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China Has No Interest in Climate Change by Con Coughlin


Beijing remains committed to opening hundreds more coal-fired power plants in the coming years, with the result that China’s new coal plants will more than offset all the closures of other coal-fired stations that have taken place in the rest of the world during the past year.

Beijing’s unwillingness to make any significant contribution to attempts at the COP26 conference to reduce global emissions has raised legitimate concerns that China is seeking to gain an economic advantage over its Western rivals as they struggle with the challenge of meeting net zero targets.

There is a growing body opinion on both sides of the Atlantic that dramatic reductions in carbon omission could wreak economic havoc for Western economies if the pursuit of “green” economies is pursued at the expense of maintaining energy supplies. In Europe, for example, the race to abandon traditional fossil fuels as a major source of energy has led to increased reliance on energy supplies from Russia through its controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Mr Xi’s refusal to engage seriously with the COP26 climate change agenda also makes a mockery of the Biden administration’s contention that the best way to improve Beijing’s conduct is through deeper diplomatic cooperation.

Beijing’s main motivation is to undermine Western capitalism, not support it, which is why he has no intention of supporting the West’s ill-considered dash for net zero carbon emissions.

Nothing better summarises Chinese President Xi Jinping’s attitude to the West’s obsession with tackling climate change than the old Chinese saying, “Hide a knife behind a smile.”

As world leaders gathered for the COP26 summit in Glasgow, Western leaders were desperately trying to reach a deal on cutting carbon emissions, which United Nations climate experts claim is a major cause of climate change.

‘From the River to the Sea’: Hamas Explains What British Students Want by Richard Kemp


This conference flies in the face of the gullible optimists who have suggested the terror group has somehow softened its stance on Israel. That narrative has been especially prevalent since the issuance of a political statement in 2017 that was designed to improve Hamas’s image by hoodwinking Westerners into thinking that the organization had reformed. While some pretend otherwise, this document did not supersede or amend Hamas’s 1988 charter which is explicit: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.”

The 2017 document re-affirmed: “Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea”, to be achieved by “armed resistance”.

The 1988 charter also calls for the murder of Jews across the world, naked Jew-hate that was conveniently dropped from the 2017 statement. But in 2019, senior Hamas politburo member Fathi Hammad reiterated: “You have Jews everywhere and we must attack every Jew on the globe by way of slaughter and killing.”

Those arguing that the Palestinian Authority has a different agenda from Hamas are wrong. Despite extensive subterfuge for the consumption of the international community, including implausible claims of support for a two-state solution, the PA shares the same “river to the sea” doctrine for the destruction of Israel that British university students find so attractive.

[W]hen students and others call for “Palestine” to be free “from the river to the sea”, it is this fantasy that they embrace: Jews massacred, expelled, enslaved, hunted down or allowed a precarious subsistence as second class citizens in a repressive Islamic state.

Most recently, last week, more than 500 academics signed a petition attacking Glasgow University in Scotland for apologising over an antisemitic article published in a journal on the university website. Their concern was not the blatant antisemitism in the article but the fact that the university apologised for it.

In an era where opposition to racism and discrimination against all other peoples is rightly at the top of university authorities’ and students unions’ priorities, why does this not apply to Jews? Why are Jews the exception? Calls for the violent erasure of the one and only Jewish state is not only tolerated, it is actively encouraged by some professors, faculty bodies and students’ union leaders. This causes many Jewish students to apply only to the few universities which are known to be less intolerant. It is time for university authorities to put a stop to these vicious demonstrations of antisemitic hate, and if they fail to do so, for the government to start cutting their funds.

“Free, free Palestine — from the river to the sea.” I was met, as so often elsewhere, by this ubiquitous chant from the standard issue protesters when I arrived at the University of Essex in the UK to give a talk last week. What river? What sea? I doubt many of them knew. Most of these students are fed such slogans when they are coaxed to come out and demonstrate by the campus rabble-rousers — a little bit of animation to distract from the monotony of student life on an autumn evening.

China’s ‘Satellite Crusher’: ‘Space Pearl Harbor’ Is Coming by Gordon G. Chang


The satellite, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., is “tasked with demonstrating technologies to alleviate and neutralize space debris.”

As Beijing sees it, American satellites constitute “debris.”

“[Communist China’s satellite] is a real-world offensive capability that can hunt and destroy American systems and render the U.S. military on earth deaf, dumb, and blind.” — Brandon Weichert, author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, to Gatestone.

At one time, America was dominant in space, and American political leaders decided to go slow on developing anti-satellite weapons for fear of triggering a competition.

All that American restraint did was to allow the Chinese and Russian militaries to grab commanding leads in the race to deploy these impossible-to-defend-against delivery systems for nuclear weapons.

Unfortunately, “the Department of Defense is still unbelievably bureaucratic and slow.”

The Pentagon’s bureaucracy “is just brutal.” — Outgoing Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John Hyten, CNN, October 28, 2021.

Fortunately, there is also Elon Musk, a bureaucracy of one.

On October 24, China launched its Shijian-21 into orbit. The satellite, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., is “tasked with demonstrating technologies to alleviate and neutralize space debris.”

As Beijing sees it, American satellites constitute “debris.”

Shijian-21 has a robotic arm that can be used to move space junk—there are more than 100 million pieces of it floating around the earth—or capture, disable, destroy, or otherwise render unusable other nations’ satellites. That arm makes Shijian-21 a “satellite crusher.”

‘Bags of wind at Glasgow’s pantomime’ VIDEO


As world leaders, their retinues, activists, renewables rent-seekers, mendicant Third World corruptocrats and jet-setting green hysterics gather to posture and preen for their COP26 media courtiers, we’ll endure hours of news footage and a broad acreage of cookie-cutter prose about the so-called ‘climate crisis’.

Above, GBNews‘ Neil Oliver provides the advance antidote for Glasgow’s green gush of mush.

Marxism, Witchcraft, and Midnight Burials in Bernie’s Favorite Socialist Regime The Sandinistas inspired a generation of Democrats. Where are they now? Daniel Greenfield


In the 80s, the Sandinista Marxist terrorists were hotter than pastel suits and shoulder pads. 

Sandinista! by The Clash was eating up the music charts and Hollywood celebrities like Ed Asner and Mike Farrell bypassed Cuba for the exciting new socialist nightmare in Nicaragua.

When Marxist butcher Daniel Ortega appeared at a New York Athletic Club reception in 1984, CBS’ Mike Wallace, Michael Douglas, and the entire media showed up to give the terrorist and his accomplices a tongue bath.

“To try to get the guy to bed, and then kill him! Fantastic,” the wife of the MTV president at the reception gushed over a female Sandinista terrorist who had laid a honey trap for a Nicaraguan official. “That’s my dream, to do that to Reagan, George Bush, go right down the line.”

But no one fell in love with the Sandinistas quite as hard as John Kerry who, along with other Democrats, wrote love letters addressing the Marxist terror leader as Dear Commandante. 

Shortly after taking office, John Kerry flew to Nicaragua to meet with Ortega and returned bearing Sandinista propaganda. 

“These are just poor people, no money, no food, just like Vietnam, and they are just trying to stay alive. They just want peace,” Kerry whined.

Poison Jihad: UK Lawyer Injects Food Items with Blood There are so many ways to kill, and jihadis try to utilize them all. Robert Spencer


Leoaai Elghareeb, a 37-year-old Muslim in London, was recently charged, according to the UK’s Daily Mail, with “contaminating or interfering with goods with blood at three supermarkets in west London.” Elgareeb must be one of those people the establishment media keeps telling us about, those dirt-poor, woefully ignorant people who turn to jihad out of sheer desperation, right? Wrong. He is a solicitor for a firm known as Opus Legal contractors; legal work generally makes its practitioners affluent, and the Daily Mail tells us that “homes and flats in the area where Mr Elghareeb lives sell for upwards of £1.5m.” (that’s well over two million dollars). So why did he do such a thing? Could it have something to do with his Islamic faith? Of course not! Why, that would be “Islamophobic”!

Elghareeb contaminated food at three London supermarkets: Tesco Express, Little Waitrose and Sainsbury’s Local. According to the Guardian, Elghareeb is “alleged to have entered the Waitrose store at 7.30pm on Wednesday with syringes filled with blood. The prosecutor Jennifer Garland said Elghareeb was accused of using the syringes to ‘inject food items with blood.’” He is also “accused of doing the same in the nearby Sainsbury’s store, as well as throwing eggs, before going on to inject more items in Tesco Express and then being arrested.” No one could be sure of the extent of Elghareeb’s work, and so according to the Daily Mail, “Hammersmith & Fulham Council advised shoppers to throw away anything bought from the three shops.”

Elghareeb, the court was told, was a “man of previous good character.” Sure he was. So what happened? Neither the Daily Mail nor the Guardian would dare mention it, but jihad contamination and poisoning attempts are not new. Earlier this year in India, there were four incidents of Muslims spitting on the food of non-Muslims, one said he’d been doing it for years. Also in India in 2019, Muslims plotted to poison food offered in a Hindu temple that is consumed by at least 40,000 devotees.

Al-Qaeda has long considered the contamination of food as a jihad mass murder tactic. In 2018, a Muslim named Husnain Rashid called on other Muslims to murder four-year-old Prince George and poison supermarket ice cream. That same year, a convert to Islam was sentenced for distributing material calling for jihad and possessing a handbook for poisoning unbelievers. Another owner of that poisoning handbook ultimately plotted instead to attack non-Muslims with a knife. And in 2017, the Islamic State called on Muslims to poison food in Western supermarkets. And it has happened at least twice before in Britain: in 2008, shop owner Saeed Hashmi sold chocolate cake sprinkled with human feces.

China: A Dicey Ideological Shift by Amir Taheri


The Chinese economy has become subject to the classical rules of capitalism. This means cyclical boom and busts that do not coincide with the political needs of an ideology-based regime. It also means the emergence of a large middle class that, sooner or later, is bound to question the monopoly of power by a single party even if that party boasts some 80 million members.

Beijing uses various schemes to downgrade other ethnic identities. These include dividing larger ethnic groups into smaller and smaller communities. This is why the official statistics mention 56 different ethnic groups instead of the five broader ones accepted by most scholars.

In some notable cases, Beijing uses repressive measures to downgrade and, in time, eliminate ethnic identities.

The populist-nationalist ideological shift that Xi is seeking has another inevitable consequence: casting China as a conquering power. Putin showed the way by annexing Crimea….

In the case of China, we have already witnessed a number of similar moves, most notably the ditching of the “one-country two-system” scheme in Hong Kong and Macao and Xi’s pledge in the recent party conference to regain control of Taiwan.

Political systems based on ideology always face a challenge when they realize that real events have rendered their ideology obsolete.

This could happen at different moments in an ideology-based regime’s life.

The Nazi party in Germany realized that soon after sweeping to power and decided to script socialist pretensions out of its discourse and, with the Night of the Long Knives, to promote Hitler’s cult of personality as kerygma [proclamation].

The EU’s Dangerous Policy Towards Iran’s Mullahs by Majid Rafizadeh


The EU also made many concessions to Iran, such as agreeing to include in the nuclear deal sunset clauses enabling the mullahs soon to have as many nuclear weapons as they like.

Meanwhile, the EU, which never stops moralizing to other countries about how they should be conducting themselves, has turned a blind eye to credible reports regarding Iran’s continually violating the nuclear deal as well as pursuing clandestine nuclear activities. By February 2016, Iran had already exceeded its threshold for heavy water for the second time.

At the same time, when it comes to terrorism, members of the EU have been among the main targets of Iran’s terrorist plots. The Iranian regime has been implicated in a series of assassinations, seizing European hostages and other hostile acts across Europe….

The EU might also do well to see how Iran’s military adventurism in the region has escalated — and will continue to escalate unless it is stopped.

If Iran acquires nuclear capability, it will no longer even have to use terrorism or hostage-taking — or even its new bombs — to blackmail Europe: the mere threat of using one should be sufficient.

Will the EU please wake up in time and alter its dangerous policy towards Iran?

For almost six years since the 2015 “nuclear deal,” the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, was reached, the European Union has been appeasing Iran’s ruling mullahs. What the EU fails to see is that that its soft policy towards the mullahs has been a total disaster and dangerous.

Right after the “nuclear deal” was reached — which by the way the Iranian regime never signed — the EU, alongside the Obama administration, lifted nearly all its economic sanctions. It was a gift that helped the Iranian regime to reintegrate into the global financial system. The EU also made many concessions to Iran, such as agreeing to include in the nuclear deal sunset clauses enabling the mullahs soon to have as many nuclear weapons as they like.

Greek-U.S.-French Pact Is a Deterrent to Turkish Aggression by Burak Bekdil


The strategic part of the deal states that France will rush to Greece’s aid militarily in the event of a third country attacking Greece. The clause adds that “even if the attacker is part of the NATO alliance.”

The accord rang alarm bells in Ankara. Turkey condemned the deal, along with “Greece’s maximalist claims” and said the accord is a threat to regional peace and stability. Ankara did not say, however, why Turkey is never a threat to regional peace and stability when it buys frigates, submarines and other naval platforms.

One should ask the Turks why they are upset about a military deal between two NATO allies. What is the difference between Greece buying frigates from France, and Turkey, for decades, buying frigates and submarines from Germany?

The emerging military pact within NATO that brings together the allies Greece, United States and France is bad news for Turkey — that is, if its President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan intends to fuel tensions in the Aegean and Mediterranean seas as part of his campaign strategy before presidential elections in 2023.

In recent months, Greek diplomacy has made a number of smart moves on the difficult chess board called the Aegean. These moves, coupled with Turkey’s increasingly pressing problems at home and on foreign fronts, will restrict Erdoğan’s aggression to “aggressive rhetoric” only, and rule out “aggressive action.”

The Role of Iran’s Palestinian Mercenaries by Khaled Abu Toameh


Hamas and PIJ, it seems, want to continue receiving funds and weapons from Iran, but they do not want to be seen by Arabs and Muslims as mercenaries serving Iran’s interests in the Middle East.

Hamas and PIJ want the Palestinians and the rest of the Arabs and Muslims to believe that their only goal is to “liberate all of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea” — a euphemism for driving the Jews out of Israel and replacing it with an Islamist state.

That is most likely why both Palestinian terror groups were quick to issue statements denying that their main goal is to defend Iran and serve its interests in the Middle East.

“Take your armies and go with them back to Iran, where you can fight your battles away from the peoples you occupy to achieve your agendas,” said Sami Gemayel, head of the Lebanese Kataeb Party. He also criticized the failure of Lebanese leaders to respond to the admission that Hezbollah was created to serve Iran, and not Lebanon: “Are you ready now to face the truth?”

The Iranian commander’s [Maj. Gen. Gholam Ali Rashid’s] statements coincide with the Biden administration’s delusional commitment to the fiction that the US will somehow convince Iran to abandon its plans to acquire nuclear weapons.

While the Biden administration is talking about “diplomacy” as the best way to rein in Iran’s nuclear program, the mullahs are preparing for war and advancing their scheme to annihilate Israel and, with the help of their six “armies,” occupy still more Arab countries.

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) are embarrassed: Iran just admitted that both of those terrorist groups serve as mercenaries for the mullahs in Tehran.

For Hamas and PIJ, the admission is yet another sign that the truth can be painful and inconvenient, especially when it comes from a major ally such as Iran.