Tehran issued almost identical explanations. One Russian analyst said of Assad’s forces: “It’s not possible to help an army that’s running.” Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said: “Voluntary forces from elsewhere can only fight alongside the army of that country. If the local army shows weakness, the [outsiders] cannot do anything.” But Russia and Iran had come to Syria in the first place because its army was hardly fighting.

That was during the previous decade. In 2011, the year of the “Arab Spring,” peaceful protests began in Syria as in many nearby countries. The regime sought to repress them violently, and soldiers began to defect. Some of the deserters reappeared as armed escorts defending the protest marches. As violence mounted, nonviolent protests gave way to full-scale civil war. A rebel force was formed largely from defectors, calling itself the Free Syrian Army. Sunni Arab states, Turkey, and Western countries provided the rebels with arms and training. On the other side, Russia, Iran, and Iran’s instrument, Hezbollah, rallied to support the regime. But Syrian soldiers continued to defect or perform desultorily and lost ground.

Iran’s Race to Nuclear Bombs: The Mullahs Have Got to Go by Majid Rafizadeh


In addition, now that Syria has been closed off as a supply route to rearm Hezbollah, Iran is reportedly considering weapons airlifts directly to Lebanon to resupply Hezbollah, so they both can continue their shared goal of eliminating Israel. The mullahs have got to go. So long as they remain in power, the chances for enduring peace in the region is zero.

Iran’s recent losses have left the regime clinging to the hope that nuclear weapons will enable it to secure its reign and dominate the Middle East, then the rest of the world, using Venezuela and the Caribbean to incapacitate the “Great Satan,” the United States.

Allowing Iran to succeed in these endeavors is not a great idea. Both the Iranian people and the entire region need to be freed from a future of tyranny. The future of a nuclear-armed Iran, run by mullahs on a mission, must be averted; the opportunity will not be there forever.

This year, thanks to the relentless — and often maliciously vilified — efforts of Israel standing alone, like David against Goliath, to save the West from an autocratic tyranny, the Iranian regime has at last been facing significant setbacks. Israel, unthanked, has weakened Iran and its proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, diminished their influence and destabilized their plan to wipe Israel — and after that Western civilization — off the map.

Compounding this, Iran’s longstanding ally, Bashar al-Assad of Syria, collapsed, further isolating Iran’s regime. These events have collectively dealt a heavy blow to Iran’s strategic leverage and regional ambitions. Complacency, however, would be a grave mistake.

When Will the Press Notice the African Jihad? The assault on Israel is only one dot in a wider jihadist pattern.

Regarding Jason Riley’s “All the News That’s Suddenly Fit to Print After the Election” (Upward Mobility, Dec. 18): It is our great hope that the news the New York Times now deems fit to print might include the continuing African jihad. Islamic terrorists in more than eight countries are doing to innocent Africans, mostly Christians, what Hamas did to Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023. Jihadists storm African villages, murder and torture villagers, rape and then kidnap young women and girls as sex slaves.

Reporting this would reveal that the assault on the Jewish state is only one dot in a wider jihadist pattern. Dare we hope that a concept that so centrally threatens progressive doctrine would appear in the Grey Lady?

Charles Jacobs and Simon Deng

African Jewish Alliance

Iran weakest since revolution, ripe for regime change David Isaac


Its “Axis of Resistance” cracking, most recently with the toppling of the Assad regime in Syria, Iran has never been as vulnerable since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, observers tell JNS.

With Iran’s leadership facing an emboldened Israeli military, the second coming of Donald Trump, internal fissures and a crisis of confidence among its people, experts say here lies a chance for regime change.

The extent of the damage to Iran’s drive for regional domination is evidenced by the remarks of its Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who in a speech on Dec. 11 admonished supporters to “not become depressed, hopeless or heartbroken,” and on Dec. 22 denied that Iran even had proxies.

Tehran has lost Hamas and Hezbollah, its major ally, Syria, and its primary air defenses to Israeli airstrikes, making any Israeli attack potentially even more effective. Moreover, despite its wealth of energy resources, Iran is in the midst of an energy crisis.

“This is a golden opportunity,” Janatan Sayeh, a research analyst with the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), told JNS on Tuesday, outlining the possibility of a one-two punch, with the U.S. imposing economic sanctions and Israel delivering military blows.

A U.S. prepared to inflict “Trump maximum pressure 2.0” and a newly confident Israel tackling Iran militarily “puts us in a good position,” he said.

Majid Rafizadeh, a Harvard-educated political scientist and expert on U.S. foreign policy and the Middle East, agrees. “Iran is currently at its weakest point since the 1979 Islamic Revolution,” he told JNS on Tuesday. It’s “vulnerable both internally and externally.”

Bashar Assad’s fall is “a catastrophic loss for Iran’s leadership,” Rafizadeh said, not only because Syria served as a conduit for Iran’s proxies, but because the Iranian people now perceive the regime as “increasingly vulnerable, which emboldens anti-government sentiment and protests.”

Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire by Drieu Godefridi


Literally “flat, dark calm,” Dunkelflaute is characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter, when demand for electricity in Germany is at its highest… On December 12 of this year, for example, German electricity production from wind and solar power was thirty times lower than the demand for it.

But this is “for the planet”, right? Not even close. Despite its commitment to so-called green energies, Germany still has a high carbon footprint due to its increased reliance on coal and lignite to make up for energy shortfalls.

Germany’s high electricity prices are leading to the relocation of its industry, as companies look for sites where energy costs are more affordable. How can you stay viable when you pay three times more for electricity than your competitors?

Whole swathes of Germany’s proud industry are collapsing. We only remember the big names — VW, BASF, Mercedes-Benz — but every big company that disappears or downsizes takes with it a myriad of small and medium-sized enterprises that end up collapsing along with it.

Dependence on unreliable energy sources (wind, solar), combined with the hasty phase-out of nuclear power, has made Germany’s electricity the most expensive in Europe and compromises the country’s — and ultimately the continent’s — energy autonomy.

Solar and wind power production falls drastically during unfavorable weather conditions. It happens, in fact, every year. This condition, however, now has far-reaching economic and environmental repercussions, revealing the flaws in an energy policy based on intermittent renewable energies. Why does Germany, while having one of the highest carbon footprints, now consume the most expensive electricity in Europe? How did the country lose its energy autonomy?

For the last fifteen years, Germany invested massively in solar and wind energy, while sabotaging its own nuclear power stations. By 2023, renewable energies accounted for 55% of electricity production in the country. In 2022, it was only 48%.

Go Figure, ‘Islamophobic Doctor’ Kills Christians Peter O’Brien


I have no doubt tfederal Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic is a genuinely decent bloke.   But I wonder if he secretly harbours a just a soupcon of satisfaction that the perpetrator of the Christmas market attack in Magdeburg, Germany, turned out to be, at least as trumpeted in the mainstream media, an alleged ex-Muslim ‘Islamophobe’.

After all Husic, and, more particularly the Albanese appointed Special Envoy against Islamophobia, Aftab Malik, have seemed to me desperate to find evidence of Islamophobia that would allow them to draw a moral equivalence with the undoubted anti-Semitism that has recently reached epidemic proportions in Australia. Here excerpts from a report in The Australian:

 The government’s special envoy to combat Islamophobia Aftab Malik says Islamophobia is a “hidden cancer” that has not received the “public outcry or coverage” it merits … Mr Malik said there had been a “historic rise in Islamophobic incidents that came post-October 7th”.

…The government appointed Mr Malik at the end of September, after it had also appointed its first special envoy to combat anti-Semitism. He said he had completed a five-week consultation tour of Australia.

NGOs Driving Antisemitism in Europe and around the Globe: Part I by Robert Williams


Samidoun (“Steadfast”), a “Vancouver-based terrorist group,” was founded in 2012 — ostensibly to “assist Palestinian prisoners” — by members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated terrorist organization in the United States, European Union and Canada. In practice, Samidoun is a front for the PFLP.

Who funds this terrorist-supporting madness? Samidoun, which does not publish any donor information, has a financial sponsor in the US, the Alliance for Global Justice, a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that reportedly works to bring about a communist revolution through building coalitions of organizations, many involved in pro-Hamas activity, and, according to its own website: “We also act as fiscal sponsor to over 90 economic, social justice and human rights projects around the world that do not have their own tax-exempt status.”

Who funds the Alliance for Global Justice? According to Influence Watch, several of the same megadonors that fund the Democratic Party in the US, such as George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and the Tides Foundation.

The Tides Foundation, which was once described as a “charitable money laundering” organization, and was previously supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also sponsors anti-Israeli groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, both of which are active in the ongoing protests. The Alliance for Global Justice also receives funds from the Arca Foundation, Surdna Foundation, Public Welfare Foundation, and the Brightwater Fund.

The support for groups such as Samidoun by the Alliance for Global Justice led to demands to revoke its tax-exempt status…. It is now six months later, and the IRS has done nothing.

Antisemitism in the West, which has risen to unprecedented levels since the October 7 attacks on Israel, is being deliberately driven by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with links to Palestinian terrorist organizations.

One of the most active NGOs, Samidoun (“Steadfast”), a “Vancouver-based terrorist group,” was founded in 2012 — ostensibly to “assist Palestinian prisoners” — by members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated terrorist organization in the United States, European Union and Canada. In practice, Samidoun is a front for the PFLP. The PFLP is an active terrorist organization, which participated in the October 7, 2023 atrocities, including in hostage taking, and shared celebratory videos and other material of the massacres online.

German Interior Minister: Magdeburg Vehicular Attacker was ‘Obviously Islamophobic’ There’s a sinister method to this madness. by Robert Spencer


The man who plowed his car at top speed into the Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany on Friday, killing and injuring numerous people, was a curious case. Taleb al-Abdulmohsenhad lived in Germany for years, all the while presenting himself as an ex-Muslim and cultivating connections with high-profile critics of Islam. This led numerous media outlets to present him as an “anti-Islam” terrorist, and German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, who for years has ignored and denied any connection of Islam with terrorism and smeared critics of Islam and mass Muslim migration in Germany as “Nazis,” said (no doubt gleefully) that “we can only say with certainty that the perpetrator was obviously Islamophobic.” 

There are numerous reasons why that is an absurd conclusion, as I outlined here. Another is a fact that Faeser didn’t bother either to point out, much less to explain: if Abdulmohsen carried out his attack because he was “Islamophobic,” why did he choose to target a Christmas market, which Muslims would have been unlikely to frequent in any significant numbers, instead of, say, a mosque or some other place where Muslims congregate? Wasn’t it counterproductive of this “Islamophobe” to go after the people he ostensibly wanted to defend from Islam and jihad, rather than those from whom the perpetrators of jihad violence emerge?

The question of why Faeser would take refuge in such a ridiculous conclusion, and why the media would trumpet the idea that Abdulmohsen was an embittered ex-Muslim who was possibly even “radicalized” by his “Islamophobic” friends and associates, is as interesting in itself as the question of who he really was and what he was trying to do when he committed mass murder. What is Faeser trying to do? The answer is as obvious as she thinks Abdulmohsen’s “Islamophobia” is.